Today’s Commentary: New York Reverses Its Decision To Grant Drivers Licenses To Illegal Immigrants, San Francisco Preparing To Issue ID Cards To Non-Citizens
"No, duh," was the reaction many California observers had when the announcement came from New York’s Democratic Governor Eliot Spitzer that he had wisely decided to abandon his unilateral executive order to grant drivers licenses to illegal immigrants. After witnessing the abrupt end of the Gray Davis governorship due in significant part to Davis’ decision to award drivers licenses to illegal immigrants, Californians were not surprised to see Governor Spitzer walk away from a strikingly similar path. (By the way, Eliot Spitzer is of no relation to California’s tremendous Republican Assesmblymember Todd Spitzer.) On September 21, 2007, Governor Spitzer issued an Executive Order directing that all residents of New York be awarded drivers licenses under the normal process for licensing motorists, with one caveat – immigration status would be of no concern for state government, meaning illegal immigrants could be afforded the chance to obtain a valid form of government-issued identification cards.… Read More