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Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: President Bush: Artificially “freezing” loan rates is UN-American

Freedom and liberty aren’t just words in America. They mean something. This is a country where you can start with virtually nothing, and achieve the dream of amazing financial success, whether it making hamburgers, or computers. But that freedom with a price — it is called individual responsibility. You see, the key to having a free country is that we have a truly limited government. Liberty means being able to take risks, and hopefully achieving tremendous success. But it also means that there is risk as well. Some people prefer to avoid risk, and that is their prerogative. But is a truthful statement that many of the self-made success stories in America occured because someone took a risk, and showed a willingness to potentially lose what they have to try to better their position in our society. It is with some level of amazement that I read that President Bush has unleashed his TreasuryRead More

Jon Fleischman

Bill Leonard Remembers Larry McCarthy

At our request, State Board of Equalization Member and frequent FR Contributor Bill Leonard (pictured) penned these thoughts on the passing of California Taxpayers Association President Larry McCarthy… Larry McCarthy is gone and the world is a poorer place. It is right that conservatives honor his life and the dedication he had for each of us. Anyone involved in California tax policy over the last couple of decades knew Larry. Whether it was complex issues of unitary taxation of multinational corporations or simple principles that voters should be the final authority in approving tax increases Larry was in the thick of it. (And on both of these he helped me) His knowledge of taxes made him a resource for many and his unassuming generosity with his time made him high on that list of people you would want to call to get answers. His expertise… Read More

Jon Fleischman

President Bush: Artificially “freezing” loan rates is UN-American

Freedom and liberty aren’t just words in America. They mean something. This is a country where you can start with virtually nothing, and achieve the dream of amazing financial success, whether it making hamburgers, or computers. But that freedom with a price — it is called individual responsibility. You see, the key to having a free country is that we have a truly limited government. Liberty means being able to take risks, and hopefully achieving tremendous success. But it also means that there is risk as well. Some people prefer to avoid risk, and that is their prerogative. But is a truthful statement that many of the self-made success stories in America occured because someone took a risk, and showed a willingness to potentially lose what they have to try to better their position in our society. It is with some level of amazement that I read that President Bush has unleashed his TreasuryRead More

Jon Fleischman

Rest In Peace, Larry McCarthy, President, California Taxpayers Association

Larry McCarthy, president of the California Taxpayers’ Association since 1989, died Saturday in Sacramento after a long struggle with cancer. He was 59 years old. “California’s taxpayers have lost a friend and ally,” Cal-Tax Board of Directors Chair John Cmelak Cmelak said. “For more than 30 years, Larry provided an effective, articulate voice for lower taxes and greater government accountability, and he did so with unmatched integrity and grace.” McCarthy participated in too many statewide ballot measure campaigns to mention, defending taxpayers against unnecessary tax hikes and speaking out for improved government efficiency. In 2000, he signed the ballot argument for Proposition 35, which amended the state constitution to allow contracting out for engineering andRead More

Jon Fleischman

Arnold endorses LWC, Common Cause, AARP Redistricting Initiative

This afternoon, Governor Schwarzenegger endorsed a redistricting reform measure that has been put forward by Common Cause of California, AARP, the League of Women Voters and the Los Angeles County Chamber of Commerce. They call is California Voters First (a summary of the initiative is here). This clearly is a big boost for this initiative, which presumably will target appearing on the ballot next November. I’ve not taken a formal position on this measure, and must now give it a more in-depth review. On the natural, anything that is promoted by Common Cause, AARP or the League of Voters would have me opposing it, and requiring convincing me to move me towards support. With the triple-crown of these "we love big government" groups all together on this one, it really makes a conservative like myself want to oppose it on… Read More

Jon Fleischman

AD 60 Debate Notable Because of Hagman’s “Bodyguards”

Last week I had an opportunity to stop by City of Hall in the City of Orange, in the County of Orange, to check out a debate between the two Republicans who are duking it out to succeed Assemblyman Bob Huff as the legislator representing the 60th Assembly District — Larry Dick and Curt Hagman. The debate, to be quite honest, didn’t draw too many idelogical distinctions between the two candidates. If anything, I thought that both candidates could stand more time working on how to articulate their thoughts more forcefully, succinctly, and on point. I guess if I had to give my unbiased opinion, while both candidates did "okay" — my expectations for Hagman, a City Councilmember from Chino Hills, were a bit higher. I wasn’t expecting a breathtaking performance from Dick, who serves as a local water board member. So if you measure the candidates objectively, I probably give them both a B-/C+ for overall performance/presentation. Measured against my own expectations, I guess Dick did a little better than Hagman. This… Read More

Jon Fleischman

A Bad Weekend For the Yes on 93 Campaign

Some times things are written so well, there is no choice but to reprint them…

From the NO on 93 Campaign The bad news just keeps coming for the Yes on 93 campaign. Two of California’s top newspapers – The San Jose Mercury News and The Fresno Bee – came out in strong opposition to Proposition 93 on Sunday. This is on the heels of The San Diego Union-Tribune’s hard-hitting editorial against Prop. 93. Legislative leaders Nunez and Perata took it on the chops as all three papers singled out the Assembly Speaker and Senate President for harsh – but richly deserved – criticism.Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Guest Commentary – Meredith Turney: Jack O’Connell, Superintendent of Public Misinformation

We are pleased to bring you this exclusive, original column from Meredith Turney, about a startling and biased memo sent from State Superintendent of Public Intruction to County and District Superintendent’s around California…

Jack O’Connell, Superintendent of Public Misinformation Meredith Turney

As the public anger over Senate Bill 777 continues to increase, the campaign to discredit the Save Our Kids referendum has begun. Liberal California lawmakers often pass laws hoping the public will not be paying attention. However, SB 777 has awakened the public and the prospect of being held accountable to the people has many politicians very nervous.Read More