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Congressman Doug LaMalfa

Eminent Domain Reform Initiative Petitions Turned In Today

With the approximately 1.1 million signatures gathered statewide in hand, a press conference was held this morningat the Sacramento County Elections Office to ceremoniously turn in several boxes of petitions from Sacramento County voters for the California Property Owners and Farmland Protection Act.

Some of the manyindividualson hand were representatives from various pro-property rights groups or supporters including Howard Jarvis TaxpayersAssociationand theirspokesman Jon Coupal; California Farm Bureau, [Vice President Kenny Watkins] ; National Federation of Independent Business executive director John Kabateck; chairman of the California Alliance to Protect Private Property Rights, former Senator Jim Nielsen; the Hispanic Chamber Of Commerce Chairman Ken Macias; former Congressman Doug Ose; and another Doug, myself, were among those that spoke.

All 58 countiesshouldreceive their petitions bytomorrow, ending the first, and successful, petition drive… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Session Cancelled, Good News For Taxpayers

Great news for California taxpayers. King Fabian “Loius Vuitton” Nunez has officially called off next week’s legislative special session. Apparently all of the forces of evil that want to expand state government’s role in health care couldn’t get on the same play sheet.

That’s good news going into a quiet Thanksgiving weekend.… Read More

James V. Lacy

Lots of haggling at Federal Election Commission today

FEC Commissioners were scheduled to consider new rules today to implement the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision in the Wisconsin Right to Life case, gutting much of the McCain-Feingold campaign finance law reform in favor of free speech. But the Commissioners delayed their meeting by 2 1/2 hours this morning to wheel-and-deal behind closed doors on defining the words “indicia of express advocacy,” and how or if those words differ from the words “express advocacy.”

At issue is the fundamental right of free speech, and the right to criticize any elected official, such as, say, Hillary Clinton, for her awful policy views, even during an election campaign, without being swarmed by Federal regulators care of McCain and Feingold.

I’ll be reporting soon on any actions the FEC actually take.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: FR PODCAST: “From The Beltway” with U.S. Rep. John Campbell at Andy Roth with the Club for Growth

Welcome to our third weekly FlashReport Podcast! I had a chance last Friday to chat for about twenty minutes with California Congressman John Campbell, our own FlashReport D.C. Correspondent, and also with Andy Roth, the Director of Government Relations for the Club for Growth. The three of us discussed Congressional earmarking, Presidential vetoes, and also Reagan 21, a new caucus made up of member of the Senate and House dedicated to true fiscal reform.

[You can check out our first two Podcasts – one with Presidential candidate Fred Thompson, the other with Insurance Commissioner Steve Poizner, here.]

Please start the Podcast Player below and join us for an informative update on what is going inside of the United States Capitol. The show kicks… Read More

Jon Fleischman

FR PODCAST: “From The Beltway” with U.S. Rep. John Campbell at Andy Roth with the Club for Growth

Welcome to our third weekly FlashReport Podcast! I had a chance last Friday to chat for about twenty minutes with California Congressman John Campbell, our own FlashReport D.C. Correspondent, and also with Andy Roth, the Director of Government Relations for the Club for Growth. The three of us discussed Congressional earmarking, Presidential vetoes, and also Reagan 21, a new caucus made up of member of the Senate and House dedicated to true fiscal reform. [You can check out our first two Podcasts – one with Presidential candidate Fred Thompson, the other with Insurance Commissioner Steve Poizner, here.]

Please start the Podcast Player below and join us for an informative update on what is going… Read More

Matt Rexroad

Term Limits

In the coming months much will be written about the ballot measure on term limits. Speaker Nunez and President Pro Temp Perata will both spend a tremendous amount of resources to extend their legislative careers.

So here is my question — if term limits need to be extended for the people of California to benefit from the experienced leadership of the Speaker and President Pro Temp then shouldn’t the people of California benefit from the experienced leadership of Governor Schwarzenegger and Insurance Commissioner Poizner?

All the arguments that apply for Nunez and Perata also apply to the Governor. If Prop 93 does pass in February I predict that Nunez and Perata will suddenly not be so enthusiastic about someone needing 12 years in the same job to get it done — when it will not help them.

If Prop 93 passes I am confident that an effort will be made to extend that same 12 year standard to constitutional offices as well.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Doolittle is retiring (again) — this latest rumor comes from Hank Shaw…

UPDATE: 930 P.M. – FR friend Aaron Park, over on the Placer County CRA blog, refutes this rumor, saying that he has been on the horn with Team Doolittle planning events well into the Christmas season.

Hank Shaw, the Sacramento Bureau Chief for the Stockton Record, is the latest to blog the rumor that Congressman John Doolittle is about to announce that he is not running for re-election, and the that he will ultimately endorse conservative former state legislator Rico Oller (pictured) to be the GOP nominee in the 4th Congressional District. True or untrue? We don’t really know — but assuming… Read More

Jon Fleischman

More Problems for 93: Nunez/Perata Struggle for CDP Endorsement

The "No on 93" folks* put this out, which is worth sharing in its entirety…

This weekend’s endorsement of Proposition 93 by the California Democratic Party’s E-Board actually turned into a dramatic sign of the initiative’s weakness rather than a moment of triumph for its proponents. Only the extraordinary personal intervention of Chairman Art Torres and other party heavy hitters enabled the Nunez and Perata forces to beat back strong efforts to have the party go neutral or oppose the initiative to loosen term limits. In a remarkable demonstration of the growing problems for Yes on 93, the Assembly Speaker and Senate President struggled to gain the support of their own party. A stunning 47% of the Exec Board voted to have the California Democratic Party go neutralRead More