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Richard Rider

The consequences of “simple majority” tax increases

Here’s my U-T SAN DIEGO op-ed criticizing the CA State Supreme Court ruling that may allow local tax increases to be passed with a simple majority vote. It’s one of those “pro and con” formats with an op-ed representing each side.

I encourage those who agree with me in this crucial matter to make comments NOW on the U-T website (if you have access) — I’m sure my opponent (a labor union-funded functionary) is doing the same thing with his legions of union members. Also feel free to comment on my OPPONENT’S pro-tax op-ed at:

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Katy Grimes

Sacramento Appeasers Pay Gang Members To Not Kill People

“Anappeaseris one who feeds a crocodile, hoping it will eat him last.”

Winston Churchill

While President Donald Trump has vowed that United States authorities will “destroy” the gang MS-13 as part of his crackdown on crime,the Sacramento City Council voted unanimously last week to pay gang members $1.5 Million to not kill people.

The controversial program the city plans to adopt, Advance Peace, claims it “interrupts gun violence in U.S. urban neighborhoods by providing transformational… Read More

Katy Grimes

The Conservative Massacre By a Vindictive California Republican

“Politicsis show business foruglypeople.” – Paul Begala

The soon-to-be-replaced California Assembly Minority Leader Chad Mayes – the turncoat Republican lawmaker who colluded with Democrats for the passage of a 10-year extension of the cap and trade program — made drastic changes in the Assembly committee assignments Tuesday, that would appear vindictive even to political novices.

In a move that can only be described as “burn it down and leave,” Mayes stripped important committees from the conservatives in his own caucus who opposed his cap and trade vote manipulations, and reassigned them to… wait for it… himself.

Mayes’ failure to lead on the disastrous cap and trade manipulations and vote allowed the cap and trade program to be voted on prematurely by two years, saved, and… Read More

Ray Haynes

I Have Passed Through the Looking Glass

The world is the product of some fantasy, perhaps I am Alice, passing through the looking glass into this world of fantasy, but I feel more like Winston Smith, part of a world of oppression.

What is violence is tolerated in the name of free speech. What is free speech is suppressed in the name of violence. What is free press is criminalized in the name of justice, what is justice is criminalized in the name of advancing freedom. What is democracy is suppressed in the name of democracy, what is democracy is undermined in the name of government power. Those who have actively participated in the advance of socialism in this state gather to cry when the monster they created eats them, and those who made housing so expensive that no one can afford to live through the use of government power now claim they can solve the problem they created by the exercise of more government power. The fantasy that is Sacramento is spinning out of control.

The Stories:

(1) The Mayor of Berkeley asks UC Berkeley, the birth of the free speech movement, to suppress the free speech of people with whom he disagrees under the guise of maintaining the public peace. His police… Read More

Ray Haynes

Do Republicans Actually Believe in Federalism?

I usually don’t write articles on marijuana or its legalization. I don’t have a dog in the fight over the legalization of marijuana. Quite frankly, I don’t care. I think we have wasted a lot of time and money making it illegal, enforcing the law against it, trying to make it legal again, arguing over whether it should be legal or illegal, running initiatives to legalize its medical use, initiatives to legalize its general use, and way too much money on using it. The fight over marijuana is foolish, a waste of time, a testament to a country that has too much money and time, and not enough to do. However, there is a bill coming up in Congress in the next week or so that affects that fight, and Republicans have an opportunity to actually advance the causes of freedom and federalism

I believe in freedom and federalism. I believe that increasing and protecting freedom is an important thing. I also wish that those who have fought so hard to legalize marijuana devoted as much time and effort increasing and protecting freedom of speech, freedom of assembly, freedom of religion, private property rights and freedom of contract as they have to making… Read More

Richard Rider

The amazing, ‘eye-popping’ success of Success Academy Charter Schools

If you want to see why liberal apologists and teacher union bosses foam at the mouth when voicing their opposition to school choice, look how badly public schools come off in NY state — compared to the Success Academy Charter Schools. Read the full piece.

The tragedy is to realize that these successful kids constitute just a tiny fraction of the students that could be helped by school choice. Only the KKK and Democrat politicians can love the current repressive, monopoly, government plantation-mentality education found too common in urban areas.

NOTE: The students are selected for these charter schools by lottery. Most are minority, low income students. 93% are “children of color.” And they are kicking ass.


The amazing, ‘eye-popping’ success of Success Academy Charter Schools

Mark J. Perry

August 24, 2017 11:04 am |AEIdeas

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Richard Rider

The little-noted lesson to be learned from Seattle’s desperate attempt to impose a city income tax

This article (click on the URL) details Seattle’s desperate (and likely unlawful) effort to impose a CITY income tax to pay for their runaway pensions — even though state and city charters forbid such a levy. It’s a worthwhile read.

But in addition to the pension fiasco, for wealthy Californians there’s another lesson to be learned from this latest attempt to impose an income tax in Washington state. When (more likely than IF) a rich Californian finally decides to depart the Golden State and its sky-high 13.3% state income tax, it’s important to look at the POLITICS of the lower taxed state you move to (ALL of the other 49 states have much lower state income taxes!).

For instance, look at the income-tax free states. Nevada and Washington state both have zero … Read More

Craig DeLuz

SB 2 will hit minority and low-income communities the hardest

Earlier this year, an article published in the Sacramento Bee entitled “Black Homeowners Struggle as U.S. Housing Market Recovers” highlighted a new report from the Harvard University’s Joint Center for Housing Studies that found African-Americans are not sharing in the housing recovery that many other Americans are experiencing in the United States. The article stated that “the reasons for the lower homeownership rate range from historic underemployment and low wages to a recession-related foreclosure crisis that hit Black communities particularly hard.”

It is well documented that ethnic minorities are disproportionately targeted for… Read More

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