Plescia Endorses Duncan D. Hunter in CD 52….a Quick Endorsement Analysis
With the announcement yesterday that Assemblyman George Plescia is supporting the younger Hunter for Congress, I asked myself how the endorsements seem to be flowingthus far among the candidates. That is, if endorsements amount to a hill of beans when it’s all done.
Santee Councilman Brian Jones seemed to get out early, locking in a number of East County local electeds. Many of those folks, if they had been asked to stay neutral until Duncan D. returned from Afghanistan so they could meet him, may have felt at least temporarily obligated to do so. But, Congressman Hunter was tied up in a larger campaign. So, the person doing the asking was Jones, who was all over the place garnering support fromhis fellow locals.
County Board of Ed President Bob Watkinshas nailed down some non-East County but significant locals like Chula Vista Mayor Cheryl Cox and County Supervisor Ron Roberts. Given Watkins’ long service with the Lincoln Club, he no doubt is more prone to getting early support from the "downtown SD establishment."… Read More