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Jon Fleischman

U.S. Rep. Duncan Hunter on One Year Anniversary of Imprisonment of Ramos, Campean

This week marks the one-year anniversary since border patrol officers Ramos and Campean were placed behind bars. California Congressman Duncan Hunter gave us the following words to commemorate this dark anniversary:

One year ago this week, agents Ramos and Compean entered federal prison for their involvement in wounding a fleeing drug smuggler along the Southern border. And over the last year, Congress and the American people have repeatedly expressed their outrage that such an injustice has been allowed to occur. These agents were convicted solely on the testimony of the drug dealer, who has since been indicted on federal drug charges for running drugs into the United States while serving as a federal witness. Most disturbingly, he did so withRead More

Jon Fleischman

Guest Commentary: Sen. George Runner – Nunez/Schwarzenegger Health Care Bill: Empty Promises

Today we are pleased to offer this guest commentary from FR Friend, State Senator George Runner. Runner is Chairman of the Senate Republican Caucus…

Nunez-Schwarzenegger health care bill: Empty promises By Senator George Runner Despite all of the promises from Speaker Fabian Nunez and Governor Schwarzenegger about their “universal” health care proposal, the fact is very few Californians will benefit but most of them will pay heavily. And that’s why it won’t past muster with voters in November 2008 The truth is, more than 30 million Californians already have health care coverage throughRead More

Jon Fleischman

Guest Commentary: Sen. George Runner – Nunez/Schwarzenegger Health Care Bill: Empty Promises

Today we are pleased to offer this guest commentary from FR Friend, State Senator George Runner. Runner is Chairman of the Senate Republican Caucus… Nunez-Schwarzenegger health care bill: Empty promises By Senator George Runner Despite all of the promises from Speaker Fabian Nunez and Governor Schwarzenegger about their “universal” health care proposal, the fact is very few Californians will benefit but most of them will pay heavily. And that’s why it won’t past muster with voters in November 2008Read More

Matthew J. Cunningham

California Coastal Commission: Putting Pocket Mice First

I wouldn’t normally recommend a government document to anyone as a good read, this report from the Transportation Corridors Agencies (TCA) in Orange County is a refreshing exception.

The report was released last week by the TCA in response to the California Coastal Commission’s state-of-fear staff report that blasted the TCA’s plans to complete its 241 tollroad as hastening the destruction of all life on Earth. OK, I exaggerate the alarmism of the Coastal Commission report — but not by much.

The opening paragraphs will give you a flavor of this scathing response:

Our review of the Staff Report has discovered factual errors, misrepresentations, distortions, baseless conclusions, and egregiously misleading statements in such numbers and of such extraordinary proportions as to require our response to be stated withRead More

Jennifer Nelson

Izumi Voted President of CA Community Colleges

Yesterday my good friend and occasional FR colunnist, Lance Izumi, was named president of the board of governors of the California Community College. Pacific Research Institute, the think tank for which Lance works, issued the following release today:

PRI’s Lance Izumi Named President of the Board of Governors of the California Community Colleges

San Francisco – On Tuesday, January 15, Pacific Research Institute’s director of Education Studies Lance T. Izumi succeeded Kay Albiani as president of the Board of Governors of the California Community Colleges. The Board sets policy and provides guidance for the 72 districts and 109 colleges within the system. It is the largest system of higher education in the country with more than 2.6 million students.

“Kay Albiani has been one of the greatest leaders of the state’s community colleges,” Mr. Izumi said. “I look forward to continuing that tradition of… Read More

Jon Fleischman

A lonely job, being a Republican on the California Student Aid Commission

This afternoon I received a press release from my friend James Vaughn, Executive Director of the California Chapter of the Log Cabin Club (for those new to the game, this is the Gay/Lesbian Republican Organization). The release was touting the appointment by Governor Schwarzenegger of Peter Hankwitz to the California Student Aid Commission. I have met Peter a few times before (he is pictured to the right). A Republican, he hails from the San Fernando Valley, works in the entertainment industry, and as James’ release points out, he is the 11th Log Cabin Club appointment made by this Governor. Peter, congratulations!

FR readers may have noticed that I don’t write a lot about Gubernatorial appointments anymore. It’s not that Arnold isn’t… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Nunez’ “Big Lie” Yes on 93 Campaign Pulls TV Advertising

We would like to issue a sincere warning to anyone or any group that has legislation pending in the State Legislature that could impact them — stay away from Speaker Fabian Nunez or you WILL get fleeced by him to "give" big bucks to his self-served, career-extending Yes on Proposition 93 Committee.

While we know that many such individuals and entities have already had a "cashectomy" from Nunez, apparently those millions simply aren’t enough.

How do we know this?

The Yes on 93 Campaign in the last couple of days has CANCELED over HALF OF A MILLION DOLLARS in reserved TV time in five media markets.

You chances of seeing a Yes on 93 commercial on ABC, CBS, or Fox in the Fresno Area has gone down. Or if you live in Los Angeles, look for less Yes on 93 propaganda on CBS, NBC, ABS, FOX and KCAL (over $300,000 of the dropped buys were in the LA market). In the Capitol City? Time on UPN and FOX has been slashed. San Francisco? Your CBS. ABC, NBC, and FOX affiliates have had Yes on 93 ads… Read More

Matthew J. Cunningham

OC Political Update: Big Win For Janet Nguyen

1st Supervisor District Score a big win for OC Supervisor Janet Nguyen. The California Court of Appeals just issued a ruling upholding last year’s OC Superior Court decision that made her the winner of the 1st Supervisor District special election over Trung Nguyen by a mere 3 votes. Trung appealed that ruling, seeking to be declared the winner.

This comes on the heels of last week’s surprise decision by former state Sen. Joe Dunn not to challenge her re-election, leaving OC Democrats scrambling for a candidate.

71st Assembly District Mission Viejo Councilman John Paul Ledesma has dropped out of the GOP primary and endorsed Corona Mayor Jeff Miller, the leading fund-raiser in the race. You can read my take on this here.… Read More