Today’s Commentary: President Bush: Artificially “freezing” loan rates is UN-American
Freedom and liberty aren’t just words in America. They mean something. This is a country where you can start with virtually nothing, and achieve the dream of amazing financial success, whether it making hamburgers, or computers. But that freedom with a price — it is called individual responsibility. You see, the key to having a free country is that we have a truly limited government. Liberty means being able to take risks, and hopefully achieving tremendous success. But it also means that there is risk as well. Some people prefer to avoid risk, and that is their prerogative. But is a truthful statement that many of the self-made success stories in America occured because someone took a risk, and showed a willingness to potentially lose what they have to try to better their position in our society. It is with some level of amazement that I read that President Bush has unleashed his Treasury… Read More