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Matt Rexroad

McCain wins big in South Carolina

Senator John McCain became the front runner for the Republican nomination tonight by winning the South Carolina primary. McCain leads virtually every national poll and has overtaken Mayor Guiiani in Florida.

The non-medal finish by Governor Romney in this conservative state must be of great concern for that campaign.

Say what you want about McCain. The guy is a true military hero and doesn’t flip-flop. He is solidly pro-life and a true fiscal conservative.

Senator McCain is the best chance for Republicans to hold the White House for another four years.… Read More

Congressman Doug LaMalfa

Romney Steamrolls In Nevada

Following on the heels of the strong Michigan victory, the Mitt Romney campaign has leveled the field in Nevada. With over 50% of the vote to himself, it shows the momentum is picking up. The McCain third place effort in this Western state, behind Ron Paul, has to be a concern to that campaign.

With 3 states won, the most Republican votes in all states, the most delegates accrued [59 for Mitt to 17 for McCain and 1 for Guiliani], Mitt Romney is fast becoming the conservative standard bearer for the Republican nomination.… Read More

Barry Jantz

Hunter Ends Presidential Bid

From Duncan Hunter….

We started this campaign a year ago right here, in San Diego Harbor, against the backdrop of American Naval power. We launched a campaign emphasizing a strong national defense, enforceable borders and restoring the industrial base of America.

Today we end this campaign. The Nevada caucuses reflecting only 2% of the vote for me. I ran the campaign exactly the way I wanted to, and at this point not being able to gain traction in conservative states of Nevada and Read More

Jim Battin

I’ve Gone Green – From now on, call me Senator Carbon Credit

That’s right, I’ve gone green.

– And I have the piece of paper to prove it (more on that in a minute).

My green adventure started today when I read this standard scold article in the Contra Costa Times. The headline says it all – and gives the reader the gist of the article right off: "Lawmakers’ flashy, fuel-sucking cars on road at the expense of taxpayers" Wow. Or should I say ouch. I just knew this article wasn’t going to be good – especially because I’m in it.

The article is the fairly standardpiece almost all papers do about legislators’vehicles – highlighting the cost of each car.They also tend to bereal vague that despite the actual cost – we all get exactly the same car allowance, and any costs above that allowance we pay for out of our own pocket. Since I drive a 2005 Lincoln Aviator, I pay $223.81 extra out of my paycheck each month to pay for the lease. So whether a legislator drives a Prius or an Aviator… Read More

Jill Buck

Sac Bee Backs McCain!

Greetings, Flash Report Buddies! It’s a great day to be a California Republican…the Sacramento Bee recommends Senator John McCain in the upcoming GOP primary! We were fortunate to have the Senator at the CRP convention in Indian Wells last year, and thanks to my fellow FR flasher, Tom Ross, I got to meet the Senator. I’m so proudof the Senator’sresilience and statesmanlike campaign…he makes me proud to be a Reagan Republican! I love the way he reaches out to all Republicans in his speeches, and not just the ones working on his campaign. He’s a unifier. Here’s what the Sac Bee has to say:

The Bee recommends: McCain For GOP, a nominee of principle – Published 12:00 am PST Saturday, January 19, 2008 With no incumbent in the 2008 presidential race, the American people (and the Republican Party) face a clean break from the eight-year Bush presidency. That makes John McCain the clear choice for us. As a senator with 20Read More

Mike Spence

Del Beccaro rips Presidential Campaigns

CRP Vice-Chair Tom Del Beccaro is not happy camper. He had plenty to say about the Presidential candidates at the San Gabriel Valley Lincoln Club Breakfast.I guess he should send them a copy of his book, The New Conservative Paradigm. If you see him ask him what he said when the reporter turned off the tape recorder.… Read More

James V. Lacy

Start setting your watches on Giuliani time

One Republican Presidential candidate wins Iowa. Then fades. Another wins New Hampshire. Then still another wins Michigan. No clear frontrunnerhas emergedfrom these early, largely small state primaries. People have been saying it is an exciting and very surprising race for the Presidency in the Republican party.

Well, it is sure exciting, but perhaps not so surprising, at least to California’s Bill Simon, a key supporter of Rudy Giuliani’s campaign. I was on a call before the Michigan primary last week with Bill, and not only did he predict the outcome of that race, he also said key political advisors had been predicting the same results of these early primary statesfor over a year now – no clear frontrunner emerging from them. Meaning that the real decision to be made in determining the next Republican President will occur in the big state primaries to be held in the coming weeks.

And Rudy Giuliani is positioned better than any other candidate to capture the 1,191 delegates needed to become the Republican nominee. The first four primaries and caucuses produced only 54 delegates, which have tobe divided… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Guest Commentary – Jon Coupal: Taxpayers Are Being Set Up

We are pleased today to feature a special guest commentary from FR Friend Jon Coupal, who is President of the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association, and is a frequent contributor to this site:

As taxpayers are bombarded daily with bad budget news, they are fastening their seat belts. It’s going to be a bumpy ride.

Sacramento admits to a $14 billion deficit over the next 18 months and even this may turn out to be a conservative estimate. And right on cue, the tax and spend lobby has increased the pitch of its whining for higher taxes.

**There is more – click the link**

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