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Jon Fleischman

Riverside GOP Liberty Dinner A Huge Success

The biggest smile in the room tonight at the Riverside County GOP’s Annual Liberty Dinner is that of Party Chairman Jeff Miller. Hundreds of party faithful, including many VIPS, are gathered here at the Morongo Casino Resort. I am here as the Vice, Chairman, South for the State GOP. Also here representing the CRP is Chairman Ron Nehring.

Trying to mention all of the notables here is challenging, since I will undoubtedly miss someone. U.S. Representative Ken Calvert, a former County GOP Chairman, is the outstanding Master of Ceremonies. Also on hand are State Senators Bob Dutton and Dennis Hollingsworth, as well as Assemblymembers John Benoit, Kevin Jeffries (another former County GOP Chairman), Assemblywoman Mimi Walters (who isn’t from out here, but has a lot of support in the desert for her own Senate run), and retired State Legislators Ray Haynes and Russ Bogh (the latter hoping to return). FR correspondent Senator Jim Battin is ably represented by his long-time aide Kim Glassman.

Topping a list of many local officeholders present are Supervisors Jeff Stone and Marion Ashley.

There are a ton of candidates for the legislature… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Weekend Watching – Hoover hosts Jeb Bush

FR friend Peter Robinson (pictured) , the former speechwriter for President Ronald Reagan, is a fellow over at Hoover at Stanford. He is the host of the Institution’s video program, Uncommon Knowledge. Robinson’s most recent interview is a lengthy one with former Florida Governor Jeb Bush. It’s outstanding and worth a chunk of your time this weekend. We encourage you to check it out here.

Hoover describes Bush thusly:

In Florida, where Democrats outnumber Republicans, Governor Jeb Bush won both election and reelection by comfortable margins, reformed education, cut taxes, stood up for traditional moral values, and left office after eight … Read More

Congressman Doug LaMalfa

Today’s Commentary: 777 Referendum Signature Drive Launches

A referendum to invalidate a bill just passed and signed this fall, SB 777, launched yesteday morning at a press conference on the north steps of the State Capitol. Legislators attending Friday are Co-Chairs for the campaign including Assembly Republican Caucus Chairman Bob Huff, Assemblyman Joel Anderson and myself. Co-chairs Senator George Runner and Assemblywoman Sharon Runner had a press conference to launch it down south as well. Capitol Resource Institute, led by executive director, Karen Englandformed thenewly affiliated [c]4 arm Capitol Resource Family Impact to wage this campaign. Thanks to Karen and CRFI directors and staff for putting together the pressevent and importantly, of course, this campaign.

You’ll recall that SB 777 was the bill by Senator Kuehl that set off a shock wave that would require change to school policy and curriculum that could be seenby some to "promote a discriminatory bias" [btw, we already have more than adequateprotectionsin thelaw] and turn every policy that could be interpreted to have an impact on gender or individual sexuality into a legal nightmare.

Already scaredy-cat… Read More

Congressman Doug LaMalfa

777 Referendum Signature Drive Launches

A referendum to invalidate a bill just passed and signed this fall, SB 777, launched yesteday morning at a press conference on the north steps of the State Capitol. Legislators attending Friday are Co-Chairs for the campaign including Assembly Republican Caucus Chairman Bob Huff, Assemblyman Joel Anderson and myself. Co-chairs Senator George Runner and Assemblywoman Sharon Runner had a press conference to launch it down south as well. Capitol Resource Institute, led by executive director, Karen Englandformed thenewly affiliated [c]4 arm Capitol Resource Family Impact to wage this campaign. Thanks to Karen and CRFI directors and staff for putting together the pressevent and importantly, of course, this campaign.

You’ll recall that SB 777 was the bill by Senator Kuehl that set off a shock wave that would require change to school policy and curriculum that could be seenby some to "promote a discriminatory bias" [btw, we already have more than adequateprotectionsin thelaw] and turn every policy that could be interpreted to have an impact on gender or individual sexuality into a legal nightmare.

Already scaredy-cat… Read More

Mike Spence

One Bourbon, One Scotch and One Beer …and a precinct.

As I head out to talk to voters on the last weekend before Tuesday’s election, this article in the Daily Breeze caught my eye. Hermosa Beach bar owners have people talk to patrons about who they should vote for in local elections.

I don’t know if it will work, but I know it would be easier to recruit volunteers.

Hermosa Beach voters are targeted at bars Drive seeks to influence patrons to vote for candidates who are seen as "friendly" to the business. By Andrea Woodhouse Staff Writer

The patrons at Hermosa Beach bars got more than wasted these past few weeks.

They’ve also been schooled on the local political scene from workers recruited by bar owners to register voters and collect contact information so they can be steeredRead More

Brandon Powers

A Broken Clock… The SGV Tribune Gets It Right With Spence

The San Gabriel Valley Tribune’s Editorial page, like that of most newspapers,is normallya veryreliable source ofleft-wing drivel.

So imagine my shock at this – they’ve endorsed FR’s own Mike Spence’s re-election for West Covina School Board. I guess it’s true what they say about broken clocks — or in this case, lefty rags — even they can be right once per election.

Read what they have to say:

A good team for W. Covina schools LIKE the Beatles sang, West Covina schools are "getting better all the time." A lot better.

The school board’s relentless focus on academic performance and safety have produced huge improvements in student reading, writing, math and science scores. In the last five years, eight West Covina schools were named "California Distinguished Schools" (including WestRead More

Shawn Steel

Speaker Makes Best Argument Against Prop 93

Steve Maviglio, spokeshole for CA Assembly Speaker Fabian “Louis Vuitton” Nunez, must be auditioning for a new job. He knows his boss’ career is dying with Prop 93’s February defeat, which is why he unleashed this attack on the California Nurses Association for contributing to my wife’s campaign. Once again, Democrats attack hardworking, middle-class Californians and demonstrate how out-of-touch they are with their own union constituency. (You can read Jon’s excellent commentary this morning for the complete rundown on Nunez’s problems.)

Nunez is targeting the California Nurses Association because they had the audacity to question the Speaker’s rich and famous lifestyle paid for with their campaign contributions. Last month, the LA Times (hardly a member of the vast right-wing conspiracy), uncovered that Nunez was scamming campaign contributions from union members to pay for his… Read More

Jim Battin

I Got A Perfect 100%!! Thanks Cal-Tax!

First off – a big Thank You to the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association. Yesterday I posted about my real concerns in receiving a grade of "B" from their legislative report card and I included a letter I had sent Jon Coupal. (you can read it a few posts below this one – just scroll down)

They responded immediately and are going to put an asterisk by my grade on their website and provide a more detailed explanation as to how excused absences can effect a legislator’s grade (in my case adversely – but I actually think it improved a couple of Democrats’ scores). They are also going to explain this in their upcomingnewsletter.

Today, Cal-Tax – another fine organization committed to protecting the taxpayer – gave me a perfect 100% on their legislative vote record.

I don’t normally use this space to crow about rankings I receive from interest groups, but as much as I was concerned yesterday about HJTA’s low ranking of me – because they counted votes I missed due to illness and recovering from surgery… Read More