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Jon Fleischman

Doolittle’s Pending “Announcement”

For months know, rumors have circulated around that Congressman John Doolittle who represents California’s 4th District, east of Sacramento, was going to announce his retirement. The Congressman has been been in a tough political battle, that must be very frustrating for him. You see, he is battling against a federal investigation of him that has been very high profile, but has yet to actually result in any formal charges. Yet, in the court of public opinion, Doolittle clearly has problems. In a district that was literally drawn to elect a Republican, he barely won re-election in 2006. His former opponent, military veteran Charlie Brown is running again, and I have seen polling data that shows it would be a very uphill battle for Doolittle to get re-elected. The taint of the FBI probe has also had a significant and negative impact on the Congressman’s ability to raise needed funds for re-election, and has also caused a severe financial drain as potential resources for a re-election bid are diverted to pay legal bills.

I know John Doolittle well — and he is a good and honorable man. I find it hard to believe that he has broken any laws, and… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Borenstein: Bill for state benefits is due — and it’s only going to grow…

Dan Borenstein, who these days is a columnist at the Contra Costa Times, is a seasoned veteran when it comes to California politics and policy. He has penned an oustanding read today, that begins thusly:

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You probably knowRead More

Tab Berg

The Supervisor who would be King, or Congressman, or Secretary of State, or President, or…

Sac County Supervisor Roger Dickenson (sic) announced this week (via a news release), that he will introduce a resolution calling for a withdrawal of US troops from Iraq.

Wow – I didn’t even know that Sac County had a Foreign Policy office…or expertise…or jurisdiction…

Regardless of how you feel about the war, Dickenson’s (sic) move smacks of little more that political grandstanding – another search for headlines. Perhaps after getting spanked at the polls so many times running for "higher" office, he’s trying to reinvent himself for yet another run.

Supervisor Roberta MacGlashan – who has become the articulate voice for conservative issues on the BOS – called the move for what it was – inappropriate. While I might have used a more color metaphor, MacGlashan, being more civil and polite than I, hit just the right note.

(photo of… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: FLASHREPORT’S 2007 STATE SENATOR OF THE YEAR… The envelope please…

Selecting our FlashReport State Senator of the year for 2007 was not an easy task. There are a great group of conservatives in the California State Senate, and many of those are deserving of much praise. When we look back at 2007, there was one most-defining event for the State Senate – the budget battle of last summer. Senate Republicans demonstrated solidarity in holding out on voting for a bloated budget, with their actions ultimately, predictably, and unfortunately having been proven to have been right on the mark. Ultimately, Senate Republicans should have held out for more extensive and meaningful spending reductions – but, hind sight is 20/20. During the budget standoff, I had the opportunity to dialogue directly with many of the Senate Republicans, and as such have what I believe is a pretty accurate of the machinations that take place “behind closed doors” during that kind of stressful and epic showdown.

While the budget situation last year was perhaps the pinnacle moment for conservatives in the Senate to show their commitment, we also look for a Senator who maintains a solid record against bills that grow the size and scope of state… Read More

Jon Fleischman


Selecting our FlashReport State Senator of the year for 2007 was not an easy task. There are a great group of conservatives in the California State Senate, and many of those are deserving of much praise. When we look back at 2007, there was one most-defining event for the State Senate – the budget battle of last summer. Senate Republicans demonstrated solidarity in holding out on voting for a bloated budget, with their actions ultimately, predictably, and unfortunately having been proven to have been right on the mark. Ultimately, Senate Republicans should have held out for more extensive and meaningful spending reductions – but, hind sight is 20/20. During the budget standoff, I had the opportunity to dialogue directly with many of the Senate Republicans, and as such have what I believe is a pretty accurate of the machinations that take place “behind closed doors” during that kind of stressful and epic showdown.

While the budget situation last year was perhaps the pinnacle moment for conservatives in the Senate to show their commitment, we also look for a Senator who maintains a solid record against bills that grow the size and scope of state… Read More

Jon Fleischman

California Delegate List: Fred Thompson

Just in from the Fred Thompson for President Campaign, they have submitted a full slate of 179 potential delegates for California…

(Again, the formatting is a function of the way I received the data…)

CD 01 Janet Ney 01 Letha Carlstedt 01 Susan Biagio 02 Rick Keene, Assemblyman 02 Sean Bridgett 02Read More

Duane Dichiara

Dantona OUT in 19th State Senate District

Democrat Jim Dantona has declared that he is out of the 19th State Senate primary against former Assemblywoman Hannah Beth-Jackson. Former Assemblyman Tony Strickland is the probable GOP nominee for the seat, currently held by conservative icon Tom McClintock.

With no Democrat Primary to bloody the water look for the race to bloody the Democrat nominee, look for a more hotly contested general election. Republicans currently hold a slight voter registration edge (187,000) over Democrats (169,000) with some 110,000 ‘other’ party members or decline to state voters.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

California Delegate List: Rudy Giuliani

Here are the Giuliani for President submitted potential delegates… (See the Romney list below this one for more explanation on this — also, the formatting is largely the way they were sent to me by the campaigns themselves…)

At-Large: William Simon, Jr., Pacific Palisades Ali Jahangiri, Newport Beach Dr. Tod Allen Burnett, Los Angeles Wardell A. Connerly, Sacramento John McMonigle, Irvine Tracy Price, Laguna Hills David W. Hanna, Laguna Beach Jon Liebman, Santa Monica Former Governor Pete Wilson, Los Angeles Lyle R. Davis, Newport Beach Thomas F. Tait, Anaheim 1st Congressional District: Margie L. Handley, Willits Iris Cochlan, El Macero Marleia Sire, Napa 2nd Congressional District: Gary Freeman, Orland Margaret Dominici, Redding Susan F. Gibbs, Colusa 3rd Congressional District: Pauline June Downum, Glencoe Kenneth Lunde, AntelopeRead More