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Richard Rider

Average San Diego homeowner saves over $680 a MONTH, thanks to Prop 13

NOTE:This is an updated article — using June, 2017 numbers.

It’s an educational (and scary) exercise to consider what our property taxes would be if Prop 13 had NOT passed in 1978 — and no subsequent reforms in property taxes occurred (a fair assumption, given Democrat dominance of the state legislature since 1970).

Most people have forgotten the following aspect: “In 1977, the average property tax rate in California was 2.67 percent.Proposition 13 fixed the rate at 1 percent of the purchase price[plus a 2% annual increase, or the COL, if less]. On top of the 1% is whatever additional rate is approved to cover voter-approved indebtedness, such as bonds. Although the additional rate varies around the state, it generally runs at about one-tenth of 1 percent, setting the overall Proposition 13 rate at 1.1 percent.”— page 1

Actually most people today will find that this article’s outdated “1.1%” property tax rate… Read More

Ray Haynes

Musings on California – 2030 – From Antifa to Fa, The Rise of The Socialist Hoodlums

The question today is whether we should let California back in the union? I am arguing against it, and this is why.

The question that most people ask is how California fell so fast, and why people began leaving. I could have predicted it, in retrospect it makes perfect sense. It was the natural progression of socialism in every place in which it has been tried. Once California separated itself from the “safety net” of the United States Federal Government and the US Constitution, individual protections collapsed and the socialist politicians, who believe they are imbued with special knowledge and understanding of social justice, began taking things from its productive class, under the guise of “helping” those in need. The citizens of California, faced with the choice between theft of their life savings or the ability to seek asylum in the US, chose asylum.

The problems began with the implementation of the single payer health system. It just cost too much. The original system included “illegal” aliens (an anachronism, because the first thing the California government did was legalize all those who had crossed the US border… Read More

Ray Haynes

Musings on California in 2030

Dateline Texas 2030 – As I sit here on the beach on South Padre Island on a beautiful spring day, I am reminded about how much I have to be thankful for. I am thankful that I live in this grand country, in one of the best of the 49 states; that freedom is still celebrated here, that technology still advances (I especially like the holograms in cell calls, helps me use the car pool lanes). I’m still a little unhappy that I haven’t been able to get the hover conversion that the movie Back to the Future II promised would be here by 2016, but all in all it is still good.

We all know why California seceded from the union. It’s now trying to get back in. California’s budget and economy has collapsed, and it is desperately pushing to re-enter the United States, mainly for a federal bail out. However, California’s problems were created by an out of control government in Sacramento, and they should not be allowed to come back without major changes. This history is an attempt to recount why California should not be allowed to come back to the United States, and why its government should not be bailed out.

It began in 2017. I… Read More

Jon Coupal

Legislature abandons state’s middle class

California’s middle class, who pay the bulk of all taxes in California, are constantly under attack from Sacramento politicians. Already this year, the Legislature approved Senate Bill 1, to add 19 cents per gallon to the cost of fuel beginning in October and an average of a $50 increase in the car tax. This translates into at least $400 in additional taxes for the average California family.

Now, Sacramento politicians have compounded the damage by imposing another fuel cost increase by extending the state’s cap-and-trade program, a market-based regulatory system for controlling greenhouse gas emissions. Under this program, impacted industries buy credits at auction which are then used to incentivize decreases in pollution levels.

Surprisingly, many industries forced into the “cap-and-trade” auctions supported the extension because they were threatened by Gov. Brown, environmental extremists and powerful regulators with an alternative program run completely by the government bureaucrats at the California Air Resources Board. And those were not idle threats.

Be that as it may, some legislators are using the “it could have been worse” argument to… Read More

Richard Rider

A Defense of Proposition 13 Property Tax Revenues — Updated with 2017 Revenue Figures

by Richard Rider, Chairman, San Diego Tax Fighters

Updated 21 July, 2017 – updated for 2016-17 property tax revenues

Phone: 858-530-3027

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Richard Rider

New, legal(?) method for millions of people to avoid paying sales tax

Did you serve in the military and receive an honorable discharge? Or did a family member? It now appears you can avoid paying sales tax on many purchases, because you now have online access to the military exchanges.

Up until now, in the U.S. you could only shop at these exchanges if you were active duty (active or reserve) or retired military. DOD has unilaterally decided to let ALL honorably discharged vets shop there — but only online. Overall that means at least 13,000,000 more people (and often their families) will be able shop there online.

That would come to about 1,560,000 California veterans — vets who were heretofore not eligible for military exchange privileges. And the exchanges are TOUTING the fact that you won’t have to pay sales tax.

The state and local government tax grabbers can’t be happy about this development. And they DAMN sure… Read More

Richard Rider

A puzzler: Why are ND and CO the two best employment states?

Here’s a puzzler: The new (June) state unemployment figures are out, and two states are tied for the lowest rate of only 2.3% — North Dakota and Colorado.

ND is the lowest it’s been since 1976 when this information began being tracked monthly. The June national unemployment average is 4.4%.

Why is it puzzling that these two states are best? Well ND is supposedly suffering from the collapse in petroleum prices (down over 50% from the peak in June, 2014). A recession was universally predicted for the state. Yet its unemployment level is now lower than when the fracking boom was in full swing.

Colorado? They legalized MJ. All sorts of conflicting reports about the result (government can screw anything up), but it’s apparent that the economy did not collapse. Far from it!

I should also mention that Tennessee hit similar record low unemployment figures for that state — 3.6% — the best since 1976. Coincidentally Tennessee recently scheduled the final phaseout of what remains of their… Read More

Ray Haynes

Melissa Melendez – Woman of Courage

I don’t take enough time to say something positive when it needs to be said. Too often, I am quick to criticize, slow to praise, or too distracted with my every day life to notice and applaud true courage in Sacramento. Today, a great thing happened and it cannot go without comment.

The decision of the Minority Leader in the Assembly (and I emphasize the word minority leader, in my time I was the Republican Whip and the Assistant Republican leader, because I refused to accept my minority position, this leader has capitulated and decided to more like a Vichy than a principled opposition) to negotiate with the Dems over cap and trade was a tragic mistake, one that will have devastating consequences over time. The pro-business leaders in the private sector that counseled surrender on cap and trade have done a huge disservice to the people of California, and the legislators that went along with this surrender deserve the approbation that will be directed at them. They have proven themselves worthy of the superminority status they have in the Legislature, and they will keep that status until they start worrying about doing the right thing, and quit worrying about… Read More

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