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Jon Fleischman

FR Friend Patrick Moir Checks In – Is the Nevada Caucus for Real?

Longtime GOP Activist Patrick Moir, who toiled here in the Golden State for many years, now calls Nevada home. He sent this missive over, worthy of sharing with FR readers…

As Sunday night comes to a close, I’m in my house in Las Vegas reviewing the upcoming week and next weekend and realize that the Nevada Caucus is coming up on Saturday. I have received nothing from the Nevada Republican Party about the caucus, its location or how it works. I visited their website after seeing a small ad in the local paper and learned that I need to go to a high school a few miles away "for my precinct caucus."

I’m also surprised candidates have so little interest in my vote. As a 3 of 4 Republican male (I didn’t vote in the city general election that had only a municipal court judge on the ballot in Summerlin), I would expect to be contacted as much as Shirley Horton’s campaign spoke to people in the 2004 election, but I have… Read More

Matt Rexroad

Pew Research on Campaigns and the Internet

The Pew Research Center has published the report Internet’s Broader Role in Campaign 2008

It is a good read for anyone interested in politics. Taking the information that it provides and extrapolating it out a few cycles tells us that campaigns and elections are going to be very different in the future.

Several months ago (prior to the strike by writers) I came to the conclusion that The Daily Show with Jon Stewart is one of the best sources of political news. Stewart is not only funny — he gets guests that seem to track with Tim Russert.

The evening news and a massive television buy alone is not what wins campaigns any more. It is a constantly changing environment that political professionals need to recognize.

Two things this report does not cover that are important.

First, while the internet may be a great way to reach younger voters. To be honest, most of the time I am not trying to reach younger voters. I would rather have the over 60 crowd any day of the week. They actually… Read More

Barry Jantz

Sunday San Diego: Sheriff La Suer?, Politically Speaking and More

Red County 2.0… The Red County network has upgraded, with a new format and new locations for the regional blog sites. Something dubbed 2.0. Ok, I’ll buy that. It also means a new URL for the local SD site. Take a look…when not posting there myself, it’s my second choice every day for the latest insider political news…after FR of course! You can check out Red County SD and its localized content here

Sheriff La Suer?… Is the former “number two” at the Sheriff’s Department eying the seat? Jay La Suer, also the immediate past 77th AD assemblyman and prior to that a 10-year member of the La Mesa City Council, is said to be doing just that. Once considered a possible contender for Duncan Hunter’s open congressional seat, La Suer has endorsed Hunter son Duncan D. for the spot. Short of waiting for an open senate seat from a termed-out Dennis Hollingsworth, the one-time undersheriff has few prospects if interested in another office.

Roger Hedgecock… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Guest Comentary: Bill Leonard – Pry the Thermostat from My Cold, Dead Hands

On this quiet Sunday morning, be prepared to be blown away with the latest and one of the most evil ideas that has come along for the expansion of the Nanny State… The following is penned by longtime FR friend Bill Leonard, who serves as a member of the California State Board of Equalization…

Pry the Thermostat from My Cold, Dead Hands By Bill Leonard I have written about the number of people leaving California for any number of reasons— high taxes, traffic congestion, poor public schools, burdensome business climate—but yesterday came word of a new one: the cooler cops. TheRead More

Jon Fleischman

Guest Comentary: Bill Leonard – Pry the Thermostat from My Cold, Dead Hands

On this quiet Sunday morning, be prepared to be blown away with the latest and one of the most evil ideas that has come along for the expansion of the Nanny State… The following is penned by longtime FR friend Bill Leonard, who serves as a member of the California State Board of Equalization…

Pry the Thermostat from My Cold, Dead Hands By Bill Leonard

I have written about the number of people leaving California for any number of reasons— high taxes, traffic congestion, poor public schools, burdensome business climate—but yesterday came word of a new one: the cooler cops. The California Energy Commission is proposing in its Title 24 regulations that newly installed heating and cooling systems inRead More

Michael Der Manouel, Jr.

State of the Living Dead

The Wall Street Journal weighs in today on the Governor’s ridiculous health care plan (link might require registration) and really furthers my argument that the State Republican Party needs to actively and publicly oppose tax increases by asking each member of the State Assembly and State Senate to agree to a no new taxes pledge.

Besides blowing up the Governor’s call for tax increases related to his health care plan for the November ballot, the Party should also begin the process of raising money to overturn the ridiculous Sinclair Paint decision, which allows "fees" to be levied in lieu of taxes. Look for the Governor’s "solution" to the budget crisis to be laden with "fees". The State Party should try to qualify a ballot initiative to run in November to treat fees the same as taxes.

The Governor left the State GOP in a mountain of debt, crippling its ability to operate this year. He ignored downballot candidates and refused to campaign for McClintock and McPherson. It’s time to return the favor.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Remembering Carl Karcher

At the bottom of today’s main news page, you can see several articles on the passing of Carl Karcher. Most of America knows Carl for his famous and widespread fastfood restaurant chain, Carl’s Jr. Many who have been involved with Republican and conservative causes over the last half-century know Carl as a committed champion of important American traditions — God, family and free enterprise.

I first met Carl in 1988 at a dinner for the Christian Anti-Communist Crusude (and no, I wasn’t the only Jewish kid there). I remember Carl handing me and every other activist with Young Americans for Freedom his signature "Free Famous Star" cards that he had with him everywhere. I don’t know about the others, but I ended up keeping the card as a keepsake, rather than trading it away for the burger.

Over the years, as I got more involved in politics, I became State Chairman of California YAF, and some years after that, served a term as Chairman of the California Republican Assembly. During my time running both of these fine organizations, Carl (with whom I developed a friendship) was very… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Romero: Thompson’s South Carolina Debate Response Better Late Than Never

I was talking with my good friend Nicholas Romero, whom FR readers know as the former Managing Editor of the FlashReport. Nick was very animated after watching Thursday night’s Presidential debate. Nick’s been very passionate about this Presidential campaign season – he’s a big supporter of Fred Thompson, actually. Anyways, after talking with Nick a bit, I asked him if he would be willing to pen his “take” on the debate for FR readers. So, in Nick’s own literary style, here’s what he sent over… Flash

Better Late Than Never

Well, this past week has been a rollercoaster. The open New Hampshire primary (they allow Democrats and Independents to vote in the Republican Primary in the Granite State) had conservative Republicans staring down the very real and undesirable prospect of a McCain nomination. However, I think New Hampshire’s surprising results have awoken the fusionist base. We do not want to see the party fall the way of the Whigs. We have caught a glimpse of… Read More