Dueling Eminent Domain Propositions Receive Ballot Numbers
The Secretary of State has assigned the 2 eminent domain measures their designated proposition numbers for the June 2008 primary ballot. [you know, the "other" primary]
Proposition 98 is the one qualified by the good guys, California Farm Bureau, Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association and the California Alliance to Protect Private Property Rights.
The League of Cities flim flam fig leaf special that doesn’t reform EmDo at all will be known as No On Prop 99…I mean Prop 99.
This’ll be tough going as the goal for the 99 crowd is to confuse voters with 2 measures and get ’em to vote no on both or pass 99 and take the whole debate off the table. They will try to convince votersto believe thatthey’ve ‘done something’ to fix abusive eminent domain takingsfor future elections as they continue to steal property. You can bet on the rhetoric flying about the rent control aspectof 98 being the central issue to scare voters. 98 will pass when the truth gets out, 99 will be a lot like how Prop 93 is doing right now.… Read More