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Jon Fleischman

Bill Leonard: On Board With Mitt

FR readers know when our friend Bill Leonard. He is a frequent contributor to this site. He asked that we share his reasoning for endorsing Governor Mitt Romney’s bid for the Presidency:

On Board with Mitt By Board of Equalization Member Bill Leonard I have decided to support Governor Mitt Romney in Tuesday’s Republican Presidential Primary and invite other conservatives to join me. After 24 years as aRead More

Jon Fleischman

Van Tran: McCain Will Stand Tall Against Islamic Fanaticism, Wasteful Spending

Assemblyman Van Tran is an ardent supporter of Senator John McCain’s candidacy for the White House. He makes the following case to FR readers in support McCain:

McCain Will Stand Tall Against Islamic Fanaticism, Wasteful Spending by Assemblyman Van Tran After this week’s Republican Primary victory in Florida, Sen. McCain will now move into Super Tuesday in a great position to be the Republican nominee for President. As a proud member of Senator McCain’s California Finance Team and state Co-Chair, I encourage my fellow conservatives to take a second look at a man who knows that the transcendent challenge of the 21st century is radical Islamic extremism.Read More

Jon Fleischman

FR PODCAST – An Interview With Mitt Romney

Yesterday afternoon, I had an opportunity to sit down with Republican Presidential candidate Mitt Romney. For about seven and a half minutes, I spoke with the Governor about some major issues facing California — illegal immigration and the economy. I also had a chance to ask the Governor about his recent statewide television buy here in California, and his stategy on how to win here in the Golden State.

Governor Romney was very quick in this interview to make it clear that it is a two person race here in California, and that if Republicans in California want a conservative nominee for President, then he is our man.

I caught up to Governor Romney at the Hyatt Hotel in Irvine, just after he had finished up a major fundraising event. Before that, he held a large rally elsewhere in Orange County. After our interview, he traveled down to San Diego… Read More

Jim Battin

Waste Watch – San Francisco Cuts Back and Newsom Squanders

Cities throughout California are facing deficits similar to the state’s problems.Naturally, government-program saturated San Francisco has not been spared from ominous budget problems, and Mayor Gavin Newsom is taking drastic measures – at least that’s what he’s leading the public to believe.And, to reward himself, his staff is getting an extreme makeover. According to The San Francisco Chronicle (January 18, 2008), Newsom’s calls for fiscal conservation were contradicted with self-serving, expensive “improvements.” “After eliminating jobs and ordering departments to make drastic cuts to brace for a $229 million budget deficit, [the mayor] went on a spending spree to create an office at City Hall for his newly recruited team of aides.”Read More

Jon Fleischman

No On 93: Desperate Nunez Contributes $1.1 Million to Yes on 93 to Save Speakership

I’m on the road, so here is the latest off the transom from the freedom fighters at No on 93: Desperate Nunez Contributes $1.1 Million to Yes on 93 to Save Speakership Sacramento – Apparently Assembly Speaker Fabian Nunez believes it’s a matter of life or death whether he can keep his powerful post until 2014 by passing Proposition 93. At least that’s what recent television advertising by the Yes on 93 campaign suggested. Nunez’s team used EMT Tim Heard to tie the tragedy of Hurricane Katrina and wildfires in California to the need to change term limits in their advertising. Who would have thought so much was on the line on whether the Speaker and his fellow Sacramento legislators can lengthen their terms in office? But then again, Proposition 93 has always been about Fabian Nunez and his lust for the power, perks and personal financial gain of public office. So it’s no wonder that a committee controlled by Nunez now reports contributing a total of almost $1.1 million to the Yes on Proposition 93 campaign. Obviously, the Speaker has waited until the last possible moment to contribute a total amount in excess of $1… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Advice to MCain: Take Arnold East

I have been with Governor Romney (listen for our FR Podcast interview tomorrow), and only now am able to let readers know that Governor Schwarzenegger did, in fact, endorse Senator McCain this morning.

As an elected officer of the State GOP, I have not endorsed any candidate. But I will offer McCain some unsolicited advice. Since you are trying to garner conservative support in the final days, you should actually take Arnold on the road to other states, where his status as a celebrity will help your momentum. Here in California, “post partisan” Arnold has worked hard to alienate conservatives (after counting on their support in two statewide elections).

Senator, perhaps have your campaign strategists contact the folks trying to pass the Indian Gambling Compacts on the same ballot. They, too, are trying to move conservatives to support their cause. They’ve pulled their ads featuring the Governor…

Don’t get me wrong – good for you in receiving Arnold’s support. I just don’t think that he will be a good messenger to the very GOP voters you are trying to attract to your candidacy.… Read More

Duane Dichiara

What Happened to Auday Arabo in the 78th Assembly Race

Last disclosure Auday Arabo showed 297k on hand… an amount that observers far and wide found very impressive. So all the talk over the past few weeks has been assuming Auday had the capability of raising even more.A lot more.

Last night at the ‘Back to Session Bash’ I discussed the 78th Assembly District endlessly with lobbyists and assorted political types. The general impression was that, while Auday Arabo was in serious trouble now that Maxine Sherrard was back in the race, he would show at least 250k more raised and at least 400k on hand, and that given Auday’s various past affiliations he would need every penny of it to even have a shot.

But upon reading Arabo’s report as it came over the wire just now, I was as surprised as anyone else to discover old Arabo had raised a total of 55k and ended with a cash balance of 299k. No movement. No momentum.… Read More

Shawn Steel

Dems bow to the Bey of Oakland

The San Francisco Chronicle might get a Pulitzer. No kidding, last weekend after several decades of missing the boat, brave reporters Matthai Kuruvila, Kevin Fagan and Jaxon Van Derbeken finally exposed the entrenched link between a local terrorist Muslim organization and key Democrat Bay area leaders.

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