Gov’s Comm Director Adam Mendelsohn Moving on, Matt David to jump into hot seat…
With a h/t to Anthony York over at Capitol Weekly, the big news of this Christmas season is a big personnel change in the Governor’s senior staff. Specifically, Communications Director and Deputy Chief of Staff Adam Mendelsohn will be passing the conch shell of that office to Matt David. FR readers may remember Matt as the Deputy Communications Director for the Governor’s re-election campaign.
You can read more details in the CW story here.
What you will not find in the story, as they are keeping it mum for now, is why Mendelsohn is departing and what he will be doing once he leaves. But that will all come out soon enough!
For those keeping score, Adam and Matt are both Republicans. The position answers to the Governor’s Chief of Staff, Susan Kennedy, a Democrat, who, as of the posting of this blog, has been in the position for 2 years, 26 days, 8 hours, 1 minute and 4 seconds).
Our advice for David, a conservative, is to join with another Administration GOPer, Press Secretary Aaron McLear, and keep… Read More