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Jon Fleischman

CalChamber – Prop. 93 Is A Political, Not A Policy Decision For The Board…

Today the Board of Directors of the California Chamber of Commerce is meeting to discuss, among other things, whether or not the Chamber will take an official position on Proposition 93. As is often talked about here on the FlashReport, Proposition 93 is what we call the "Fabian Nunez Career Politician Extension Act" as this measure was crafted by Nunez, and placed on the ballot by him, as a pretty naked attempt to preserve and consolidate his political power, as Assembly Speaker, for another six years. Some members of the Chamber’s Board may actually want to roll up their sleeves and get into the policy matter of the initiative. But before they do so, they may want to consider the politics of the situation… The Chamber, under the very able and capable leadership of Allan Zaramberg, came out pretty publicly and strongly saying that it would support a change in the state’s legislative term limits as part of a negotiated deal that would include a fair… Read More

Jon Fleischman

WSJ: Duncan Hunter’s Son, and Team Arnold Assists Lance Armstrong

Two items in today’s Wall Street Journal Political Diary of interest to California politicos — the first on Duncan Hunter’s son, and his candidacy for dad’s seat… The other about how Lance Armstrong has brought on an aide from Arnold Schwarzenegger’s shoppe…

In the Hunt

Regardless of who tops the Republican presidential ticket next year, Rep. Duncan Hunter will have long coattails in at least one congressional race — that’s because the leading candidate to replace the 14-term House Member is also Duncan Hunter, his 30-year-old son.

The elder Mr. Hunter may be floundering in his presidential campaign at 3% in the national polls — his bleak third-quarter fund-raising report showed him with just $200,00 in the bank. But his son is already the instant front-runner based on name recognition and endorsements. Plus, he’s raised a respectable… Read More

Jon Fleischman

CalCounts: Down for the Count – Measure Will NOT Make June ’08 Ballot

Here is a statement from CalCounts Campaign Consultant Dave Gilliard: "CalCounts has been in existence for just 44 days, has raised over $1.2 million from 866 donors, and gathered well over half a million signatures. Due to the tight calendar we are operating under and the challenge of raising money and gathering signatures during the Holiday season, we understand that submitting signatures and having them counted in time to make the June ballot, is no longer a realistic goal. CalCounts will continue with its fundraising and signature drive because we believe Californians deserve the right to vote on this important initiative to reform the Electoral College and to make our state count again in presidential elections. The officialRead More

Jon Fleischman

More Legal Trouble for Senator Don Perata? Scandal with the “Denham Recall” Effort?

The FlashReport has obtained audio recordings of Jeff Denham Recall signature gatherers, where it is revealed they may be from outside the senate district, which would be a violation of state election law. READ ON…

Detroit is not in California’s 12th Senate District, and that could spell legal troubles for Senator Perata’s “Denham Recall” election team if, in fact, the signature gatherers working on the recall are not residents of the district. State law requires legislative recall signature circulators to live in the district in which they are circulating the recall petitions.

The FlashReport has learned that volunteers recently recorded several conversations with Denham Recall signature gatherers where they appear to admit not being from outside the district.

For example, at the Target store in Hollister, one Denham Recall paid petition circulator says he lives in San Mateo County, which is nearly 100 miles outside the district. [click here to listen]

At the Safeway in Hollister, another petition circulator admits “I actually do not live here. I’m… Read More

Jon Fleischman

WSJ: Hillary’s Revenge — On Jim Rogan!

The lead editorial in the print version of the Wall Street Journal today is very relevant to California politics… Of course, when she isn’t burning American flags, Senator Boxer is probably burning issues of the WSJ… (This didn’t make the main page as they didn’t put it online until just now…)

Hillary’s Revenge Bygones are never bygones with Mrs. Clinton. Thursday, December 6, 2007 3:00 p.m. EST

Summoning the ghosts of the Clinton impeachment may be taboo in the Democratic Presidential race, but it’s apparently fair game as payback against those who participated in it. Thus is California Senator Barbara Boxer exacting revenge against James Rogan, who has been nominated forRead More

Jim Battin

Jeff Miller Steps Down as Chair of Riverside County GOP

I got an email the other day that my good friend, and very effective leader, Jeff Miller was stepping down as Chairman of the Riverside County Republican Party – so he can fully campaign for his Assembly race (District 71).

Jeff has done a great job heading up the RivCo GOP. Just like his predecessor did, now-Assemblyman Kevin Jefferies, Jeff has run a professionial organization dedicated to Republicans winning elections – both on a state and local level. And just like Kevin –Jeff will be astrong member of the California Assembly.

Here’s some of his highlights:

— He ran the Party as a conservative, kept the Party united and raised over a million dollars for the first time.

— As a result of the dollars raised, the Party was able to put out over 200,000 pieces of mail, including two countywide slates, that helped re-elect… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Hanretty makes Glamour; Brulte Jammed by Nunez

HANRETTY MAKES GLAMOUR MAG Former FR State Capitol Correspondent Karen Hanretty took off for the D.C. Beltway to try her hands at political communications on the national level. The capable former spokesman for the State GOP, already a regular on Hannity and Colmes, is now a senior member of the communications team for the Fred Thompson for President campaign. Glamour magazine has found Karen, and has done a little Q&A with her for their latest issue. Check it out here. Way to go, Karen!

POOR JIM BRULTE… Yesterday it was reported that former legislative Republican Leader Jim Brulte had endorsed the Fabian Nunez Career Politican Term Limits Weakening Measure. We feel so bad for Brulte on this matter, that we though we would connect some dots for FR readers, because, as you will… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Hanretty makes Glamour; Brulte Jammed by Nunez

HANRETTY MAKES GLAMOUR MAG Former FR State Capitol Correspondent Karen Hanretty took off for the D.C. Beltway to try her hands at political communications on the national level. The capable former spokesman for the State GOP, already a regular on Hannity and Colmes, is now a senior member of the communications team for the Fred Thompson for President campaign. Glamour magazine has found Karen, and has done a little Q&A with her for their latest issue. Check it out here. Way to go, Karen! POOR JIM BRULTE… Yesterday it was reported that former legislative Republican Leader Jim Brulte had endorsed the Fabian Nunez Career Politican Term Limits Weakening Measure. We feel so bad for Brulte on this matter, that we though we would… Read More