Today’s Commentary: Governor, it’s time to play defense…
When you are a popular politician, especially one that likes to do "big things" it is always more challenging and thrilling to be on the offense. But in order to be a winning team, you have to not only get excited about your offensive game, but your defensive game as well. The reality is that with this massive fiscal crisis facing California state government, Governor, it is time to bench your offensive team, and huddle with your defensive team and figure out how we are going to keep California in the game.
Clearly you have a prefered agenda of items that you would like to pursue, including increasing government’s role in health care, and implementing a lot of regulations to reign in man-made production of carbon dioxide. But the reality is that, with these two agenda items in particular, they are going to make California’s financial crisis worse, not better.
On healthcare, it is simply not credible to say that you are going to create a massive new government program with upwards of 14 billion… Read More