A New Member of the FR Team
Greetings, my fellow Flash Report readers!
I am Meredith Turney, the newest addition to Jon’s dynamic blog crew. I currently work as the legislative liaison for Capitol Resource Family Impact, California’s oldest pro-family public policy organization. Since my job is focused on the goings-on in the capitol, Jon graciously asked me to join the Flash Report and write about Sacramento political and policy issues. (I should probably warn you to prepare yourself for the inanity that I will no doubt post about as things just keep getting crazier in our capital city.) As a resident of Placer County (where there is much political intrigue at the moment), I will also report on local issues of interest. In fact, this afternoon I hope to bring you the latest news from the CRA’s local endorsing convention for the CD 4 race.
As an avid Flash Report reader, I am very excited to join the team of talented, influential individuals that already contribute. Thanks for the opportunity, Jon!… Read More