Criminalizing the Constitution sadly not just a problem in Newport Beach
Some of the hallway discussions at CPAC have focused on the plight of Paul Jacobs, a leading light andpromoter ofterm limits. Jacobs, a founder of the organization U.S. Term Limits, was a leading candidate for the so-called "Ronald Reagan" award, which is an annual cash prize bestowed on an exemplary conservative by the American Conservative Union Board of Directors at CPAC. This year’s winner will be announced at a dinner tonight.
Jacobs has allied with Californians more than once to promote and preserve term limits through initiatives.
Sadly, Jabobs efforts are not so appreciated in Oklahoma. He is currently under criminal indictment in the Sooner State for importing "out of state" petition gatherers to work on a state spending limit initiative. Criminal indictment.
Professional petition gathering is not a pretty business. It is not easy to find a person willing to volunteer to faceexposure andrejection 2 or 3 times a minute. The people who charge for these services and actually enjoy it are rare and a special type of person. Often, in a successful petition gathering… Read More