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Barry Jantz

Then and Now Photos: POTUS Wannabes

Not that I could ever do justice to the level of creative humor that good Senator Battin has provided in the post below, nor would I commonly link to TMZ as a source of anything, but you’ve got to see these….

Here’s just one from the TMZ post to get your attention…. … Read More

Brandon Powers

Investor’s Business Daily Rips Arnold

I just noticed a great Editorial from last weekin theInvestor’s Business Dailyon Arnold’s "lurch to the left." Great read.

California’s Winter Of Discontent

State Spending: California’s budget is broken, and its economy looks troubled. The Golden State’s governator, Arnold Schwarzenegger, could have done something about this. Instead, he’s made it worse.

(more)Read More

Jim Battin

Night of the Living Republicans

File this one under me having too much time on my hands during the Christmas break…… ;-)

With the legislative session about to start up again, I thought it would be a good idea to show everyone what to expect. So, with a little help from the site — I give you…..

Night of the Living Republicans! (<— click the title)

Starring (see if you can spot them all): Senator Don Perata Senator Sheila Kuehl Senator Dick Ackerman Senator Dave Cogdill Senator George Runner Senator Roy Ashburn — and me!

The funny thing is this video was created to be a spoof on Republicans by JibJab, but being from a Republican Senatorabout the crazy and whacky legislature, I thought it was perfect. (if you can’t laugh at yourself, who can you laugh at?)

I spent a few hours putting this together – so I hope you enjoy! When I get inspired again, I’ll post… Read More

James V. Lacy

A very sad day for Pakistan

I haven’t posted for awhile and though unusual to comment on international news, I am copying below the Times of London story on the assasination of Benazar Bhutto yesterday.

This is a truly sad development in Pakistan. Bhutto’s recent return to Pakistan and the scheduling of elections in early January were steps in the right direction, towards a more secular politics in that country. Bhutto was educated in Britain and the United States, and was twice Prime Minister. Whatever the pundits and “experts” might say, her success would have been a good thing for the free world. Given her father, a former President of Pakistan, was executed by a subsequent government, and that Islamo-fascists had vowed to kill her if she returned from a self-imposed exile, and now that they have succeeded, her return to politics in Pakistan can only be viewed as courageous and patriotic.

I am copying the Times of London story below because in the early reports in the New York Times I have noted that, while the stories are almost indentical, the New York Times edited out the London Times comment that “Islamic militants had vowed to… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Gov’s Comm Director Adam Mendelsohn Moving on, Matt David to jump into hot seat…

With a h/t to Anthony York over at Capitol Weekly, the big news of this Christmas season is a big personnel change in the Governor’s senior staff. Specifically, Communications Director and Deputy Chief of Staff Adam Mendelsohn will be passing the conch shell of that office to Matt David. FR readers may remember Matt as the Deputy Communications Director for the Governor’s re-election campaign.

You can read more details in the CW story here.

What you will not find in the story, as they are keeping it mum for now, is why Mendelsohn is departing and what he will be doing once he leaves. But that will all come out soon enough!

For those keeping score, Adam and Matt are both Republicans. The position answers to the Governor’s Chief of Staff, Susan Kennedy, a Democrat, who, as of the posting of this blog, has been in the position for 2 years, 26 days, 8 hours, 1 minute and 4 seconds).

Our advice for David, a conservative, is to join with another Administration GOPer, Press Secretary Aaron McLear, and keep… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Cream of the Crop – 12/26/07

Here are a few stories of note…

The state prisons budget has risen dramatically… LATimes: State’s prison budget soars Government intervention can ONLY make things worse… SJMerc: Subprime mortgage crisis crimps valley, state economies The Fabian Nunez Career Politican Term Limits "Big Lie" Initiative in the news… SacBee: Prop. 93 provisions reduce years in office but aid some incumbents Some not so good ink for the LA City Attorney, Mr. Delgadillo LATimes: City atty. works legal loophole

I really enjoyed this column from Thomas Sowell today:Read More

Michael Der Manouel, Jr.

All I Want for Christmas Is a Great Candidate……

In case you missed it today, and you probably should have. I write today in the Bee that there are no great Presidential candidates. And, if you are interested, there is quite the debate going on over at the Bee regarding the never ending back and forth on global warming.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

A Tax Increase By Any Other Name…

I had a chance to meet Elizabeth Hill a few weeks ago. Hill is the state’s Legislative Analyst, and is considered by many to be fairly independent minded person.

That said, I was very disappointed to hear her spewing forth left-wing dogma where you refer to some people or products that are not taxed as highly as others as being a “loophole” — needing only to be “closed” to bring in billions more in tax revenue to state government.

No one falls for that rhetoric, Ms. Hill. What you are calling for are tax hikes, plain and simple. You call it a “loophole” that interest paid on home loans is tax deductable. We just call that one area where taxpayers enjoy freedom.

The reality here is that we have a huge spending problem in state — one caused by an escalating state budget.

The Governor and the Legislature must prioitize the freedom and liberty of Californians. The overall percentage of the GDP that goes to state government is more than is needed to fund a more than reasonable state government.

Elizabeth… Read More