Presidential race delegate count: Nevada and recent primaries irrelevant to process
I saw an email from Political Vanguardthat touted after the South Carolina primary and Nevada caucus "No clear front-runner; Romney 1 – McCain 1," or words to that affect.
It is true there is currently no clear front-runner in the race for the Republican nomination. But Mitt Romney didn’t really win what mattered in Nevada. And McCain’s South Carolina win was impressive, but also not quite so important where it matters. What matters is actual delegate count, which is what the primary process is really all about (because one may only be nominated the candidate of the Republican Party for President by actuallywinning a majority of the delegates to the Republican National Convention).
Romney’s Nevada win was not really a win in the delegate sense. The reason is, Nevada did not award any delegates as a result of the caucus. That is still an open question in Nevada. And Romney spent a lot of time in Nevada todevelop this"win," even passing up opportunities to speak in California in favor of Reno audiences. It ispredictable that Romney would do well in states with… Read More