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Jon Fleischman

Romney taps leaders in all 53 CA Congressional Districts

The Romney for President Campaign just announced their list of Congressional District leaders for California – with an impressive showing, they have someone in each district.

This kind of grassroots organizing is impressive and important with the winner-take-all-by-district rules in place this cycle. The vote for President in the GOP primary will be tallied within each district, and whichever candidates achieves the plurality of the vote will be awarded that district’s three delegates.

You can see where such a system necessitates a district-by-district plan. Here’s the list… CD 1 – Mike Harvey CD 2 – Brenda Haynes CD 3 – Tom Scott CD 4 – Brian Jensen CD 5 – Matt Donaldson CD 6 – Michael Erickson CD 7 – Glenna Phillips CD 8 – Scott Erickson CD 9 – Richard Amoroso CD 10 – Greg Poulos CD 11 – Leslie Barkdull CD 12 – Michael Helmantolar CD 13 – Claudia Bermudez CD 14 – Gary Gechlik CD 15 – Harold Stuart CD 16 – Don Ainge CD 17 –… Read More

Barry Jantz

San Diego GOP Endorses Goldsmith for City Attorney

Sending a strong message to the lesser known and/or lesser qualified GOP candidates mulling the race, the San Diego County Republican Party last night unanimously endorsed former Assemblyman and currently-on-leave Judge Jan Goldsmith for San Diego City Attorney. The momentum has built against incumbent Mike Aguirre, whose mouth-shooting and media-grabbing can’t-help-himself tactics have turned what was once a potential easy re-election into one of the races to watch next year. Goldsmith brings high credibility to the race. Aguirre, who called for a complete evacuation of San Diego during the October wildfires, is now on the end of an effort — complete with bumper stickers — to "Evacuate Aguirre."

The Party press:

The Republican Party of San Diego County unanimously voted to endorse Judge Jan Goldsmith for San Diego City Attorney on Monday night.

"Judge Goldsmith is exactly the kind of City Attorney that San Diego needs. Someone with a well-earned reputation for independence and integrity. His experience, competence and thoughtful demeanor are criticalRead More

Jon Fleischman

Monday Morning Grab-Bag

GOVERNOR’S GLOBAL WARMING POSITION IS BEST FOR A DEMOCRAT DEBATE It was reported over the weekend in the Los Angeles Times that Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger is trying to put together a debate amongst the Republican candidates for the Presidency, focused on the issue of global warming. Such a debate might be instructive to the Governor because what he will find is that the debate will not be over how to reduce mankind’s emissions of carbon, but rather the injection of a lot of sound science that profers that the relationship between the earth’s temperature and the actions of man are dubious at best. COERCIVE MORTGAGE DEAL BAD FOR AMERICA Today’s San Diego Union-Trubine lead editorial hits the nail on the head… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Monday Morning Grab-Bag

GOVERNOR’S GLOBAL WARMING POSITION IS BEST FOR A DEMOCRAT DEBATE It was reported over the weekend in the Los Angeles Times that Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger is trying to put together a debate amongst the Republican candidates for the Presidency, focused on the issue of global warming. Such a debate might be instructive to the Governor because what he will find is that the debate will not be over how to reduce mankind’s emissions of carbon, but rather the injection of a lot of sound science that profers that the relationship between the earth’s temperature and the actions of man are dubious at best. COERCIVE MORTGAGE DEAL BAD FOR AMERICA Today’s San Diego Union-Trubine lead editorial hits the nail on the head… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Housekeeping Items – Holiday Schedule for FR, and more…

On this quiet Sunday in the midst of the holiday season, we’ll use this space to cover a few "housekeeping" items for the FlashReport:

Christmas Break As is our annual tradition here at the FlashReport, Flash and the "elves" take a break from gathering up news stories for the holidays. The last time the main page will be updated for the year will be Thursday, December 20. We will restart again on January 2. If past experience is any indicator, we’ll still see a fair amount of activity on the blog through this time! on the way out? After a steady drumbeat of complaints about the pop-ups on our main page, we’re close to shutting that feature down. So if you really enjoy it, and want us to keep using it, now would be a good time for you to drop us a line and let us know that!… Read More

Barry Jantz

Sunday San Diego…Afraid of opposing SB 777?

Freelance columnist Sunana Batra had a great op-ed in the North County Times last Wednesday, noting the folly of SB 777, including this passage:

I can’t help but shake my head at the misguided parents who have once again drunk the California Teachers Association’s Kool-Aid and see a new law meant to protect homosexual and transgender students as just another nice attempt to make sure no student is ever made to feel uncomfortable. They are the clueless frogs just getting comfortable in the warmth of a cozy bath that makes them feel oh so good and tolerant.After it was posted on Red County San Diego, one anonymous commenter, proudly dubbing himself "Squish Revolution," reacted as follows:

You’re welcome to your opinion, but there are a lot of us that are more concerned about the state’s 10 billion dollar deficit. But, once again, Republicans willRead More

Jon Fleischman

Housekeeping Items – Holiday Schedule for FR, and more…

On this quiet Sunday in the midst of the holiday season, we’ll use this space to cover a few "housekeeping" items for the FlashReport:

Christmas Break As is our annual tradition here at the FlashReport, Flash and the "elves" take a break from gathering up news stories for the holidays. The last time the main page will be updated for the year will be Thursday, December 20. We will restart again on January 2. If past experience is any indicator, we’ll still see a fair amount of activity on the blog through this time! on the way out? After a steady drumbeat of complaints about the pop-ups on our main page, we’re close to shutting that feature down. So if you really enjoy it, and want us to keep using it, now would be a good time for you to drop us a line and let us know that!… Read More

Michael Der Manouel, Jr.

Blowhard Florez Should Focus On State’s Real Problems

We’ve had a bad run here in Fresno with our athletic program. Our former basketball coach, Jerry Tarkanian, built a winning program and the world’s 20th busiest arena, but left under NCAA sanctions. His successor, Ray Lopes, violated NCAA rules regarding contacting recruits, and a star player was convicted of murder. Drugs were rampant in the program, and drug tests routinely doctored or ignored. Although football and baseball were spotless, the entire athletic program was under a cloud.

Three longtime female athletic department employees – two coaches and an administrator, were fired under former Athletic Director Scott Johnson. The firings were handled poorly and three gender discrimination lawsuits were filed against the university. All three probably had some merit, but the latest, a $19 million judgement against the university in favor of ousted basketball coach Stacy Johnson – Klein, was excessive.

Now State Senator Dean Florez(D) Bakersfield, best known for his opportunistic, arrogant grandstanding on a variety of issues,has called for the President of CSU Fresno, John Welty to resign. We can debate the merits of his… Read More