Steve Westly’s Unusual Platform for Governor: Supporting “The Big Lie”
It’s no secret that former State Controller and unsuccessful 2006 Democrat Gubernatorial candidate Steve Westly wants to run for Governor again.
But you may not know that Westly has chosen an unusual platform for his next gubernatorial campaign – supporting subterfuge, and misleading California voters.
I noted with some degree of cynicism that Westly has endorsed Proposition 93, the Nunez/Perata Career Politician Term Limits Loosening Initiative.
It’s one thing to oppose term limits or believe it should be changed – but it’s a completely different thing to support an initiative that’s designed to trick the voters. Which is exactly what 93 does. Proposition 93 is so bad that a slew of major newspapers (you know, the ones who always endorse the WRONG candidates?) have come out strongly against the measure.
Proposition 93’s main backers – and beneficiaries – are the poster children for its defeat. Senate President Don Perata is under an active FBI investigation… Read More