Chariot Survey: 50% of Republicans Undecided in California GOP Primary; Clinton Maintains Large Lead
UPDATE: For those who have PowerPoint, you can download the attachment below and walk yourself through a slide-by-slide presentation of data.
Longtime FR Friend Jamie Fisfis is a principal with Chariot Research. His firm does work literally all over the globe. But they just came out of the field with a survey of California voters, giving us a glimpse of where things are in these final days before the Florida primary, to take place this Thursday.
From Fisfis: "We have just completed a survey of 800 likely primary voters in an effort to gauge pre-Florida primary numbers. On the Democrat side, Hilary Clinton (38% dem) maintains a significant lead concentrated in the bay are an driven by a broad range of issues. By contrast, Obama (18% dem) and Edwards (12.4% dem) are gaining their numbers based upon their strengths among foreign policy and… Read More