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Jon Fleischman

Prospective GOP Delegates May Not Know Their Fate Until Tomorrow

If your name has been submitted by the Romney for President Campaign or the McCain for President Campaign as a prospective delegate for this summer’s Republican National Convention in Minneapolis/St. Paul, you may have a long night and early morning ahead. Over the past few days, we have seen several public opinion polls attempting to gauge who will win the GOP primary here in the Golden State. Some of these surveys show Senator Mccain ahead, others show Governor Romney ahead. Others show that it is neck and neck. The reality is probably somewhere in this range – it will be a tight race. For those who are frustrated about the disparagy of some of the polling results, I would take heed in something my friend and fellow blogger Adam Probolsky (a public opinion pollster by profession) likes to say, "The results of a survey of voters is only as accurate as your ability to try and predict who is likely to actually vote." There are predictions for a record turn out by California voters today. This isn’t surprising since on both sides of the political spectrum, Golden State voters will be actually making a… Read More

Duane Dichiara

Our Mailbox: Election Eve

One piece of mail (and several autodials some of which were very, very difficult to understand) hit the Dichiara mailbox today.Paid for by the Republican Party, its sort of a slate. Both Valerie and I liked it… it hits all the things that get our attention: McClintock, Poizner, Wilson statements and a whack at "Proposition 93 a Democrat Sponsored Sham". Well done art.. I think it is a JohnsonClark piece. B+, and good timing on delivery.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

New Majority and Proposition 93

We’ll have plenty of time, after the fact, to write a pithy column on the Republican weenies who endorsed Proposition 93. We’ll also be able to talk about the patriots who helped to finance the campaign taking on the mighty Speaker of the Assembly.

But I wanted to get one "shout out" on the record before election day. The New Majority and its members made a significant (six figure) donation to the No on 93 campaign, and given their historical love-bond with Arnold Schwarzenegger, it was extremely notable that they stood their ground when the Governor flip-flopped on his support for our state’s existing legislative term-limits.

So to the New Majority folks, we say THANK YOU!… Read More

Jon Fleischman

McCain Ad — Responding to Romney Ad

If you checked out the Romney ad a few posts below. This ad just went up from the McCain campaign in response. You know the addage — the best defense is a good offense… … Read More

AD 71 Money and Strategy Facts

The dynamics of the race for the 71st Assembly District have changed dramatically in the last few weeks. The 71st takes in a large parts of Orange County and parts of Riverside County.

Until just a few weeks ago there were four candidates (three of whom were from OC). Now there are just two, Neil Blais a Rancho Santa Margarita councilman and Fire Authority Board Member from Orange County (a Probolsky Research client) and Corona councilman and Transportation Commissioner Jeff Miller from Riverside County. Both candidates are members of their respective county Republican Central Committees.

There has been a fair amount of back and forth regarding the two campaigns finances, so I thought I would set the record straight with some factual analysis of the race.

FACT: Neil Blais raised $124,714 in individual contributions during the latest period. That is without any loans – personal or otherwise. Jeff Miller raised $90,019

FACT: Neil Blais also loaned his campaign an additional $100,000 – like most winning GOP Assembly candidates have done in the past.

FACT: Jeff… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Romney Commercial Worth Checking Out

This election seasonm may be most remembered for the great ads. Check out this one, released today by the Romney campaign, comparing John McCain to Hillary Clinton… It’s funny, at least until you really think about it… … Read More

Jon Fleischman

Sen. Hollingsworth’s for Romney

Just off the transom from conservative State Senator Dennis Hollingsworth:

"The stakes are high in California’s Republican presidential primary Tuesday. The race has come down to two individuals who represent a stark contrast for Republicans and for the future of our country and our party. One has consistently shunned conservative ideals and partnered with liberals to further their left-wing agendas and undercut the ideals we hold dear. The other has run a cam paign based on conservative principles; low taxes to stimulate a robust economy, a strong national defense to defeat the threat posed by radical Islamists, and the sanctity of our borders and national sovereignty. That candidate is Mitt Romney.

I am endorsing Governor Romney today because I believe he will recognize that it is conservatives and their support for the conservative campaign ideals he has espoused that will give him his victory in the race for president. Mitt Romney is the best candidate to take America to a prosperous, secure and brighter… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Club for Growth Endorses Rico Oller in CD 4

Off the transom (a busy day, so bear with me – the CfG release is online here): Today, the Club for Growth PAC endorsed former State Senator Thomas “Rico” Oller in California’s Fourth Congressional District for the open seat left by retiring Republican Congressman John Doolittle. As a State Senator from 1997 to 2004, Rico Oller was an outstanding defender of taxpayers, consistently voting against state budgets because they spent too much, taxed too much, and in one case, didn’t cut taxes enough. If there was a tax increase being proposed, taxpayers could count on Rico Oller to be in the thick of the fight, making the case against it.Read More