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Jon Fleischman

WSJ: Hillary’s Revenge — On Jim Rogan!

The lead editorial in the print version of the Wall Street Journal today is very relevant to California politics… Of course, when she isn’t burning American flags, Senator Boxer is probably burning issues of the WSJ… (This didn’t make the main page as they didn’t put it online until just now…)

Hillary’s Revenge Bygones are never bygones with Mrs. Clinton. Thursday, December 6, 2007 3:00 p.m. EST

Summoning the ghosts of the Clinton impeachment may be taboo in the Democratic Presidential race, but it’s apparently fair game as payback against those who participated in it. Thus is California Senator Barbara Boxer exacting revenge against James Rogan, who has been nominated forRead More

Jim Battin

Jeff Miller Steps Down as Chair of Riverside County GOP

I got an email the other day that my good friend, and very effective leader, Jeff Miller was stepping down as Chairman of the Riverside County Republican Party – so he can fully campaign for his Assembly race (District 71).

Jeff has done a great job heading up the RivCo GOP. Just like his predecessor did, now-Assemblyman Kevin Jefferies, Jeff has run a professionial organization dedicated to Republicans winning elections – both on a state and local level. And just like Kevin –Jeff will be astrong member of the California Assembly.

Here’s some of his highlights:

— He ran the Party as a conservative, kept the Party united and raised over a million dollars for the first time.

— As a result of the dollars raised, the Party was able to put out over 200,000 pieces of mail, including two countywide slates, that helped re-elect… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Hanretty makes Glamour; Brulte Jammed by Nunez

HANRETTY MAKES GLAMOUR MAG Former FR State Capitol Correspondent Karen Hanretty took off for the D.C. Beltway to try her hands at political communications on the national level. The capable former spokesman for the State GOP, already a regular on Hannity and Colmes, is now a senior member of the communications team for the Fred Thompson for President campaign. Glamour magazine has found Karen, and has done a little Q&A with her for their latest issue. Check it out here. Way to go, Karen!

POOR JIM BRULTE… Yesterday it was reported that former legislative Republican Leader Jim Brulte had endorsed the Fabian Nunez Career Politican Term Limits Weakening Measure. We feel so bad for Brulte on this matter, that we though we would connect some dots for FR readers, because, as you will… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Hanretty makes Glamour; Brulte Jammed by Nunez

HANRETTY MAKES GLAMOUR MAG Former FR State Capitol Correspondent Karen Hanretty took off for the D.C. Beltway to try her hands at political communications on the national level. The capable former spokesman for the State GOP, already a regular on Hannity and Colmes, is now a senior member of the communications team for the Fred Thompson for President campaign. Glamour magazine has found Karen, and has done a little Q&A with her for their latest issue. Check it out here. Way to go, Karen! POOR JIM BRULTE… Yesterday it was reported that former legislative Republican Leader Jim Brulte had endorsed the Fabian Nunez Career Politican Term Limits Weakening Measure. We feel so bad for Brulte on this matter, that we though we would… Read More

Shawn Steel

Parsky Commission Fails Rogan

Among the most enduring legacies for any US President are their judicial appointments. Unfortunately, former Attorney General Gonzalez and Gerry Parsky set up an unprecedented "commission" with Senators Feinstein and Boxer to pre agree on any California federal judges.

Unprecedented, in that never before in American history did any President simply give up his right to select who he wanted to serve in the federal judiciary.

Some of us strongly objected [ see LATimes Op-Ed "Lionesses of the Left" , May 26, 2002] a commission that gave absolute veto power to either Feinstein and Boxer’s. Generally, a few good judges were… Read More

Brandon Powers

Cal Counts Up 12 In Latest SUSA Poll

A recently released Survey USA poll shows that the California Counts initiative (otherwise known as the initiative to tinker with how Electoral College votes are assigned) is up by 12 points.

I know a lot of pollsters are dubious of the results of these types of automated surveys, but that fact that it is up substantially at first glance shows that the hook of “fairness” has some serious legs.

Among all Californians, it polled 47% support, 35% oppose, and 19% undecided.

Other bits I found interesting: It was supported by an even wider margin among women (47/28). Among whites it polled 51/32. Among Republicans, it was 54/29 and 59/30 among Democrats.

Very good news… now it just has to qualify.… Read More

Mike Spence

SB 777 Referendum campaign hits 300,000 petitions in circulation (3 Million signatures possible)

Capitol Resource Family Impact campaign has reported that they have mailed or shipped over 300,000 petitions to Californians.

The campaign is trying to place on the ballot a referendum to overturn SB 777. SB 777 requires schools to view everything from textbooks and school events through the prism of almost every sexual preference imaginable. They are still sending out more petitions but only have 6 weeks to get them back. That will be the tough part. If they (we) fail our kids will learn more than how to spell transgendered in school.

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Matt Rexroad

Migden v. the world and she might actually win

When Assemblyman Mark Leno announced that he was challenging Senator Carole Migden for her Senate seat I could not have been happier. In fact, I think most everyone in Sacramento that has ever been in one of her committee rooms was thrilled. It was going to be great political theater.

We were finally going to have a real knock down drag out battle by the Bay. It was going to be political WWE.

When Migden got slammed for risking the lives of other drivers on the freeway I really thought it was over. Then she comes back with the big L word. And the word is not "Lesbian". It is "Leukemia". Timing is everything.

In a one on one race with Migden and Leno — I like Leno’s chances. He is every bit as liberal only he is much nicer. That is not saying much. Leno had done a great job of gathering up all of the anti-Migden forces until others started having the same idea.

"Another clinging on to glory days" Alioto jumped into the race. He divides the anti-Migden forces once. Now Joe Nation has opened an account. He is a former Assemblyman from Marin County that might make a play for the Marin… Read More