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FlashReport Weblog on California Politics

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Jon Fleischman

When do the polls close?

For our political junkie readers: 4 PM Pacific time, the polls close in the Georgia primaries. 5 PM Pacific time, the polls close in the Alabama, Connecticut, Delaware, Illinois, Massachusetts, Missouri, New Jersey, Oklahoma, and Tennessee primaries. 5:30 PM Pacific time, the polls close in the Arkansas primaries. 6 PM Pacific time, the polls close in the Kansas Democratic caucuses and the New Mexico Democratic primary, as well as the Colorado caucuses for both parties and the primaries for both parties in Arizona, Minnesota, and New York.Read More

James V. Lacy

Conservative Political Action Conference in D.C. this weekend

I’ll be attending the national Conservative Political Action Conference in Washington, D.C. Feb. 7-9 at the Omni Shoreham Hotel as a member of the Board of Directors of the sponsoring organization, American Conservative Union, and look forward to reporting developments on this blog. This year’s CPAC will kick-off just two days after Super Tuesday, and should include a great deal of debate about the status of the Presidential election. The conference organizers are preparing 5,000 registration packets for attendees and the event has been sold out for a couple weeks. This year’s conference will include for the first time during this Administration, appearances by both President Bush and Vice-President Cheney. And just about every national conservative leader.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Great SacBee Chart Explaining Delegate Process

Speaking for the Republican side of things, I found this chart in today’s Sacramento Bee on the delegate selection process to be accurate and informative. So if you are confused about how it works, check it out.

While I thought our GOP system was a tad confusing, wait until you see how the Dems do things…

I do note that the "D" in Democrat Party must not be a small "d" — as nearly 20% of Democrat delegates to their convention are "Super Delegates" who are delegates by virtue of a position they hold, and are not bound by the vote of the primary. Less than 2% of California’s Republican delegates are "Super Delegates" — by comparison.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

WSJ’s Fund: A Long Wait for Absentee California

From today’s Wall Street Journal Political Diary E-mail:

A Long Wait for Absentee California

Don’t expect to get results from California’s crucial primary anytime tonight. In fact, if the GOP or Democratic race is close, it may be well into tomorrow before results are known and shape conventional wisdom about who "won" Super Tuesday.

The reason for the delay is twofold: absentee voting and paper ballots. Something like 45% of Californians now vote absentee and many will wait to drop off their mail-in ballots at their polling places today. Each mail-in ballot must be opened by hand, the signature compared with the signature on file, and then tabulated manually. That takes time.… Read More

Mike Spence

John And Ken Go With Romney

Top rated LA Talk Show hosts John and Ken are endorsing Mitt Romney for President.Read More

Jon Fleischman

VIDEO: Romney Rally In Long Beach

Last night GOP Presidential contender Mitt Romney held a rally in Long Beach. Jonathan with Red County was there — here is some great video footage… … Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Prospective GOP Delegates May Not Know Their Fate Until Tomorrow

If your name has been submitted by the Romney for President Campaign or the McCain for President Campaign as a prospective delegate for this summer’s Republican National Convention in Minneapolis/St. Paul, you may have a long night and early morning ahead. Over the past few days, we have seen several public opinion polls attempting to gauge who will win the GOP primary here in the Golden State. Some of these surveys show Senator Mccain ahead, others show Governor Romney ahead. Others show that it is neck and neck. The reality is probably somewhere in this range – it will be a tight race. For those who are frustrated about the disparagy of some of the polling results, I would take heed in something my friend and fellow blogger Adam Probolsky (a public opinion pollster by profession) likes to say, "The results of a survey of voters is only as accurate as your ability to try and predict who is likely to actually vote." There are predictions for a record turn out by California voters today. This isn’t surprising since on both sides of the political spectrum, Golden State voters will be actually making a… Read More

Jon Fleischman

CNN/C-SPAN/ZOGBY Poll: Obama up 13, Romney up 7 in CA

I went over to the Drudge Report website to see the latest, and was treated to a huge headline: SHOCK POLL: OBAMA TAKES 13-POINT LEAD IN CALIFORNIA, ROMNEY UP 7

The headline links to a Reuters story, Obama, Romney lead in California on Super Tuesday that is all about the results of a late breaking Reuters/C-SPAN/Zogby survey. The phone interviews for the survey were taken Sunday and yesterday.

Remember to vote!… Read More