A Prediction
I don’t have much time, so I am going to make this quick. I just wanted to say it before New Hampshire.
The California primary will be irrelevant–again. The nominees, whoever they happen to be, will have sown up their respective nominations before the Presidential primary election. The desparate hopes of the politicians of this state to be relevant will once again be dashed, and the California primary election, except for the propositions, will once again be a meaningless exercise.
So, this is my plea to the California Legislature. Please, Please, Please change the Presidential primary back to June. Let’s help restore sanity, deliberation, and reflection to this process by stopping the race to be first, or even relevant, and accept that the only real way for California to be relevant is to extend out the process, so that all candidates have a chance to win, and it takes longer for any one candidate to get the nomination. That might even make it so that no candidate has a majority of the delegates until the primary in California, and everyone will campaign here for two or three weeks before the first Tuesday in June.
Just a… Read More