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Jon Fleischman

‘Twas The Week Before The Non-Denominational Winter Break…

Twas the week before the non-denominational winter break (we call it Christmas), and all through California’s house not a Lobbyist was stirring, not even a Democrat Louse; As the campaign stockings hung by the chimney, the state’s cupboards were bare, In hopes that a Christmas miracle soon would be there; The Democrats were nestled snuggly in their beds, While visions of relaxed terms limits danced in their heads;Read More

Congressman John Campbell


The impending Christmas holiday, which cannot be waived even with a 2/3rds vote of Congress, has motivated lots of deal making, and Congress will adjourn for the year sometime tonight. Here are some of the things, in addition to the energy bill and the budget which I told you about yesterday, that are on their way to the President’s desk:

•TRIA: A 7 year extension with some positive modifications to the Terrorism Risk Insurance Act which was put in place after the attacks of 9/11. This provides federal government reinsurance so that the private market can profitably offer terrorism risk insurance on major commercial properties around the country. This compromise was more than the no extension that some wanted and less than the subsidies that others wanted. •SCHIP: After a year long and often bitter fight over whether to expand the State Children’s Health Insurance Plan to cover adults and middle class children (basically a step to socialized medicine), the Democratic leadership backed down and relented to a 16 month extension of the current program with some program revisions. This bill passed with a vote of 411-3. The floor speeches from… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Secretary Paulson comes to CA – Will the Grinch ruin everyone’s Christmas?

Yesterday, U.S. Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson, former chief over at Goldman Sachs, appeared in Stockton yesterday to talk about the challenges facing many who took out subprime loans. The question you have to ask Secretary Paulson is whether he plans on playing the part of the Grinch, stealing Christmas from all of those who did not decide to engage in riskly loan taking. Because that seems to be what he and other advocates of taxpayer support/bailouts of those adults to decided to take out sub prime loans for whom that decision is not working out. Government intervention into the mortgage lending marketplace will result in two things. The first is that it will artificially keep home prices higher, keeping a whole group of non-risk takers who have been waiting for the market to come down from being able to buy or upgrade their homes. The… Read More

Mike Spence

Who will be LA’s Grinch?

Over at Metroblogging LA the vote for LA’s Grinch is almost over.

The nominees include Nick Counter and the AMPTP for the writers strike, the LA Unified School District (for their payroll system although what they do to kids could be in there, Pasadena Mayor Bogaard for his coddling of Red China, The Cheviot Hills Homeowners Association for their subway opposition, and the LA City Nerd a blogger who disappeared from cyberspace. Well at least from cyberspace.Read More

Shawn Steel

Korea moves to the Right

After twelve years of misrule by arch Leftists in South Korea, Koreans repudiated the pro North Korean anti American government by electing conservative Myung Bak Lee, President by capturing more votes that all 9 of his opponents combined.

Korean Americans in California are vitally interested in the US having good relations with their mother country. With over 500,000 Korean Americans living in California, many now reliable voters, the hope that the left wing government would be removed was rewarded last night. Many of the… Read More

Mike Spence

SB 777 Referendum Passes 100,000 Signatures

I just came from the secret Headquarters that Capitol Resource Family Impact has set up to process the petitions being sent back. If successful, the referendum would stop SB 777, the anti-family school curriculum billed signed by the Governor.

With just a few weeks to go, the challenge will be for the effort to get a good chunk of the over 375,000 petitions distributed back. They are on their way.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

FR PODCAST – An Exclusive Interview With Governor Pete Wilson

Earlier this week, former California Governor Pete Wilson officially declared his opposition to Proposition 93 on this February’s ballot. As FR readers will recall, Prop. 93 is what we call "the big lie" and it is the measure placed on the ballot by Assembly Speaker Fabian Nunez as a rather naked effort to extend his own political career. Governor Wilson also has come out strongly against the campaign to recall State Senator Jeff Denham, an orchestrated effort by Senate President Don Perata to try to "take out" Denham for his opposition to this year’s state budget. Also, Governor Wilson has endorsed and is a strong supporter of Rudy Giuliani for President. Yesterday FR Publisher Jon Fleischman conducted an interview with Governor Wilson, which is presented below as a featured Podcast. In the interview, Wilson and… Read More

Jim Battin

I’m Looking Forward to “Assemblyman Gary Jeandron”

Today is the first time FR readers have heard from Gary Jeandron. It won’t be the last. I believe Gary will be the next Assemblyman from the 80th District.

Whether Prop 93 passes or not, Gary will have a strong impact in California politics in the years to come. If Prop 93 passes, Gary will support Bonnie Garcia (one of my best buddies) in her reelection and be a major player in her campaign. If it fails, Gary will be the next Assemblyman.

In so many ways Gary is a tremendous candidate. He’s the just retired Police Chief of Palm Springs (over 35 years with the department). He’s a School Board Member of the Palm Springs Unified School District. He’s a certified Marriage and Family Counselor. And he’s been married to his beautiful wife,… Read More