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Jim Battin

It Ain’t Easy Being Green

Today was a big day for me. To go along with my guilt cleansing, super-nifty carbon credit certificate I bought the other day – LiveNeutral (my carbon credit vendor) also sent me a car decal!

Woot! Isn’t it "earth friendly" looking? ———————————————->

Now I can show the world my 2005 Lincoln Aviator is carbon neutral – and drive without a care in the world.

All this for $45 – what a deal.

Now this slick sticker got me thinking……how come when I’m driving my non-polluting, carbon free Aviator with my sticker on it, I can’t drive in the diamond lane like those polluting, non-carbon free Prius’ do?

That’s right, if you didn’t already know – the legislature passed a bill a couple of years back… Read More

Carl Fogliani

Assemblyman Guy Houston Endorses Romney

The surge of Republican support for Governor Mitt Romney continues as Bay Area / Central Valley Assemblyman Guy Houston has endorsed Romney. Romney’s support continues to grow as conservatives unite behind the most electable Republican candidate (Disclosure: I support Governor Romney).

Houston stated the following in endorsing Romney "Governor Romney has provided a real blueprint to how he would protect our economy. His recipe of lower taxes for low-wage earners, rewarding savings and giving businesses the tools to invest and provide jobs is a real winner. I am proud to endorse him to be our next President."

Houston has long been a champion of business and job creation bills during his tenure in the State Assembly. As a former member of the Jobs and Economic Development Committee he advocated lower taxes and use of credits to reward companies reinvesting in California jobs.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

The Million Dollar Man

U.S. Representative Jerry "The King of Pork" Lewis is officially the Million Dollar man. Why? Because his costs in legal fees to deal with an ongoing federal investigation has now cost him over a cool mil. Check it out here.

(h/t CfG Blog)… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Guest Commentary: Jon Coupal – Prop. 93 – Election Fraud

We are pleased today to feature a special guest commentary from FR Friend Jon Coupal, who is President of the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association, and is a frequent contributor to this site:

In 1990, voters fed up with career politicians who had learned to game the system to perpetuate their careers and live a lavish lifestyle passed Proposition 140 to limit Assembly members to three, two-year terms and State Senators to two, four-year terms.

Assembly Speaker Willie Brown — who often behaved like the emperor of California — and his allies fought back, taking their case for an unlimited length of service all the way to the State Supreme Court.

I know Proposition 140. I successfully argued in defense of Proposition 140 before the Court. And Proposition 93, being falsely advertised as a further reduction in terms, is no Proposition 140.

Proposition 93 on the February ballot is a fraud designed to allow all current members of the Assembly to serve an additional sixRead More

Jon Fleischman

Guest Commentary: Jon Coupal – Prop. 93 – Election Fraud

We are pleased today to feature a special guest commentary from FR Friend Jon Coupal, who is President of the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association, and is a frequent contributor to this site:

In 1990, voters fed up with career politicians who had learned to game the system to perpetuate their careers and live a lavish lifestyle passed Proposition 140 to limit Assembly members to three, two-year terms and State Senators to two, four-year terms.

Assembly Speaker Willie Brown — who often behaved like the emperor of California — and his allies fought back, taking their case for an unlimited length of service all the way to the State Supreme Court.

**There is more – click the link**

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Duane Dichiara

Our Mailbox 12 Days Out

This morning after my wife Valerie popped in and said that she thought it might be nice for someone other than an ‘insider’ to grade the mail each day. She clearly indicated that she would be that ‘outsider’ (It was not in my interest to argue with her assertion that she is an outsider… but I would point out that before the kids came along she worked as an account executive for Ralph Reed at Century Strategies in Atlanta, for a campaign fundraising operation in LA, and for a builders’ association in Sacramento).So she’ll be grading the February 5th mail with me each day.

Anyway…. this all being the case, the only political mail I got today was a letter from former CRP Chairmen Visco, Schroeder, and Antonovich endorsing Shawn Steel for National Committeeman. Good piece, and came with a vast endorsement list, but we feel no obligation to grade the piece because it does not deal with a race to be decided on the 5th.… Read More

Congressman Doug LaMalfa

Dueling Eminent Domain Propositions Receive Ballot Numbers

The Secretary of State has assigned the 2 eminent domain measures their designated proposition numbers for the June 2008 primary ballot. [you know, the "other" primary]

Proposition 98 is the one qualified by the good guys, California Farm Bureau, Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association and the California Alliance to Protect Private Property Rights.

The League of Cities flim flam fig leaf special that doesn’t reform EmDo at all will be known as No On Prop 99…I mean Prop 99.

This’ll be tough going as the goal for the 99 crowd is to confuse voters with 2 measures and get ’em to vote no on both or pass 99 and take the whole debate off the table. They will try to convince votersto believe thatthey’ve ‘done something’ to fix abusive eminent domain takingsfor future elections as they continue to steal property. You can bet on the rhetoric flying about the rent control aspectof 98 being the central issue to scare voters. 98 will pass when the truth gets out, 99 will be a lot like how Prop 93 is doing right now.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

New TV Ads Bang Gov, Nunez on Health Tax Plan

The Consumer Alliance for a Strong Economy has released a new ad, banging Schwarzenegger, Nunez and company over the health care tax plan being pushed through the legislature. It also raps the Guv for his plan to release 22,000 inmates early as a budget savings measure.

The ad will be up in the Los Angeles, Monterey, Sacramento, Salinas, San Diego, San Francisco, and Santa Barbara media markets. … Read More