Posted by Jon Fleischman at 12:00 am on Jan 31, 2008 8 Comments
I have been with Governor Romney (listen for our FR Podcast
interview tomorrow), and only now am able to let readers know that
Governor Schwarzenegger did, in fact, endorse Senator McCain this
As an elected officer of the State GOP, I have not endorsed any
candidate. But I will offer McCain some unsolicited advice. Since
you are trying to garner conservative support in the final days,
you should actually take Arnold on the road to other states, where
his status as a celebrity will help your momentum. Here in
California, “post partisan” Arnold has worked hard to alienate
conservatives (after counting on their support in two statewide
Senator, perhaps have your campaign strategists contact the
folks trying to pass the Indian Gambling Compacts on the same
ballot. They, too, are trying to move conservatives to support
their cause. They’ve pulled their ads featuring the Governor…
Don’t get me wrong – good for you in receiving Arnold’s support.
I just don’t think that he will be a good messenger to the very GOP
voters you are trying to attract to your candidacy.… Read More