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Barry Jantz

Photos from San Diego

Some incredible photos from SD, the actual Witch Creek Fire shots from Poway and Rancho Bernardo courtesy of local attorney Jeff Scott. RB alone lost over 700 homes. Jeff’s Poway home survived, even though just a few blocks away from what you see here….

Horizon Court

Horizon Court

Trying to Save a House on Sandhill Road

Backyard Reflections

Twisted Branch Road

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Jon Fleischman

Special Session of Legislature on Fire Issues?

We’ve heard from a number of reliable sources that there will be a special session of the California State Legislature right after the Thanksgiving Holiday to discuss the wildfares and, presumably, to bring up some legislation on the subject.

Based on what we have heard, it sounds like there definately could be more resources committed by the State of California to deal with this important issue.

That said, we would counsel the Governor and Legislators to make some tough decisions and make appropriate cuts to lower priority items in the state budget to provide resources for fire protection.

It would be a sad day, indeed, for California if the tragedy of these fires was compounded with higher taxes or fees, more borrowing, or worst of all, an increase in deficit spending.… Read More

James V. Lacy

Pennsylvania: polling places secret

The Associated Press has reported that State officials in Pennsylvania have decided not to publicize their list of polling places in the next election, citing concerns that terrorists could disrupt them.

Reportedly, the state was influenced by the terrorist bombings that struck just days before Spain’s national elections in 2004.

Californians have braved terrible tragedies such as the on-going wildfires, earthquakes North and South, and we’ve also been the target of terrorism. Yet we go on. Judging from the resolve of our citizens in facing these challenges, I just don’t think we’d ever have secret polling places in our state.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Guest Commentary: Tom McClintock – Through The Gloom

We’re pleased to present this commentary from State Senator Tom McClintock

Through the Gloom

The tide of battle seems to have turned in the last 24 hours, and the firestorms that have stricken and terrorized our communities from Santa Barbara to San Diego now appear to be on the way to being vanquished. Two transcendent observations are hard to miss amidst the tragedy.

The first is the sense of proportion and resolve expressed by the families who lost their homes this week. Having just watched every material possession accumulated during a lifetime suddenly reduced to ashes – often on the mere whim of the winds – all gave thanks that their loved ones were safe and then instantly turned their thoughts to the future and theirRead More

Jon Fleischman

Guest Commentary: Tom McClintock – Through The Gloom

We’re pleased to present this commentary from State Senator Tom McClintock

Through the Gloom The tide of battle seems to have turned in the last 24 hours, and the firestorms that have stricken and terrorized our communities from Santa Barbara to San Diego now appear to be on the way to being vanquished. Two transcendent observations are hard to miss amidst the tragedy. The first is the sense of proportion and resolve expressed by the families who lost their homes this week. Having just watched every material possession accumulated during a lifetime suddenly reduced to ashes – often on the mere whim of theRead More

Jon Fleischman

Kudos to Fred Thompson

I just learned that Presidential aspirant Fred Thompson has decided to postpone a schedule fundraising/volunteer appreciation swing through SoCal, in light of the devestation that is taking place with the wildfires.

I think this was the right decision to make.

Senator John McCain is still conducting a high-dollar fundraising event tomorrow in Beverly Hills. I think he should have cancelled his event. The fact that he has not is probably an indicator of the difficulties that Senator McCain is having raising dollars.

Perhaps McCain can ask attendees at his event to give a separate donation to the Red Cross to help with evacuees, or for the recovery efforts for those who have lost their homes.

Anyway – kudos to Senator Thompson.… Read More

USC College Republicanʼs Host Packed Ann Coulter Event

Proving that the conservative youth movement is alive and well, the USC College Republicans hosted conservative commentator Ann Coulter yesterday evening in a packed, standing room-only event at the USC campus. The USC College Republicans, led by their Chairwoman Cheyenne Steel (Yes, thatʼs Steel Version 3.0), deserve credit for packing the room with over 300 people, accommodating an overflow seating with another 150 people, and preventing the left wing protestors from hijacking the event.

College Republicans chapters across California are hosting speakers and events this week as a part of David Horowtizʼs Islamofascism Week. Itʼs events like these that recruit Republican volunteers, energize conservatives on campus, and sharpen the political skills of future operatives. No doubt, we will be seeing more from USCʼs bright young stars like Cheyenne Steel, Kip Payne and Ben Myers for years to come.

Coulter spoke for about an hour, followed by Q&A, and then a… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Rep. Ed Royce — Democrats Fiddle While California Burns

United States Representative Ed Royce sent this over for your consideration…

Many Members of the California delegation with districts ravaged by the wildfires have returned home to assist constituents in their time of need. Speaker Pelosi and the Democrat leadership – despite being fully aware of this development – inexplicably proceeded to schedule an important vote on the SCHIP bill which would expand coverage to include non citizens at enormous cost to the taxpayer. Regardless of the importance of the bill to Californians and the wrenching effect of the devastating fires, the Democrat dominated Rules Committee refused to delay debate. This request was rejected byRead More