Today’s Commentary: The Real Turkey? It’s the Chinese Government!
Let us on this day give thanks to the Chinese government. What could be a more dreary way for the 8,000 men and women stationed on the U.S.S. Kitty Hawk aircraft carrier and accompanying escort ships than to chart a circular course through the South China Sea? Well that is what they will be doing because, without explanation, the Chinese have abruptly cancelled permission for the liberty call that the Kitty Hawk was planned to make in Hong Kong this holiday weekend.
Makes you wonder if they will just as arbitrarily block Americans from attending this summer’s Olympic Games in Beijing… I can think of a whole lot of reasons to be critical of the Chinese government. But this is certainly the latest and greatest. What a bunch of jerks. Well, as you are enjoying a Thanksgiving Day feast today with family and friends, raise a glass to our American troops. From those in perelous danger… Read More