Has “Enron” corruption returned to California’s electricity system?
Below is a bizarre story from the LA TIMES. Cal-ISO, the government body that oversees our California electrical grid system, put out a bogus warning during this recent hot period, warning residents that rolling blackouts were imminent if people and businesses didn’t turn off their A/C and otherwise conserve electricity. We were running out of electricity!!!
But we never got anywhere CLOSE to having a power problem. At the peak of the usage, we still had 38% excess capacity. We now have so much solar power that A/C peak usage is no longer a problem unless scorching heat is accompanied by cloudy days (yeah, THAT happens a LOT in California!), but nobody told the “analysts” at Cal-ISO.
As a result, during this warning period the wholesale price of electricity in the state jumped FOUR to FIVE times the usual level. Somebody made a killing off this — ultimately at ratepayers’ expense.
This fake alert has the smell of Enron all over it. Did someone bribe “analysts” at Cal-ISO to put out what was an incredibly false warning? Or was this just classic California bureaucratic incompetence, raised… Read More