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Barry Jantz

Anderson Appointed GOP Elections Chairman

Assemblyman Joel Anderson was was appointed yesterday as the Elections Chair for the Assembly Republican Caucus by GOP Leader Mike Villines.

"I appointed Joel Anderson to serve as the Elections Chair for our Caucus because he has one of the sharpest political minds I know," said Villines, "he is a successful fundraiser and he is a team player who passionately values advancing Republican principles across California, which will translate into increasing our seats in the State Assembly."

Catching up with him in Sacramento, Anderson said he’s ready for the task: "The only way to reduce government regulation, shrink state government, and protect our freedom is to elect a Republican majority. I am honored to be elections chair and will work with my colleagues to do everything we can to win.”… Read More

Jill Buck

Inland Empire Heavy Hitters Back McCain

Looks as though the Inland Empire is McCain country.

Just a few of Senator McCain’s big-name supporters in the Inland area include: former Senate Minority Leader Jim Brulte, Assemblywoman Bonnie Garcia, District Attorney Rod Pacheco, and Riverside County Supervisor John Tavaglione. Local party activists have also signed on with the Senator’s “No Surrender” message. Riverside County Republican Party Vice Chairman Ken Minesinger also endorsed Senator McCain’s candidacy just this week.

Riverside Lincoln Club President Doug Jacobs and longtime GOP activist Aaron Knox have signed on with the campaign. The McCain campaign in the Inland area is chaired by Rob Hightower, who is a criminal prosecutor in Riverside. Hightower commented that “all across the Inland Empire, from Riverside to Coachella and from Temecula to Rancho Cucamonga people are excited about John McCain. His plan of lowers taxes, conservative values, and the vigor to win the war on terror is resonating with Republicans here.” Hightower concluded that “this is a great time to be a member of the McCain team. We are looking forward to more people becoming… Read More

Jill Buck

Nice Job, Alameda Co. GOP!

I’ve got to send out a big "Well Done!" to new Alameda County GOP Chair, Paul Cummings, and his executive director, Ryan Hatcher. Last night they hosted a mock debate of Republican Presidential candidates in Newark, and it was one of those events that makes you really proud to be a Republican. The discussion was serious and issues based, but supportive and respectful. The audience had excellent, thought-provoking questions, and everyone felt very comfortable giving input and sharing their ideas. There was no candidate bashing on either side of the aisle, and it was truly an effective fact sharing opportunity. My hat is off to Paul and Ryan for setting the perfect tone for a dignified and thoroughly enjoyable evening! Way to go!… Read More

Congressman John Campbell

Stimulus Package

You no doubt have heard about the Stimulus Package agreement between Speaker Pelosi, Minority Leader Boehner and Treasury Secretary Paulson that was announced today and is supported by the President. I won’t go through all the specifics of it directly because you will hear and see that almost everywhere over the next 24 hours. But I would like to give you what I see as the pros and cons of the thing. First of all, the good stuff:

•Raises FHA loan limits to $750,000 and also raises the "conforming" or "jumbo" home limits on loans guaranteed by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mack to the higher of $625,000 or 150% of the median house price in a market. This will help to free up more and cheaper home loan money in high cost areas like Orange County. This should help ease the housing crisis.

•Gives some taxpayers with adjusted gross incomes of less than $75,000 (single) or $150,000 (joint) some of their tax money from 2007 back.

As far as I can tell, that’s it on the good side. On the bad side, here goes:

•Gives roughly 35 million people who paid NO FEDERAL INCOME TAXES AT ALL a check for $300 per person in their… Read More

Fred Heads for Mitt

Some polling shows that Romney is gaining ground in Florida and nationally because Thompson voters are now voting for Mitt. Some might think it’s just wishful thinking, but the Romney campaign has nonetheless created some banner ads to try to attract the Thompson voter.

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Jon Fleischman

Support for Fabian’s Prop. 93 Plummets — Certain failure ahead…

In my career as a political professional, I have had an opportunity to work as the campaign coordinator for a successful statewide ballot measure (Prop. 227, in 1998, to end bilingual education in support of English immersion). But it doesn’t even take someone with a lot of experience to make an early call on the fate of Proposition 93 a.k.a. "The Big Lie" a.k.a. the "Fabian Nunez Career Politician Term Limits Weakening Initiative."

This measure is going to be soundly defeated by California voters, preserving our state’s strong legislative term limits, and upholding the idea that the state legislature is supposed to be a place where citizens give of their time for a few years, and then return home to live under the laws they create. Californian’s will re-affirm their decision that they simply do not was a class of career politicians under the Capitol dome.

**There is more – click the link**

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Barry Jantz

Issa to Chair NRCC Fundraising Dinner

The goal is $7.5 million and Issa leads the charge…Calvert and Herger California captains…

Chairman Cole Announces Rep. Darrell Issa to Chair NRCC’s March Dinner

Washington – NRCC Chairman Tom Cole (R-OK) announced today that Representative Darrell Issa (CA-49) will chair the annual NRCC March Dinner that will be held on March 12, 2008 at the Washington Hilton Hotel.

“I am very pleased to have Darrell Issa taking the lead on this year’s NRCC March Dinner,” NRCC Chairman Tom Cole said. “This is going to be a very exciting election year and we need to work together to make sure we have the resources in place to be successful.”

Chairman Cole and Representative Issa announced a goal of raising $7.5 million at the dinner, headlined by President George W. Bush.

“It is an honor to chair thisRead More

Jim Battin

Waste Watch – First 5 Commission’s Cash Is Collecting Cobwebs Not Helping Children

Ten years ago, voters established the First 5 Commission to use tobacco tax revenues for improving the lives of California’s children. Its proponents argued that the First 5 Commission would "provide child immunizations, health care, nutrition services, domestic violence prevention, and treatment…" from the time they were born until they entered kindergarten. However, political gain and mismanagement have corrupted that noble goal.

To begin with, the First 5 Commission spent tens of millions of dollars intended to provide direct services to kids on ads advocating the virtues of preschool while an initiative to mandate preschool was being circulated by the First 5 Commissioner. Now it has been discovered that the First 5 Commission and its 58 county commissions are letting billions of dollars collect dust rather than be used to provide services for children.

According to The Sacramento Bee (January 17, 2008), the 58 "county commissions in California that decide how to use money from [Proposition 10] are sitting on a combined balance of moreRead More