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This Is Just Really Funny

Bruce Bonafede is a public realtions consultant in the Coachella Valley. He is always on the "cutting edge" of scientific discovery. He sent me this op ed a few days ago…

Scientists Discover Binary Being

Bruce Bonafede January 27, 2008

A panel of leading academics has rocked the scientific community with the announcement of its discovery of a new type of human. The “binary being” – never before seen in the history of mankind – is reportedly made up of two unconnected human bodies with two separate brains, but with only one mind.

“This represents a major mutation of the human species,” said Professor Charles “Chip” Darwin of the School of Genetics and Gaming at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. “The two bodies don’t look like each other, and they can function independently of each other. The easy assumption is we are dealing with two different people here, except obviously we’re not.”

The mutant, dubbed “Billary” by the scientists through a conjoining of its two first names, has been sighted throughout the United States. Earlier… Read More

Tab Berg

Ose to run in CD 4

A couple of weeks ago, I noted that former Congressman Doug Ose had decided to run. Now it’s official…sort of. Ose is set to declare Friday in Auburn and has been seen at numerous events in the Roseville area over the past few weeks.

The Roundup carried the following report: "Meanwhile, Doug Ose has decided that the term limits pledge he upheld when he gave up his seat was not a lifetime one, meaning Rico won’t have an easy dance in the primary for John Doolittle’s seat."

A similar report ran in a Sacramento Bee story as well…

It looks like Ose has positioned himself well — he’s got $460,000 left in his Congressional campaign account; and two weeks ago, moderate Mike Holmes dropped out of the race. Holmes praised Ose in his statement to the press, leaving the impression he was clearing out in favor of Ose.

So it looks like another showdown between Ose and conservative former State Senator… Read More

Jon Fleischman

VIDEO: Romney California TV Spot

No details yet on where this is up… At 90 seconds, it’s long for tv… But then, it’s all what you can afford…. … Read More

Jon Fleischman

AP reports that Romney is making a California TV Buy

The report is here. We’ve been in touch with Romney’s campaign, and as soon as they are forthcoming with any details (size of buy, perhaps some video of the ads), we’ll get it up.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Photos from the Spin Room

FR Publisher Jon Fleischman and FR Managing Editor Emeritus Nicholas Romero took a trip to the Reagan Library to take in the Presidential debate, and experience life in the "spin room" with all of the media…

Check out some photos from our trip here.Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: The GOP Debate, Arnold endorsing McCain, Is Romney competing for CA?


Much has been written about last night’s debate, which you can find on our blog, on the main news page, and elsewhere around the internet. I will just make a few observations, take them for what they are worth: CNN should have dropped the pretenses of inviting Ron Paul to the debate as an equal candidate — I’ve never seen a serious politician with millions of supporters around the country treated with less respect. Anyone ever heard of equal time? Mitt Romney needed to keep John McCain and his positions on issues at the center of this debate — and he didn’t. John McCain, as the presumptive front-runner needed to keep his cool, and except for the Reagan question at the end, did just that. Mike Huckabee continued to demonstrate a level of charm that continues to make him popular enough to be a real pain to Romney. Ron Paul’s reference to the gold standard immediately made everyone think, "Nicholas Cage in National Treasure." The seemingly endless McCain-Romney … Read More

Jon Fleischman

The GOP Debate, Arnold endorsing McCain, Is Romney competing for CA?


Much has been written about last night’s debate, which you can find on our blog, on the main news page, and elsewhere around the internet. I will just make a few observations, take them for what they are worth: CNN should have dropped the pretenses of inviting Ron Paul to the debate as an equal candidate — I’ve never seen a serious politician with millions of supporters around the country treated with less respect. Anyone ever heard of equal time? Mitt Romney needed to keep John McCain and his positions on issues at the center of this debate — and he didn’t. John McCain, as the presumptive front-runner needed to keep his cool, and except for the Reagan question at the end, did just that. Mike Huckabee continued to demonstrate a level of charm that continues to make him popular enough to be a real pain to Romney. Ron Paul’s reference to the gold standard immediately made everyone think, "Nicholas Cage in National Treasure." The seemingly endless McCain-Romney … Read More

Jon Fleischman

Ouch – Hard Hitting Commercial on McCain

The other day I put up a video of what I thought was a very effective Giuliani ad (guess not so much!). A loyal FR reader sent me a link to the following ad by Citizen’s United — a very effective piece against McCain… … Read More