Today’s Commentary: Has your Member of Congress endorsed in the Presidential Primary?
Courtesy of The Hill, we can share this information with you, on which California Congressional Delegation members have endorsed a candidates running in the Democrat or Republican Presidential primary: A few surprises:
Not one California Democrat Member of Congress has endorsed Barack Obama Only one of Duncan Hunter’s California colleagues, Gary Miller, has endorsed his candidacy. Hillary has not been endorsed by Barbara Boxer. It’s surprising that only Dan Lungren has endorsed McCain, given that for a time, he was the frontrunner. Chris Dodd’s four California endorsements isequal the entire Democrat delegation of his home state of Connecticut. Despite Fred Thompson’s splash into the GOP primary, he’s "endorseless" when it comes to the CA GOP Congressional delegation. Only four Republican candidates have California Congressional endorsers. Only two Democrat candidates have California Congressional endorsers.: Given the unpopularity of Congress these days, perhaps those with no … Read More