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Congressman Doug LaMalfa

Truth Prevailing As Prop 93 Is Failing

Just to follow on Jon’s commentary this morning and the news of today’s Field poll…the one thathas Prop 93 losing at 46% "no" and 33% yes after being 39-39 10 days ago.

2 pieces of mail I’ve received from the "Yes" side have been prominently featuring firefighters on the front side of the mailer,They usethe same font below as the Guv’s piece that Jon mentions as Republican mailer #1. "Limit legislators terms" "Yes on 93" with firefighters pictured above. A shameful effort by 93ers to use the firefighters heroic figure status among the public for this play.

On the back it quotes a past president of the fire chiefs "Yes on 93 means the voices of firefighters on the front lines will be heard when crucial budget decisions are made in Sacramento." Whaaaat? So you’re saying they’re not heard now…and this phony term… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Bill Simon: The Case For John McCain

I was pretty surprised with Bill Simon, fresh off of his close friend Rudy Giuliani’s campaign, joined the McCain campaign as a senior member of their policy team. So, the onus is now on you, Bill. Good luck.

OK, with that said, Bill Simon makes his case for why YOU should support John McCain:

The Republican Party, both in this state and nationally, is a broad party. There is room in our tent for many views; indeed, the divergence of views is one of our strengths. Let no one, however, interpret this to mean compromise of basic philosophy or that we will be all things to all people for political expediency.” Those words were said by Ronald Reagan almost 40 years ago when he spoke to the California Republican Assembly. They are as true todayRead More

Jon Fleischman

No FR Coverage of the Huckster?

I’ve had a few e-mails from Mike Huckabee supporters asking why we haven’t had more coverage of the former Arkansas Governor’s campaign.

So, for all of those who want to know all about the Huckster, click here.

We don’t have time to play games.… Read More

Mike Spence

Bill Leonard Endorses Romney

Bill Leonard, a conservative leader in the state for over 2 decades and currently a member of the State Board of Equalizaztion has endorsed Mitt Romney for President. Below is his statement.

I have decided to support Governor Mitt Romney in tomorrow’s Republican Presidential Primary and invite you to join me.

After 24 years as a legislator, I thought I knew how government worked. Yet, the last five years as a constitutional elected official in an executive branch agency has taught me that I did not know as much as I thought before. With all due respect to the Senators McCain, Obama and Clinton, our next President needs to be a former Governor and Governor Romney is the right one in many ways.

Executive power is quite different than legislative power. Being the person with whom the buck stops demands and defines leadership in ways that being one of a hundred or more does not. Governors give the best clue about how they will lead the nation by their service in their state. In this way, I knew that President Reagan would be better than President Carter because IRead More

Jon Fleischman

U.S. Rep. Darrell Issa: Why I’m Backing John McCain

Congressman Darrell Issa sent over this brief piece on his support for Senator John McCain’s campaign for President:

As our next Commander in Chief, John McCain has the credentials and vision no other candidate possesses to lead America’s military in the fight against Islamic extremism and the diplomatic skills to bring skeptical allies back to America’s side. Early last summer, before evidence that the “surge” of U.S. troops in Iraq was making progress, Democrats and other “get-out-now” war opponents advocated creating a timeline for the withdrawal of U.S. troops. While some, seeking to bend to the whims of public opinion, advocated ideas like a private timeline for the withdrawal of troops, JohnRead More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Memo to Reporters Covering Governor Schwarzenegger’s Yes On 93 Press Conference

TO: Reporters Attending The Governor’s Yes on 93 Presser Today FROM: Jon Fleischman RE: The Big Lie — A Tale Of Three Mail Pieces Today, Governor Schwarzenegger along with a number of other politicians will hold a press conference in Los Angeles — their last effort to push Proposition 93 to severely weaken California’s legislative term limits, and allow dozens of legislators that would have to retire at the end of this year to serve years longer in office (in the case of Fabian Nunez, he would be able to serve for six more years, until the end of the first term of the Governor to follow Schwarzenegger!). Central to the campaign is what we call "The Big Lie" — which is simply this. Instead of presenting voters with an honest campaign, Fabian Nunez (and now Arnold… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Memo to Reporters Covering Governor Schwarzenegger’s Yes On 93 Press Conference

TO: Reporters Attending The Governor’s Yes on 93 Presser Today FROM: Jon Fleischman RE: The Big Lie — A Tale Of Three Mail Pieces Today, Governor Schwarzenegger along with a number of other politicians will hold a press conference in Los Angeles — their last effort to push Proposition 93 to severely weaken California’s legislative term limits, and allow dozens of legislators that would have to retire at the end of this year to serve years longer in office (in the case of Fabian Nunez, he would be able to serve for six more years, until the end of the first term of the Governor to follow Schwarzenegger!). Central to the campaign is what we call "The Big Lie" — which is simply this. Instead of presenting voters with an honest campaign, Fabian Nunez (and now Arnold… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Presidential GOP Primary Tidbits – McCain rally in San Diego, and More…

Today Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger and former Secretary of State Bill Jones will be in Gardena (yes, Gardena) making some GOTV calls for Senator John McCain (it’s a media event). McCain’s campaign this weekend touted the endorsements of some former California Governors — Pete Wilson and George Deukmejian. Of course, while Arnold is campaigning for John McCain, his wife, Maria Shriver is supporting a different candidate. San Diego County legislators are weighing in — Congressman Brian Bilbray and State Senator Dennis Hollingsworth endorsed Mitt Romney. Congressman Darrell Issa endorsed John McCain. Senator John McCain will be in California on election day, this Tuesday, and is holding a public rally at 12:30 p.m. by San Diego’s airport. See the attached flyer for details. … Read More