Musings on California in 2030
Dateline Texas 2030 – As I sit here on the beach on South Padre Island on a beautiful spring day, I am reminded about how much I have to be thankful for. I am thankful that I live in this grand country, in one of the best of the 49 states; that freedom is still celebrated here, that technology still advances (I especially like the holograms in cell calls, helps me use the car pool lanes). I’m still a little unhappy that I haven’t been able to get the hover conversion that the movie Back to the Future II promised would be here by 2016, but all in all it is still good.
We all know why California seceded from the union. It’s now trying to get back in. California’s budget and economy has collapsed, and it is desperately pushing to re-enter the United States, mainly for a federal bail out. However, California’s problems were created by an out of control government in Sacramento, and they should not be allowed to come back without major changes. This history is an attempt to recount why California should not be allowed to come back to the United States, and why its government should not be bailed out.
It began in 2017. I… Read More