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Jon Fleischman

U.S. Rep. Darrell Issa: Why I’m Backing John McCain

Congressman Darrell Issa sent over this brief piece on his support for Senator John McCain’s campaign for President:

As our next Commander in Chief, John McCain has the credentials and vision no other candidate possesses to lead America’s military in the fight against Islamic extremism and the diplomatic skills to bring skeptical allies back to America’s side. Early last summer, before evidence that the “surge” of U.S. troops in Iraq was making progress, Democrats and other “get-out-now” war opponents advocated creating a timeline for the withdrawal of U.S. troops. While some, seeking to bend to the whims of public opinion, advocated ideas like a private timeline for the withdrawal of troops, JohnRead More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Memo to Reporters Covering Governor Schwarzenegger’s Yes On 93 Press Conference

TO: Reporters Attending The Governor’s Yes on 93 Presser Today FROM: Jon Fleischman RE: The Big Lie — A Tale Of Three Mail Pieces Today, Governor Schwarzenegger along with a number of other politicians will hold a press conference in Los Angeles — their last effort to push Proposition 93 to severely weaken California’s legislative term limits, and allow dozens of legislators that would have to retire at the end of this year to serve years longer in office (in the case of Fabian Nunez, he would be able to serve for six more years, until the end of the first term of the Governor to follow Schwarzenegger!). Central to the campaign is what we call "The Big Lie" — which is simply this. Instead of presenting voters with an honest campaign, Fabian Nunez (and now Arnold… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Memo to Reporters Covering Governor Schwarzenegger’s Yes On 93 Press Conference

TO: Reporters Attending The Governor’s Yes on 93 Presser Today FROM: Jon Fleischman RE: The Big Lie — A Tale Of Three Mail Pieces Today, Governor Schwarzenegger along with a number of other politicians will hold a press conference in Los Angeles — their last effort to push Proposition 93 to severely weaken California’s legislative term limits, and allow dozens of legislators that would have to retire at the end of this year to serve years longer in office (in the case of Fabian Nunez, he would be able to serve for six more years, until the end of the first term of the Governor to follow Schwarzenegger!). Central to the campaign is what we call "The Big Lie" — which is simply this. Instead of presenting voters with an honest campaign, Fabian Nunez (and now Arnold… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Presidential GOP Primary Tidbits – McCain rally in San Diego, and More…

Today Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger and former Secretary of State Bill Jones will be in Gardena (yes, Gardena) making some GOTV calls for Senator John McCain (it’s a media event). McCain’s campaign this weekend touted the endorsements of some former California Governors — Pete Wilson and George Deukmejian. Of course, while Arnold is campaigning for John McCain, his wife, Maria Shriver is supporting a different candidate. San Diego County legislators are weighing in — Congressman Brian Bilbray and State Senator Dennis Hollingsworth endorsed Mitt Romney. Congressman Darrell Issa endorsed John McCain. Senator John McCain will be in California on election day, this Tuesday, and is holding a public rally at 12:30 p.m. by San Diego’s airport. See the attached flyer for details. … Read More

Jim Battin

One Last Time — Don’t Be Surprised If Prop 93 Fails — REPUBLICANS WILL LOSE SEATS

I know – it’s a dire blog title – but I absolutely mean it.

And almostevery Republican political strategiest I know thinks so too (and I’ve heard from a lot since my original post).

Also, it appears the progressive Democrats agree with me as well – they’re opposing Prop 93 on their blogs.

The Democrat’sreason? If Prop 93 passes and the termed out Republican incumbents in their targeted seats run for reelection, it will be harder for the Democrats to pick up those seats.And they don’t like that at all.

Liberal Democrat, David Dayen, over on Calticsmakes the argument that Prop 93 passing stands in the way… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Mitt Romney To Appear At Public Rally Monday

Just in — GOP Presidential hopeful Mitt Romney will be holding one last public rally in California before the Tuesday primary. It will be held at 7:30 p.m. right near Long Beach Airport. A flyer with all of the details is attached.

If anyone knows of other public appearances by the GOP candidates here in the Golden State in the final two day, pass that info along and we’ll post it up.… Read More

Barry Jantz

Sunday San Diego: Peters, DeMaio, Fletcher, Wyland, Jeffries and more

An E-lection of Change… It was hi-lited on the main page yesterday, but SD Young Republican President Ben Avey’s piece in Friday’s Union-Trib deserves a local shout out as well. Ben nails it on the head about changing politics in the Internet age, and how young voters are both driving and engaging the medium. An excerpt:

Have you visited your presidential candidate’s Facebook or Myspace page? Have you watched a debate on YouTube? Have you blogged about your opinion only to be rebuked by a peer you have never even met? Many of you will say no, but check with your kids, because they will probably say yes. Read all of "An election of change."

Red County SD: Peters to Join the City Attorney Fray?… SD City Councilman Brian Maienschein’s announcement of a couple of weeks ago was… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: PODCAST: Interview with Senator John McCain

Super Tuesday is just days away, and nationally, as well as here in California, the GOP Presidential Primary field seems to have become a horse race between Arizona Senator John McCain and former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney. While Congressman Ron Paul and former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee are still in the race, they are definitely long-shots for the nomination.

On Friday, we ran our exclusive PodCast interview with Governor Romney. Today, I am pleased to present an interview with Senator John McCain.

Yesterday afternoon, Senator McCain called in from Alabama, where he was preparing to fly to Georgia – the life of a Presidential candidate! I had a chance to talk with the Senator about the War in Iraq, the challenge of dealing with the plague of Congressional earmarks,… Read More