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Congressman Doug LaMalfa

Of Carbon Credits, Hydrocarbons, and Ice Cream Diets

A few random thoughts on the California condition at Christmas time:

-Thank you Mr Speaker for the carbon credits for Christmas. It is a nice gesture that you do something for all of us members each year, philosophical issues aside. I understand that the bottle of wine like in previous years would be harder to deal with this time so the creativity of the credits is unique. I hope I can donate them to a good use. We’ll talk about forest management policy at a later date, but thank you.

-Went up to Oregon to visit family for a couple days. Enjoyed no sales tax and nicely paved roads while there. 89 octane Chevron gas was $3.39 in NorCal, $3.09 in rural Orygun,plus they pump it for you, it’s mandatory.30 cents cheaper just a couple hours away, worthwhile in my SUV. Fill er up, gotta head back to C.A.!

-I’ve noticed the different states have mottos that fits the spirit of each. My favorite is New Hampshire, where they even put it on their license plate. "New Hampshire…Read More

Jon Fleischman

Cream of the Crop – 12/24/07

Here are just a few items you should try to read today. The first is an outstanding editorial in the San Diego Union Tribune SDUT: Desperation Time – The Governor will do anything to enact a health bill Next we have a pair of pieces from the Sacramento Bee. The first looks at the state budget situation, and the second a preview of Prop. 92 SacBee: Budget faced realism deficit SacBee: Ballot funding measure heats up California is going to host Presidential debates for the Reps and Dems on the 30th and 31st of Jan… Politico: Calif. to host ‘Super Tuesday’ debates

Finally, in the LA Daily News,… Read More

Michael Der Manouel, Jr.

If The State Ran The Sahara Desert

One letter writer in this morning’s Fresno Bee says it all regarding the State’s attempted takeover of health care. [We are reprinting the text of the Letter linked above, below, because a number of people have reported problems with the Bee’s website] What ‘right’? 12/24/07 08:28:03 So, Assembly Speaker Fabian Núñez says, "Fundamentally, health care is a right and not a privilege … ." Hmm. Where in the constitution, U.S. or California, is that "right" granted? I can’t find it. However, if it is a right, can I get a refund for all the thousands of dollars my wife and I paid over many years for our "right"?Read More

Barry Jantz

Sunday San Diego: Chestnuts Roasting on a Wildfire

The Union-Trib’s top-of-the-page story this morning is Cal Fire drawing strong criticism over policies.

Uhhh, you think? In case no one notices, almost all of the criticisms in this go-round were brought up four years ago in several hearings, with the commitment that many of the problems would be addressed.

Deja vu all over again. Four years from now will we be saying that "almost all of the criticisms were brought up four years ago in several hearings, with the commitment that many of the problems would be addressed"? Will we? Does someone have an answer to the question? Governor Schwarzenegger? Cal Fire Chief Ruben Grijalva?

The latter won’t have any answer to anything other than to defend the bureaucracy. What Cal Fire needs is a non-bureaucrat at the top to answer the question. How about it Governor?… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Cream of the Crop – 12/23/07

With the main page closed, and your publisher still sifting through the news, here’s the best of today…


Assemblywoman Audra Strickland sticks a fork into Arnold-Care Ventura County Star: Government Run Healthcare is Bad Medicine Ethan Rarick notes how Arnold had been clutching to the GOP’s ‘no new taxes’ mantra — until now… LA Times: Benedict Arnold?

As only she can do, Debra Saunders rakes Congressional Dems for big spending (and notes that the GOP wasn’t much better)Read More

Jon Fleischman

Cream of the Crop – 12/22/07

Well, if I’m around and have a chance to surf the web, I’ll grab stories of interest.

The Feds are still investigating Senate President Don Perata, and in a subpeona battle with U.S. Representative John Doolittle: Sac Bee – Conflict delays Doolittle case SF Chron – Justice Dept. asks reporters for help in Perata case The Governor’s calling a special session to deal with a massive overspending problem. SF Chron – Governor predicts $3.3 billion revenue shortfall by end of June LA Times – Gov. considers major cuts in services Worth clicking on to see the cool photo of Assemblyman Todd Spitzer…… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: FR Weblog Up, Main News Site and E-mail Updates down until 1/2/07

First and foremost, thank you for being a ‘customer’ of the FlashReport website on California politics! While starting as an e-newsletter, it has now been over two years since we made the shift to being a web-based publication. The response has been overwhelming, and I just wanted to say THANK YOU on behalf of myself, and the team of folks who are contributors to the site!

THE MAIN PAGE, COMMENTARY PAGE and E-MAIL NOTICE features of this site will be DOWN until Thursday, January 3rd. It has been an annual tradition since the FR started in 2001 for the Publisher (me) to take this time off. However, the FLASHREPORT WEBLOG WILL BE UP AND RUNNING throughout the holidays, where many of our contributors will still be posting tidbits and thoughts. I’ll be pitching in my ten cents, too.Read More

Jon Fleischman

FR Weblog Up, Main News Site and E-mail Updates down until 1/2/07

First and foremost, thank you for being a ‘customer’ of the FlashReport website on California politics! While starting as an e-newsletter, it has now been over two years since we made the shift to being a web-based publication. The response has been overwhelming, and I just wanted to say THANK YOU on behalf of myself, and the team of folks who are contributors to the site! THE MAIN PAGE, COMMENTARY PAGE and E-MAIL NOTICE features of this site will be DOWN until Thursday, January 3rd. It has been an annual tradition since the FR started in 2001 for the Publisher (me) to take this time off. However, the FLASHREPORT WEBLOG WILL BE UP AND RUNNING throughout the holidays, where many of our contributors will still be posting tidbits and thoughts. I’ll be pitching in my ten cents, too.

As always, I would love anyRead More