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Katy Grimes

CA GOP Swamp Sells Out to Dems on Corrupt Cap and Trade

As the California Legislature voted Monday to extend the corrupt Cap and Trade taxing and regulatory program by 10 years, eight turncoat Republican legislators voted with the Democrats. They received support from the California Chamber of Commerce, the California Manufacturing and Technology Association, along with several other big biz groups. But they didn’t just reach across the aisle and vote with compadres – Republicans provided cover for three Assembly Democrats in targeted seats who couldn’t or wouldn’t vote for the cap and trade extension.

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Jon Fleischman


Today is supposedly the day that Governor Brown, Senate President DeLeon, and Speaker Rendon will press for an up or down vote to renew the state’s controversial and draconian Cap and Trade program. Here are ten reasons for Republicans to vote hell no

IT’S BAD POLICY Californians are among the most over-taxed and over-regulated people in America. The cost of living in this state is sky high, and government policies like Cap and Trade contribute significantly to this fact. A vote for Cap and Trade puts a Republican on record as supporting this massive regulation and plunder… Read More

Richard Rider

California “food stamp” administrative cost is 169% higher than national average

I found a new category where California is once again a winner! In its fashion.

The federal “food stamp” program (now called SNAP) is federally funded but administered by the states. And boy, does California administer!

Looking at the fiscal year 2013 figures, the national average administrative cost per case per month was $25.21. California “led” the nation with a monthly cost of $67.84. California’s admin cost was 23.6% higher than the second highest state (Wyoming). It was 169% higher than the 50 state average (including, of course, California’s bloated cost in the average). Table 11

How about compared to hated Texas? California’s cost was a whopping 235% higher — more than TRIPLE the Texas cost. “You get what you pay for”? I think not. Part of the admin cost is to fight fraud. But CA was able to successfully disallow bad claims only 54.6% of the time a hearing was held, vs. the… Read More

Richard Rider

The resignation speech that Donald Trump SHOULD give (but won’t)

RIDER NOTE:I’ve prepared for President Trump the resignation speech I’d love for him to deliver. I’m sure he’ll give it serious consideration.


I’ve decided to resign. Not immediately, but sixty days from now. Let me explain.

At heart, I’m a businessman, not a politician. I enjoy life — admittedly I’m a bit of a hedonist. Frankly I’m a crude, impetuous person ill-fitted for the dignified office of President.

Moreover, my wife, children and grandchildren have been mercilessly attacked by the media — even accosted by mentally deranged airline passengers who are then lionized by liberals. I didn’t realize how low the Left would stoop once I was elected President..

My persona has become the defining characteristic of my Presidency. While it was crucial to my winning the race for President, now it detracts from the very real progress and reforms that we have been implementing.

Am I worried about impeachment? Hell no! There are not the slightest grounds for impeachment, but that circus will continue to be touted… Read More

Senator Andy Vidak

Cap and Trade – Corporate shell games and environmentalist chest-beating

In 2006, on virtually a party-line vote, the Democrat controlled Legislature passed Assembly Bill 32, the pompous sounding “California Global Warming Solutions Act.”

Then-Governor Schwarzenegger, who often commuted daily in a private jet from Los Angeles to Sacramento, signed AB 32, hypocritically stating it was “a bold new era of environmental protection.”

To implement AB 32, the California Air Resources Board (CARB) developed a government-mandated scheme called “Cap and Trade.” CARB would basically set (“cap”) greenhouse gas emissions at unrealistically low levels, then require businesses and industries to pay (“trade”) to receive higher emission… Read More

Jon Fleischman

SD29 Recall Election: Fullerton Mayor Bruce Whitaker Declares Senate Candidacy

*Exclusive Breaking News*

Today my friend Bruce Whitaker, Mayor of the city of Fullerton, reached out to me to share some news — he has officially decided to run as a candidate on the replacement ballot in the anticipated recall election of State Senator Josh Newman. Newman, a Democrat, has been targeted by a major effort to recall him after his deciding vote for a massive increase in gas a car taxes.

Whitaker, a constitutional conservative, has been elected three times to the Fullerton City Council. Fullerton is the largest city completely within the boundaries of the 29th State Senate District.

Whitaker told me that, “Residents and taxpayers deserve respect from elected legislators. Senator Newman’s voting record proves that he does not reflect the values of this District.” He added, “Southern California needs strong leadership in Sacramento to protect and secure our rights, such as the right to vote on taxes. My record reflects that I’ve long been a passionate advocate for freedom, property rights, justice and fiscal responsibility.”

I was last with Bruce a few weeks at at a gas station on Harbor Boulevard where a massive… Read More

Ron Nehring

Top two primary makes recruiting GOP candidates tougher — and puts Lady Luck in charge

It sounded so nice. The top performing candidates, regardless of party, would move past the primary to the general election. “The people” would be empowered to choose the candidates they like best, and the power of “party bosses” further diminished.

As we head into the 2018 elections in California, this quaint idea is creating even bigger challenges for Republicans.

To recruit quality candidates, prospective contenders need to believe they have a reasonable shot of at least making it to the November ballot. In the past, November voters were guaranteed the ability to choose among each party’s nominee. Now, there is no assurance at all that at least one candidate from each party can even make it past the primary.

This is due to the combined effects of the top two primary, Republicans being the statewide minority party, and a dose of game theory.

Let’s take a look at statewide offices, where last week San Diego Republican Mayor Kevin Faulconer, who would far and away be the strongest contender for governor, bowed out.

This point is key to understanding the statewide dynamic: For most statewide offices, many voters never get to… Read More

Katy Grimes

Radical Feminists Troll Rep. McClintock, Then Claim Victimhood

Recently radical activists forced California GOP Rep. Tom McClintock to need police escorts out of district town hall meetings when things turned violent.

Yet in anotherhit pieceon McClintock Wednesday, the Sacramento Bee clearly sided with the same feminist activists who trolled his district town hall meetings, and then claimed the Congressman’s office threatened them when they call in.

The Bee writer, Anita Chabria, whoclaimsto be a “race, immigration and social justice reporter,” interviewed three women for the article who claim to be victims.“They started saying that we were impeding … the functioning of a federal office and that we were in violation of a federal law,” said Alisa Jaffe Holleron. “I felt like it was threatening. I felt like they were telling me I was breaking a law and if you break a law you can get in trouble.”Read More

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