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Jon Fleischman

Steve Westly’s Unusual Platform for Governor: Supporting “The Big Lie”

It’s no secret that former State Controller and unsuccessful 2006 Democrat Gubernatorial candidate Steve Westly wants to run for Governor again.

But you may not know that Westly has chosen an unusual platform for his next gubernatorial campaign – supporting subterfuge, and misleading California voters.

I noted with some degree of cynicism that Westly has endorsed Proposition 93, the Nunez/Perata Career Politician Term Limits Loosening Initiative.

It’s one thing to oppose term limits or believe it should be changed – but it’s a completely different thing to support an initiative that’s designed to trick the voters. Which is exactly what 93 does. Proposition 93 is so bad that a slew of major newspapers (you know, the ones who always endorse the WRONG candidates?) have come out strongly against the measure.

Proposition 93’s main backers – and beneficiaries – are the poster children for its defeat. Senate President Don Perata is under an active FBI investigation… Read More

Mike Spence

California Republican Assembly Supports Voters FIRST Redistricting Initiative

The California Republican Assembly has officially endorsed the Voters FIRST Redistricting initiative. The vote was nearly unanimous, with only a single dissenting vote.

The Initiative, which is due to begin circulating petitions shortly, takes the drawing of legislative district lines out of the hands of the legislature and gives it to an Independent Commission composed of Republicans, Democrats and Independents randomly selected from a pre-qualified list of volunteers.

I know people are wondering how CRA can support an initiative endorsed by the Governor and Common Cause. Clearly, CRA is no fan of these two or some of the other groups supporting the initiative.

Some of the criticisms from a few Republicans include that it doesn’t include Congress. I wish it did. The reality is this is the only initiative on the topic that might qualify and pass out there. It isn’t perfect but it is a step in the right direction.

Want proof?

The initiative has drawn heavy fire from Democrat party activists like Bill Cavala, who predicted it could cost Democrats 6 Assembly seats and 2 Senate seats, and Assembly Speaker Fabian Nunez’s spokesman Steve… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Rudy Giuliani’s Campaign Names CD Chairmen

The Rudy Giuliani Presidential Committee today announced its California Congressional District Chairs. Giuliani campaigned throughout the state Monday and Tuesday with stops in the San Francisco Bay area, Los Angeles, Orange County and San Diego. It is a strong statement for any Presidential campaign in California to be organized at the Congressional District level. With our district-by-district delegate selection process, the candidates who focus locally will have a big leg up… Mike Harris, CD 1 Geri Byrne, CD 2 Erik Christeson, CD 3 Adam Willoughby, CD 4 Sandy May Stultz, CDRead More

Jon Fleischman

Jim Battin’s been “elfing around” too — with friends!

At the holiday time, you should always endeavor to give a gift greater than the one you receive.

I’m not the only one who (see Jim Battin’s post below this one) has been "elfing around" — Jim’s been at it, too. And with two of his good friends.

Check Jim and his friends out here.… Read More

Jim Battin

Jon’s Been Elfing Around!

At the risk of being banned forever from the FlashReport…..

Click here for the best Holiday card! (it’s worth it)

Jon’s been elfing around!… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Creative Holiday Cards

Nominations are coming in for "most creative holiday card" from political firms. Below are links to two great contenders — the first from the Federal Strategy Group (managing partner Jason Roe, former FR Beltway Correspondent) and the second from Bieber Communications (owner Jim Bieber is a longtime friend of the FR).

Check them out!… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Perata-Gate Continues: Denham Recall Organizer to Signature Gatherers – “Don’t tell them you are from Michigan…”

Senate President Don Perata’s embarrassment and legal exposure continues to grow as "his" recall effort against State Senator Jeff Denham continues to spiral to new depths of unethical, inappropriate and probably illegal activity.

Last week we brought you exclusive audio recordings of recall-petition circulators admitting that they were from out of the district, which is against California state law. You can check that out here.

Today, in an even more starting and brazen display of stupidity, we have obtained an audio recording that we’re told is the answering machine of one of the senior managers of the signature gathering effort.

**There is more – click the link**

View Full CommentaryRead More

Jon Fleischman

Perata-Gate Continues: Denham Recall Organizer to Signature Gatherers – “Don’t tell them you are from Michigan…”

Senate President Don Perata’s embarrassment and legal exposure continues to grow as "his" recall effort against State Senator Jeff Denham continues to spiral to new depths of unethical, inappropriate and probably illegal activity.

Last week we brought you exclusive audio recordings of recall-petition circulators admitting that they were from out of the district, which is against California state law. You can check that out here.

Today, in an even more starting and brazen display of stupidity, we have obtained an audio recording that we’re told is the answering machine of one of the senior managers of the signature gathering effort.

In what can only be from the files of "You have to HEAR it to believe it" — the voicemail (on a non-California number I might add) says:

“I have a message for the folks working on the Denham Recall – you are beingRead More