The LA Times Editorial Page Needs Reality Check On 241 Toll Road
Today’s Los Angeles Times editorial opposing completion of the 241 tollroad led me to wonder if a) they let California Coastal Commission staffer Mark Delaplaine ghosted the editorial for them or b) they have ever actually been to the San Onofre State Beach.
For example, the editorial states:
As planned, the toll road would cut through a wilderness preserve in eastern Orange County and then traverse the length of a narrow, pristine canyon that makes up most of San Onofre State Beach, one of the most popular California state parks.
Most Southern Californians have never been to San Onofre State Beach, so if they were to rely on hysterical editorials they can be forgiven for thinking completing the 241 entails paving over paradise.
For those who haven’t seen the "pristine" ""wilderness preserve" park the LA Times rhapsodizes about, I’ll post some pictures.
Here’s a pristine stand of old growth power lines along the proposed route of… Read More