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Tab Berg

Today’s Commentary: Hillary’s fuzzy leadership math

Watching the Democrat Presidential debate — which was decidedly soporific – I must admit to being confused: it’s Hilary’s math, you see, it just doesn’t add up.

She frequently proclaims that she’s the only candidate who will be ready to lead on day 1 – citing 35 years of experience and leadership fighting for change. But I’ve never really understood what her “35 years” included, so I thought I should look it up.

Turns out her math is as fuzzy as her positions on heathcare, immigration and Iraq.

**There is more – click the link**

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Duane Dichiara

Happy Groundhog Day

As the light grows longer The cold grows stronger If Candlemas be fair and bright Winter will have another flight If Candlemas be cloud and snow Winter will be gone and not come again A farmer should on Candlemas day Have half his corn and half his hay On Candlemas day if thorns hang a drop You can be sure of a good pea crop… Read More

Tab Berg

Hillary’s fuzzy leadership math

Watching the Democrat Presidential debate — which was decidedly soporific – I must admit to being confused: it’s Hilary’s math, you see, it just doesn’t add up.

She frequently proclaims that she’s the only candidate who will be ready to lead on day 1 – citing 35 years of experience and leadership fighting for change. But I’ve never really understood what her “35 years” included, so I thought I should look it up.

Turns out her math is as fuzzy as her positions on heathcare, immigration and Iraq.

So I pulled up Wikipedia and here’s what I found:

Hillary Rodham graduated from Law School in 1973, worked as a staffer in Congress on the Nixon impeachment hearings (although she failed the DC bar exam) in 1974. After Bill Clinton was elected Arkansas Attorney General in 1976, she got a job at the politically connected Rose Law Firm, where she worked on patent law – although … Read More

Jon Fleischman

Personal Moratoriums on Earmarks

While many Republicans are calling for a moratorium on Congressional earmarks, period, until the entire system can be overhauled to get rid of the abuse that is rampant in the doling out of federal funds for projects which are not objectively reviewed —it is certainly not the case that all Republicans support a moratorium. Infact, many (like our own Jerry Lewis) want to keep the"pork-train" running right on time..

I wanted to take a moment this morning to commend the following Congressional patriots, who have decided to lead by personal example. These Members of Congress who have declared their own personal moratorium on earmarks — they are requesting none…

The only Californian on this list so far is John Campbell. But we’re hoping that more of our Golden State MC’s will follow his lead…

HOUSE MEMBERS Jeff Flake (AZ-06) John Campbell (CA-48) Jeb Hensarling (

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Jon Fleischman

CRA: Warning! Huckabee is a Spoiler!

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Jim Battin

Health Care and Kids… Let’s See How Your Tax Dollars Are Spent

Here’s a follow-up on the Waste Watch I posted the other day about the excesses of the First 5 program.

Our awesome Senate Republican caucus staff put the piece below together – but the real credit about exposing this abuse of the voter’strust goes to Senator Dave Cox. He’s been all over this issue for a long time.

Enjoy. __________

When the health care reform debate began in earnest at the State Capitol, well over a year ago, Republican legislators came to the table with a multitude of innovative ideas to solve many of the current and inevitable problems in California’s health care system. One of those, authored by Senator Cox (R-Fair Oaks), was to ask voters to reprioritize tobacco tax dollars currently collected under a 1998 voter-approved initiative, Proposition 10, … Read More

Matt Rexroad

John McCain House Party at the Rexroad’s

Jenn and I just finished hosting a McCain House Party. We posted something on a few blogs and sent a press release to the local newspapers.

For a Friday night we actually had more people than you might have expected. The important thing was the kind of people that showed up. We had a retired Sailor that met McCain years ago, a passionate independent that doesn’t like politics but loves McCain, a young medical student from the Ukraine, and a local elected official that is a life-long Democrat.

Many of you will probably comment below about how you think John McCain is one thing or another. The one thing I’m sure of is that he is the only one that can beat Senator Clinton in November. The choice right now is not really between Romney and McCain. It is between McCain and Clinton.

The people that came to our home tonight left with stickers, lawn signs, and other stuff. They left me with the firm belief that John McCain is the only Republican that can win in November. The courts, the United States military, and the health care system of our country depend on his election.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Bruce Herschesohn – Electing John McCain is Essential

When it comes to United States foreign policy, there is perhaps no one more respected for his expertise on the subject, at least by conservatives, than Bruce Herschensohn. These days, Bruce is a professor teaching over at Pepperdine University, with an office right near that of Law School Dean Kenneth Starr. FlashReport Managing Editor Nicholas Romero and I had an opportunity to sit down with the conservative icon for the better part of an hour yesterday, courtesy of the John McCain for President campaign.

To say that Bruce is an ardent supporter of John McCain would be an understatement. As you will see from the interview below, Bruce feels that with the post 9-11 state of affairs around the world, foreign policy expertise and gravitas is reasons one through ten to suppport McCain.

Without any further introduction, here are Nicholas Romero and… Read More