McCain’s California Delegate List, and our blogger call with the Senator this morning…
I just got off of a national conservative blogger briefing with Senator John McCain, and let me tell you, that is one pumped up primary winner! He was with his colleague, Senator Lindsay Graham, and was very enthusiastic. I was going to ask the Senator about his campaign plans for California, since we’ve already begun to vote here. But it was like trying to call into a radio talk show, getting to ask a question. The format of these calls (and to the Senator’s credit, he holds them frequently) is that McCain talks for a few minutes, and then throws things open to Q&A. When that happens, the moderator tells you to push a button if you have a question. I swear to you my finger was ON the button at that time — and still, a half-dozen others ended up in the queue before me. Alas, I didn’t make the cut. Suffice it to say, though, that McCain (and he should be) is very upbeat today. (For a thorough write up from the call, check here on the NRO Blog.)
I’m sure that all 179 McCain supporters submitted as potential delegates… Read More