Posted by Jim Battin at 12:00 am on Oct 26, 2007 1 Comment
It appears that some California lawmakers have been watching too
many Disney movies lately. A recent decision leads us to
believe that they view local animals to be as human as the
wisecracking, emotional animal characters in Disney movies.
As a result, transportation money is being spent on four-legged
travelers rather than those on four-wheels.
According to the Los Angeles Times (October 10, 2007),
“a proposal for a $455,000 animal path over the 405
Freeway has riled residents….” The overpass is
strangely not winning over the locals. “[They] say
scarce transportation dollars should not be used to help deer and
bobcats get around while humans remain stuck in endless
traffic.” Have people forgotten that animals
hate getting stuck in traffic, too?
The overpass won’t rile the animals, as they won’t even have to
see the cars below- “traffic makes creatures skittish,
[so] the bridge plan includes a 5-foot-high wall to block their
view of the freeway and a 3-foot wall blocking their view
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