Comprehensive Election Law Seminar coming this April
[Publisher’s Note: FR readers, please do NOT react to this post by sending us your event flyers or requests to publicize your events. Jim’s wife is appearing at the conference below, so we’ll let him off the hook. But we do not, as a rule, advertise events on the blog. That said, this looks like a good one. Thanks. – Flash]
A high-octane Election law seminar produced by Lorman Education Services is scheduled for April 16, 2008 in Santa Monica at the DoubleTree at 1707 4th St. in Santa Monica.
The day-long event will feature presentations by experienced professionals on California and Federal election law, political and advocacy activities of tax-exempt organizations, candidate activities of so-called "527" groups after the recent Wisconsin Right to Life decision by the U.S. Supreme Court, issue advocacy, independent expenditures, voting systems and voting procedures, initiatives and referenda, and a practicum on regulation of political advertising and voter persuasion.
Confirmed speakers at the seminar include Chuck Bell, senior partner of Bell,… Read More