Sunday San Diego…Afraid of opposing SB 777?
Freelance columnist Sunana Batra had a great op-ed in the North County Times last Wednesday, noting the folly of SB 777, including this passage:
I can’t help but shake my head at the misguided parents who have once again drunk the California Teachers Association’s Kool-Aid and see a new law meant to protect homosexual and transgender students as just another nice attempt to make sure no student is ever made to feel uncomfortable. They are the clueless frogs just getting comfortable in the warmth of a cozy bath that makes them feel oh so good and tolerant.After it was posted on Red County San Diego, one anonymous commenter, proudly dubbing himself "Squish Revolution," reacted as follows:
You’re welcome to your opinion, but there are a lot of us that are more concerned about the state’s 10 billion dollar deficit. But, once again, Republicans will… Read More