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Mike Spence

Dick Armey and FreedomWorks Target Measure D in Pasadena

Measure D is ascheme on the February ballot that "updates" the utility tax in Pasadena to include email, digital downloads as well asInternet and cell phone use. Freedomworks run by former Congressman Dick Armey have targeted the tax for defeat.

The tax effort comes as Pasadena continues to have a huge ballot surplus. Godspeed Freedomworks.… Read More

Matt Rexroad

Florida Governor Charlie Crist was big winner

Tonight Senator John McCain won big in Florida. It is obviously the big story.

The story that should stand out to political observers is the impact Florida Governor Charlie Crist is having in his state. Crist stepped up to endorse McCain a few days ago. He helped shape the outcome of the race for President.

The key thing is that Crist is not just celebrating a victory for McCain tonight. He is celebrating a huge victory at the polls tonight as his state just voted in favor of a $9 billion property tax cut.

California state government faces a deficit of at least $18 billion. Florida meanwhile just passed tax CUTS totaling half of that. Imagine. I predict that we will see a tax increase considered in Sacramento before the end of the summer.

Look for Florida Governor Charlie Crist to be a regular name mentioned when Vice-Presidential… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Recognizing Those Who Stood Tall Against the Bush-Kennedy “Stimulus” (Welfare) Plan

UPDATE: Thanks to FR Friends Michelle Malkin and Doug Bandow for linking to this post.

Once we get past California’s Presidential Primary, we’ll be able to devote a lot more attention to the goings on in Washington, D.C.

That said, we did want to take a moment to pass along a hearty THANK YOU to four California Republicans and one California Democrat for voting against the so called Bush-Pelosi "Stimulus" Package in Congress.

For FR readers, you need not look past the main element of this package to scratch your head and wonder how so many Republicans could vote for it.

The center piece of this package is a huge "tax rebate" to Americans — it’s like $600 for a single individual, $1200 for a couple, and an additonal $300 per child. Without getting into the question of how a bit "bonus check" for Americans is going to substantively "stimulate" the economy, you… Read More

Jon Fleischman

McCain wins Florida

They’ve called Florida for John McCain. He’s ahead of Romney by about four percentage points. Giuliani is way behind. Drudge is even reporting that Rudy may drop out as soon as tomorrow, likely endorsing McCain.

Congratulations to the Arizona Senator and his supporters. Now on to Super Tuesday…… Read More

Duane Dichiara

Our Mailbox 8 Days Out

Nothing. Nil.… Read More

Matthew J. Cunningham

The LA Times Editorial Page Needs Reality Check On 241 Toll Road

Today’s Los Angeles Times editorial opposing completion of the 241 tollroad led me to wonder if a) they let California Coastal Commission staffer Mark Delaplaine ghosted the editorial for them or b) they have ever actually been to the San Onofre State Beach.

For example, the editorial states:

As planned, the toll road would cut through a wilderness preserve in eastern Orange County and then traverse the length of a narrow, pristine canyon that makes up most of San Onofre State Beach, one of the most popular California state parks.

Most Southern Californians have never been to San Onofre State Beach, so if they were to rely on hysterical editorials they can be forgiven for thinking completing the 241 entails paving over paradise.

For those who haven’t seen the "pristine" ""wilderness preserve" park the LA Times rhapsodizes about, I’ll post some pictures.

Here’s a pristine stand of old growth power lines along the proposed route of… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Shane asks, “Does a Newspaper’s Endorsement Matter?”

SacBee Reporter Shane Goldmacher asks, "Does a newspaper endorsement matter?"

He has a blog post up, and also lists newspaper endorsements for and against the current statewide ballot measures.

The short answer is yes, but less than it has in the past, and more than it should. I think their primary utility these days is that they are used in this voter contact programs of the various ballot measure and candidate campaigns, to advocate for their position.

That said, I will make the case for why they shouldn’t matter…

One thing that I have learned over time is that behind "newspaper endorsements" are a group of very real human beings that make up that paper’s endorial board, and these folks typically decide on the paper’s endorsements.

Well, for some people, I suppose it is possible that their political party, or ideological persuasion, or philosophy on life, politics and public policy happen to mirror those of their local paper’s editorial board. I suspect, though, that this is rare.

Although it is… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Asm. Bob Huff: “Romney. Why?”

Assembly Republican Caucus Chairman Bob Huff recently endorsed Mitt Romney for President. In sharing his thoughts about that endorsement, he shares both things he admires about Romney, and serious reservations he has about John McCain. Happy reading:

First, the disclaimer: I’m a fiscal and social conservative looking for a presidential candidate who shares my values. When I first heard Romney, I found him to be very smart, articulate, and he connected with me. I was impressed with his MBA from Harvard, his very successful business career taking over ailing businesses and turning them around, as well as his success as a Republican governing in a very Democratic state – no easy challenge. His experience turning around the struggling Salt Lake Winter Olympics exemplifies his can-do attitude and abilities.Read More