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Jim Battin

Waste Watch – San Francisco Board Gets More Money, Less Credibility

Sometimes taxpayers vote to spend more money for better government, but actually get the opposite.For example, San Francisco residents voted to pay their Board of Supervisors $60,000 more a year to compensate the board for meeting on a nearly full-time schedule. The supervisors convinced San Francisco voters that full-time pay would allow them to devote even more time to the job. Voters approved the raise, thinking the supervisors would be more productive and improve the city.But, after six years, the only improvements that have been made are to the board members’ bank accounts. The San Francisco Chronicle (January 30, 2008) reported that "[e]ver since members of the San Francisco Board of Supervisors persuaded voters to pay them like full-time government workers, the city’s lawmakers have been holding fewer meetings to debate and pass legislation."Read More

James V. Lacy

“An election of consequence,” report from CPAC

I am at the Conservative Political Action Conference in Washington, D.C. today and the report from the floor is no different from what viewers saw on FOX News in real time. John McCain re-established his bona fides with conservatives today in a talk that went into detail, sometimes almost excrutiating detail (immigration!) on his policy positions, and on his professed commitment to the conservative political philosophy.

McCain referred to Edmund Burke, "the Creator", and Ronald Reagan twice each during the speech to thunderous applause. This was a CPAC speech, on the record, and a promise from a great American to advance our core principles in the presidency.

And on issue after issue, McCain laid out his 24 year history of advancing our political philosophy. I was especially impressed with his stalward pro-life position, and his enthusiastic support for actually "winning" the war in Iraq, despite MSM opposition to both positions.

There is a lot going on here and I need a little shut-eye, but tomorrow I will have opportunities to enter the inner sanctums of the national conservartive movement and… Read More

Jon Fleischman

The Melting of Fabian Nunez

Today was a great day. While Don Perata and Fabian Nunez are not off of their imperial thrones just yet, their poltical capital in the State Capitol, with the failure of Prop. 93, as of today has diminished greatly.

On the Senate site, Senator Darrell Steinberg will replace Perata, but not until later this year. On the Assembly side, they will have a vote for a new Speaker in March, who will replace Nunez after the legislative session.

Especially in the case of Fabian Nunez, the specific news on the timeline of his departure from the State Assembly is great to hear. Now we know how the Winkies felt when they were excited and grateful when the wicked witch was doused with a bucket of water, and melted.

I can think of no better spectator sport this next few months than watching Fabian Nunez slowly melt…

Oh, is that Steve Poizner holding the bucket of water?

(Read More

Barry Jantz

Same as the Old Boss

From the Sac Bee….

Sacramento – Sen. Darrell Steinberg will assume the leadership of the state Senate at the end of the year, Senate President Pro Tem Don Perata said Thursday.

Steinberg emerged as the only candidate to succeed Perata, D-Oakland, during a closed door meeting of the 25 Democratic senators, Perata said.

"At my urging, the Senate Democratic Caucus decided on a process for an orderly transition of leadership," Perata said in a statement. "Our No. 1 priority this year is to tackle a giant budget deficit in a way that protects California’s future. By removing any questions about the transition of leadership, the caucus will be best equipped to decide on the critical issues confronting our state."

To read the full story go to More

Meredith Turney

Post-Partisanship, DC-Style

This morning Governor Mitt Romney delivered an inspiring and moving speech to the conservative base at CPAC. Filled with the kind of conservative philosophical ideology that we conservatives have been craving, it was perhaps the most impressive speech we have heard this election season. Unfortunately, the crescendo of the speech was Romney’s announcement that he will suspend his campaign for the Republican presidential nomination. Even through the television, the shock and disappointment of the audience was palpable. With Romney’s withdrawal, we have lost, as Laura Ingraham declared in introducing Governor Romney, the only conservative contender in the race.

As I’ve talked with fellow conservative friends in California about McCain, the general sentiment seems to be, “Here we go again!” What the rest of the nation is about to discover is the sad reality we have experienced here in California with our own “maverick” governor. Senator McCain’s CPAC speech solidified our trepidation about a President McCain.

Prior to the speech, conservative commentators had stated that McCain would have to really win over the conservatives in order to lock the… Read More

Greetings from the Swamp

Good afternoon!

I’m Jeff Solsby. Jon Fleischman asked me to lend my considerable news-clipping talents to the FlashReport and I’m honored to join my friends and colleagues in the FlashReport blogpen.

Jon has asked me to join a great conservative, Rep. John Campbell–my hometown congressman–in providing an "Inside the Beltway" perspective. So I’ll share news and gossip, and also pass along information of interest to California readers–whether it pertains to our California congressional delegation, or other Golden State news and issues here in what Jon calls "the Swamp." I call DC home despite my affinity for my native Southern California.

I’m thrilled to share some of the high- and low-lights of DC news with you and will welcome your emails at So please feel free to send along any tips, topics and tidbits regarding politics and "left coast" news taking place in the nation’s capital.… Read More

Jill Buck

Mitt Romney: A Gentleman and Statesman

I just watched the speech that Mitt Romney gave suspending his campaign. He did an excellent job of defining the biggest challenges facing our nation today, and what our Party must do to meet them. He was every bit the outstanding speaker that I remember seeing at the CRP convention a while back in LA…inspiring, articulate, and thoroughly motivating. His speech today was strong, gracious, and patriotic to the “n-th” degree. I know this is not an easy day for those who fought so hard for their candidate. Romney is a very good man, and a class act. Personally, I’m so proud that he is a Republican, and I know that he will fight on for the principles we hold dear. Governor Romney gave us all our marching orders…it’s time to come together to ensure that we win the White House. He outlined his belief that a Clinton or Obama presidency would mean defeat in the war against radical jihadists, and we cannot allow that to happen.

Many of you know I am a McCain supporter, and have been since 1999 when I loaded up my minivan with my 2 year old, my 6 month old, and McCain yard signs to deliver. My greatest hope is that my pals from the Flash Report who have not… Read More

Mike Spence

Liberal if by Sea, Conservative if by Land?

The Rose Institute has done an analysis of California’s Primary results, complete with maps that shows that Liberal GOP voters (defines as Rudy/McCain) breathe sea air and Conservative GOP (Romney/Huckabee etc.)voters breathe smog and dust. Interesting… Read More