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Duane Dichiara

Our Mailbox 5 Days Out

I guess old Barry Jantz was right I missed a day of reporting on mail (Thursday) because I was on the road. Nothing came Thursday. Today though a large 12" x 12" 1 fold ‘Yes on Props 94-97’ arrived from their committee for my wife.

It was a really good looking piece. We both gave it an A for how it looked. But the trick, really, that it came addressed to HER.Even though my wife is a female,she is a conservative Republican. She read through the piece and right away said she didn’tlike a bunch of the people, or who they represented, in the pull out quotes. She said it made her more likely to vote NO than YES.She gave it a D on targeting. Even though the piece was not addressed to me, I read it and read it first. I happen to know and like Lani Lutar from the San Diego Taxpayer’s Association so I pretty much ignored the other endorsements and was pretty content with my A vote until Valerie pointed out the mailer really was for her and for her it didn’t work. So I’ll run with her D for targeting.… Read More

Matthew J. Cunningham

Bruce Herschensohn On Why Conservatives Should Support McCain

I had the privilege of interviewing one of my conservative heroes, yesterday: Bruce Herschensohn. Bruce is a man of principle and integrity, and the purpose of the interview was to give him the opportunity to pitch his reasons why his fellow conservatives should vote for Sen. John McCain for President (and muchas gracias to Jon Fleischman of the FlashReport for manning the UnSteadiCam): … Read More

Jon Fleischman

Giuliani Coalitions Director Steve Frank: My Vote Is Going To Governor Mitt Romney

I just got off of the phone with former California Coalitions Director for Rudy Giuliani, political consultant, and internet publisher Steve Frank. He wanted to make perfectly clear to me and FlashReport readers that while he respects Mayor Giuliani’s endorsement of Senator John McCain, he will not be following in his footsteps. He was adamant about this. He is endorsing Governor Mitt Romney for President of the United States. Here’s the rationale for his decision: “Governor Romney’s economic policies match those of Mayor Rudy Giuliani. We know that Governor Romney, as President of the United States,will provide an economically conservative, tax-cutting administration. We alsoRead More

Michael Der Manouel, Jr.

Why I’ve Endorsed Mitt Romney

As a former supporter of Rudy Giuliani, I’ve gravitated now to Governor Mitt Romney and have endorsed him as of today. First, my reasons for opposing McCain:

He’s a demagogue on the Bush tax cuts, which saved the post 9-11 economy, and uses class warfare rhetoric; Wrote an amnesty bill and a completely unworkable overhaul of the immigration system; Crafted an anti-free speech campaign finance bill, McCain Feingold; Believes in "climate change", which is a fraud; Opposes exploration for our OWN oil in ANWAR, while we finance terrorism in theRead More

Jon Fleischman

WSJ’s Fund: California Ugly

California Ugly

There are no lengths to which elected officials won’t go to escape term limits that threaten their political career plans. In California, Democratic state legislative leaders Fabian Nunez and Don Perata are struggling to evade a 1990 law limiting their terms that was approved by voters. First, they put a misleading measure watering down term limits on next Tuesday’s primary ballot. Then they pressured special interests and unions into contributing $15 million into promoting it.

But voters appear to be rejecting the sham measure, Proposition 93, which Messrs. Nunez and Perata are touting as a refinement of term limits when the real goal is to give 42 current members of the legislature more time in office. A major… Read More

Jill Buck

The Boss Quoted in Debra Saunders Piece on McCain

GOP – stronger or broader?Debra J. Saunders Thursday, January 31, 2008

Florida was big. Florida Republicans not only went for John McCain over Mitt Romney, but also, when you add the McCain vote (36 percent) to the now-withdrawn Rudy Giuliani vote (15 percent), you see a shift: A majority of Republican voters are straying outside the ever-pure conservative base. While conservative talk show hosts and a slice of the GOP base demand all-or-nothing from GOP candidates, Republican voters in general clearly understand that, in a democracy, the all-or-nothing equation has only one sure outcome: You get nothing.

Especially when your party does not represent the majority of voters.

In his gracious victory speech Tuesday night, Sen. McCain told Team Romney that "the margin that separated us tonight surely isn’t big enough for me to brag about or for you to despair." Wednesday night’s CNN-hosted Republican presidential candidates’ debate was more combative. At the heart of it lies a divide on how far a party should go. Asked which type of Supreme Court justices he wouldRead More

James V. Lacy

Vote for McCain

Our publisher asked me, as a Rudy Giuliani supporter, if I intended to post on my thoughts on the election now that Giuliani is out of the race. I decided to take him up on the question. Here goes.

Some readers know I am a conservative Republican with a pedigree. I was a Reagan delegate at the 1976 Republican National Convention, served as State and National Chairman of YAF, was an original director of the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association, worked as a senior executive in the Reagan Administration, and am a national Board member of the American Conservative Union. Next week I will be attending the ACU Board meeting at the Conservative Political Action Conference in Washington, D.C. where Board members will be discussing this same subject. Our Chairman, David Keene, is a prominent Romney supporter.

My wife and I originally supported Rudy for a combination of reasons. We strongly feel that national security is theissue that matters most for our country, and that Rudy was best suited to lead our country on that issue. We liked his tax cutting positions. I was willing to hold my nose on some of the other issues because of the leadership qualities… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: FR PODCAST – An Interview With Mitt Romney

Yesterday afternoon, I had an opportunity to sit down with Republican Presidential candidate Mitt Romney. For about seven and a half minutes, I spoke with the Governor about some major issues facing California — illegal immigration and the economy. I also had a chance to ask the Governor about his recent statewide television buy here in California, and his stategy on how to win here in the Golden State.

Governor Romney was very quick in this interview to make it clear that it is a two person race here in California, and that if Republicans in California want a conservative nominee for President, then he is our man.

I caught up to Governor Romney at the Hyatt Hotel in Irvine, just after he had finished up a major fundraising event. Before that, he held a large rally elsewhere in Orange County. After our interview, he traveled down to San Diego… Read More