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Jon Fleischman

The Front Patio or the Back Room

The complete political spectrum is dining at Spattaro Restaurant close to the State Capitol. The forces of good are gathered in the light of day, on the patio (that would be me, and Kevin Spillane and Bob Adney from the pro-Term Limits crew. In the darkness of the depths of the restauarant would be the other group, which for ID purposes we’ll call Evil*. Speaker Nunez, Steve Maviglio, Darry Sragow et al.

* this label is a convenient identifier, not a statement of moral assessment.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Poizner Opposes 93 – Will he open his checkbook?

The read of the afternoon is over at Capitol Weekly ( where ace political writer Anthony York has written about the potential role that GOP Insurance Commissioner Steve Poizner may be taking in opposition to Prop. 93, the Fabian Nunez Career Politician Term Limits Weakening Initiative.

Not only has Poizner signed the official argument against 93 on the ballot, but word is swirling far and wide that Poizner’s opposition to 93 may come with access to the Commish’s VERY deep pockets. Literally almost a billionaire, Poizner could deliver a fatal blow to Nunez’ Christmas present to himself without breaking a sweat.

Taking on the liberal legislative leaders in Sacramento is a courageous act, and we know that Poizner is up for the challenge. We sure hope that this "swirling rumor" becomes a reality. Poizner would be doing a huge favor to the people of California. Go for it!… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Jon’s Sacramento Flight Axium

Axium: When I fly to or from Sacramento, I always run into at least one person I know, or know of…

Today I’m flying up to Sacramento to participate in a meeting of the California Chamber of Commerce’s Business Advocacy Council. They are looking at what to do on Proposition 93 (the Nunez-Parata “Career Politician” Term-Limits Weakening Act). I am sitting second chair to Kevin Spillane as we explain why businesses in California lose if 93 passes. I believe that the “Yes on 93 ” presentation will be made by Fabian Nunez’ Chief of Staff, Dan Eaton.

Back to that axium. On the flight up from Orange County, I’ve been enjoying a nice chat with former GOP Assemblyman Tom Mays, now a big wheel for Pacific Life. Also flying up on this Southwest flight is Jen Johnson, a leader in the CWLA. She’s headed for the Chamber event as well.

We’ll see if the axium holds up for the flight home later today…… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Our Inaugural Podcast – An Interview With Fred Thompson

Welcome to the first-ever FlashReport Podcast — a one-on-one interview with Presidential candidate Fred Thompson!

Our plan was to kick-off our new podscasting feature after the first of the year with a new weekly podcast, where we would bring you interviews with many of the opinion leaders here in California that impact the politics and policy for the Golden State — and we still plan on doing that.

But when I had an opportunity to chat over the phone with GOP Presidential candidate Fred Thompson, I asked if we could go ahead and record the call to put up on the site, I quickly called my developers and said, "I know this is short notice, but can we scramble to get our first podcast up tomorrow??"

Fortunately they were able to pull it off, and below you can access my first interview — with Senator Thompson.… Read More

Mike Spence

Los Angeles County GOP Endorsements

Los Angeles County has elections for school boards, city councils and water districts coming up on Tuesday, November 6. These are really important elections, especially mine. LA County has made some endorsements, including me. See the complete list here.Read More

Jon Fleischman

Our Inaugural Podcast – An Interview With Fred Thompson

Welcome to the first-ever FlashReport Podcast — a one-on-one interview with Presidential candidate Fred Thompson!

Our plan was to kick-off our new podscasting feature after the first of the year with a new weekly podcast, where we would bring you interviews with many of the opinion leaders here in California that impact the politics and policy for the Golden State — and we still plan on doing that.

But when I had an opportunity to chat over the phone with GOP Presidential candidate Fred Thompson, I asked if we could go ahead and record the call to put up on the site, I quickly called my developers and said, "I know this is short notice, but can we scramble to get our first podcast up tomorrow??"

Fortunately they were able to pull it off, and below you can access my first interview — with Senator Thompson.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Giuliani Announces California Volunteer Leaders

Just in from Team Giuliani, the Mayor has assembled a pretty impressive array of GOP activists from up and down the Golden State as his regional volunteer leadership team. Congratulations to each of you, and if you haven’t done so alraedy, each of you should be applying to be a delegate from your respective Congressional District for next summer’s Republican National Convention!

As an aside, the ability to put together a strong local grassroots organization is especially important as each Congressional District will be tallied to determine which GOP candidate is awarded three delegates to the convention. Truly, in this state, all politics IS local…

Rudy’s California Volunteer State Leadership: Margie Handley, State Chair, Willits Tod Burnett, State Chair, Sacramento/Los Angeles Cathie Bennett Warner, State Communications Chair, Marin County Richard Sherman, Vice-Chair, Northridge Kay Spafford, Vice-Chair, San Diego June Downum, Vice-Chair, Glencoe Susan Allen, Vice-Chair, Capitola … Read More

Matt Rexroad

Ok — I will say something if no one else will

There seems to be an elephant in the web that people are not willing to deal with.

For several years many Republicans were not happy with the performance of Congress on a host of issues.

Many people want to blame Iraq as the reason that Republicans lost control of Congress. Nope. That is why the far left was upset. The reason Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid have bigger offices in Washington is that Republicans were viewed as corrupt. That is how the people in the middle viewed it anyway. Corruption is why Republicans lost a majority of Congress.

With the exception of the one rocket scientist with the cash in his freezer the other high profile cases have involved Republicans.

Yesterday when I read the LA Times story about Orange County Sheriff Corona I could not believe what was happening …again.

Sheriff Corona is now going to be one of many Republican office holders in the country that is going to fight corruption charges and make headlines almost every day. The word Republican and corruption will be in every story, every day, every… Read More