Riverside GOP Liberty Dinner A Huge Success
The biggest smile in the room tonight at the Riverside County GOP’s Annual Liberty Dinner is that of Party Chairman Jeff Miller. Hundreds of party faithful, including many VIPS, are gathered here at the Morongo Casino Resort. I am here as the Vice, Chairman, South for the State GOP. Also here representing the CRP is Chairman Ron Nehring.
Trying to mention all of the notables here is challenging, since I will undoubtedly miss someone. U.S. Representative Ken Calvert, a former County GOP Chairman, is the outstanding Master of Ceremonies. Also on hand are State Senators Bob Dutton and Dennis Hollingsworth, as well as Assemblymembers John Benoit, Kevin Jeffries (another former County GOP Chairman), Assemblywoman Mimi Walters (who isn’t from out here, but has a lot of support in the desert for her own Senate run), and retired State Legislators Ray Haynes and Russ Bogh (the latter hoping to return). FR correspondent Senator Jim Battin is ably represented by his long-time aide Kim Glassman.
Topping a list of many local officeholders present are Supervisors Jeff Stone and Marion Ashley.
There are a ton of candidates for the legislature… Read More