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Jon Fleischman

A Big Endorsement For Rico Oller in CD 4

The sprawling Fourth Congressional District in North Eastern California (well, Doug LaMalfa would probably call is South Eastern) east of Sacramento has been in the news a lot because of the controversies with John Doolittle that have been the source of much fodder by the press. Doolittle’s recent decision to retire has created an "open" seat that is overwhelmingly Republican.

As we’ve written about before, former state legislator and conservative Rico Oller has put his hat into the ring, and is running hard. The only other significant candidate who has been running is Eric Egland, a military veteran who starts out at a big disadvantage to the well known and well liked Oller. We keep hearing that former moderate GOP Congressman Doug Ose may jump into this primary, but he hasn’t made any such announcement yet.

For the last few months, popular local Assemblyman Ted Gaines had been making active noises about running for the House seat (perhaps even if Doolittle was still in). Shortly after Doolittle… Read More

Mike Spence

McClintock endorses Ron Paul?

Obvoiusly McClintock and Paul have a lot in common on idues.Obvoiusly McClintock and Paul have a lot in common on issues. Is Tom going to join the campaign now that Thompson is out? Actually, McClinctock says if he was to vote today he would support Paul, but points out the election isn’t today.Read More

Road Apples and the Trojan Horse

The No On Prop 93 Trojan Horse visited Palm Springs yesterday. As far as I’m concerned, every election needs a big wooden horse traveling the highways and byways of California. We’ll know this election is over when the bear in the leotardappearsriding the unicycle carrying an umbrella.

FR’s own Brandon Powers is jockeying the steed, and was joined by 80th Assembly District candidate Indio Mayor Lupe Ramos Watson to talk to the press gathered about the flawed Prop 93 measure. The horse is touring the state to draw attention to the No side of Prop. 93.Read More

Jon Fleischman

Timing is everything…

In politics especially, it is said that timing is everything. It is clear after spending time on 80+ news websites this morning that the big issue going into the Florida primaries and into Super Tuesday, short of a major terrorist attack, is the economy. That seems to me that it plays to the advantage, to the candidacy of Mitt Romney. After all, he’s the guy with all of the business experience. But more importantly for Romney, the shift to the economy is a move away from his area of weakness – foreign policy gravitas. And his gain is a loss of sorts for McCain and Giuliani. Of course, these are just pieces in a much bigger puzzle. But as this race closes down to the wire… It all matters…… Read More

Jon Fleischman

GOP Presidential Primary Presents Quandry For Many California Conservatives

Earlier this week, I was the speaker at a meeting of the Tustin Area Republican Assembly, a chapter of the California Republican Assembly, located in the heart of conservative Orange County. As part of my presentation, I took the opportunity to survey the audience of around fifty people as to whom they were supporting for President. I ran through the names — Giuliani, Romney, McCain, Paul, Huckabee. It was easy to see that the vast majority of the folks in the room did not raise their hands for any of the candidates. So I asked the group about that. From the feedback I received, it was clear that to the overwhelming majority of this group of core Republican activists, none of the candidates were conservative enough. Fault was found with each one.

But while I think that the activists in this club are representative of many conservatives, they certainly are not representative of all conservatives. So, of those conservative activists who have endorsed candidates, who are they supporting? To be honest with you, as I talk and e-mail with people all around California (and I do a lot of that), it literally runs the gamut. Which is to say that there is no one… Read More

Jon Fleischman

GOP Presidential Primary Presents Quandry For Many California Conservatives

Earlier this week, I was the speaker at a meeting of the Tustin Area Republican Assembly, a chapter of the California Republican Assembly, located in the heart of conservative Orange County. As part of my presentation, I took the opportunity to survey the audience of around fifty people as to whom they were supporting for President. I ran through the names — Giuliani, Romney, McCain, Paul, Huckabee. It was easy to see that the vast majority of the folks in the room did not raise their hands for any of the candidates. So I asked the group about that. From the feedback I received, it was clear that to the overwhelming majority of this group of core Republican activists, none of the candidates were conservative enough. Fault was found with each one.

But while I think that the activists in this club are representative of many conservatives, they certainly are not representative of all conservatives. So, of those conservative activists who have endorsed candidates, who are they supporting? To be honest with you, as I talk and e-mail with people all around California (and I do a lot of that), it literally runs the gamut. Which is to say that there is no one… Read More

Jennifer Nelson

Tax “rebates” for those who don’t pay taxes

In what California’s own Rep. Nancy Pelosi describes as help for the “middle class and those who aspire to be in the middle class,” the Bush Administration and House leaders have agreed to an economic stimulus plan. Granted, when you have to negotiate with the likes of Nancy Pelosi, you are not going to get everything you want, but I was shocked to see the plan includes a tax “rebate” for Americans who do not even pay taxes. Workers who make just $3000 a year and do not pay taxes will receive a $300 "tax rebate." These folks are below the poverty level and qualify for loads of federal and state assistance. This supposedly temporary and emergency stimulus deal is supposed to be providing relief for taxpayers and stimulating the economy. Instead, the Democrats have made sure to load it up with handouts masked as “tax rebates.” The Republicans did get the Democrats to give in on extending unemployment benefits and increasing food stamp payments in exchange for this Earned Income Tax Credit-type payment. The Democrats may be calling these payments “tax rebates,” but the GOP should be clear that these payments are special welfare payments, not… Read More

Duane Dichiara

My Mailbox 13 Days Out

I thought I’d take a little time each day and let the readers know what POLITICAL mail my household gets each day, and givingeach piecea grade (two categories: Slates and Mailers).We are Republican absentee voters and have not cast our ballots yet. The only mailwe’ve gotten before today, I believe,is a slate from the California Republican Party and a campaign mailer from Presidential candidate Ron Paul.

Today we got three pieces:

‘Vote NO on 94,95,96,97’ paid for by Californians Against Fair Deals. Good piece – very clear. I give it a firm MAILER B.

‘California Voter Guide’ slate mailer. No on the 93 through 97, Yes on 92. You have to love the front which says "Save Our Term Limits No on 93 – Its a Fraud That Actually Lengthens Politicians Terms". I think this is a Tim Carey slate, which usually means quality. I give it a SLATE B+.

Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Ballot Proposition Guide slate mailer paid for by the California Republican Party. OK this thing is 8 full pages will an additional card to be torn off to be taken to the polls. Over the past few… Read More