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Around the Hill in 80 Seconds

From today’s headlines on and around the Hill:

House Republicans have earmark reform on the front burner as presidential candidate Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) prepares to address GOP members Wednesday. The debate also impacts selection of a candidate to fill a vacant post on the House Appropriations Committee in a race with seven candidates including prominent anti-earmark Rep. Jeff Flake (R-Ariz.). Roll Call reports on both, here and here. The Hill covers it here. Club for Growth and other conservative groups will use the federal courts to test "limits" on contributions and filing / establishment … Read More

Keep League of Cities out of Regulating Political Speech

Assemblyman Kevin Jeffries has introduced legislation (ACR 93) that has the goal of developing a uniform sign law governing campaign sign placement throughout California.

The League of Cities is a club for dues paying members–the legislation (actually a resolution) would request that the League along with the CA Association of Counties the FPPC to come up with the policy.

I find the premise to be an example of the arrogance in government. It can be frustrating for candidates and sign posting companies to have to learn and adhere to a myriad of of local sign ordinances. However, the heavy hand of state government should not interfere with this most fundamental demonstration of political speech.

I’ve suggested to Assemblyman Jeffries that representatives from both the Republican and Democratic parties (perhaps representatives from other parties as well) should at the very least be included in the decision making process. In my experience, elected officials who are actively engaged in leadership within the League and CA Assoc. of Counties are bureaucratic- and favor big… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Senate GOP Priorities for the Fall: (1) Strickland, (2) Aghazarian, then (3) Maldonado

UPDATE: 7am – I just got off of the phone with State Senate Republican Leader Dick Ackerman, who wanted to make sure that it was clear that his priorities in terms of State Senate races are (1) Defend Jeff Denham in the recall, (2) Re-elect Abel Maldonado, (3) Elect Tony Strickland, (4) Elect Greg Aghazarian. I agree with #1 above although my commentary below is about priorities for the Fall (after the recall is resolved). Obviously I am advocating that Ackerman and his successor change their order of priority – Flash.

State Senator Abel Maldonado is a pleasant man. I don’t speak with him to frequently — as he is from the Central Coast and I am from Orange County, and he works in the State Capitol, a place that I admit I do not frequent as often as I should — but when I do talk to him there, I walk away saying to myself, "He’s a nice guy."

Well, last Summer, in the budget stand-off… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Senate GOP Priorities for the Fall: (1) Strickland, (2) Aghazarian, then (3) Maldonado

State Senator Abel Maldonado is a pleasant man. I don’t speak with him to frequently — as he is from the Central Coast and I am from Orange County, and he works in the State Capitol, a place that I admit I do not frequent as often as I should — but when I do talk to him there, I walk away saying to myself, "He’s a nice guy."

Well, last Summer, in the budget stand-off between Democrats and Republicans, he wasn’t so nice.

While all of his GOP colleagues were in a fox-hole, trying to defend California against an unrealistic budget that clearly spent way too much money, Abel abandoned his colleagues, and then started firing shots back at them.

**There is more – click the link**

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Monday Morning News “From the Beltway”

A mixed bag of beltway news today.

Atop the list, rising-star Republican Congressman Kevin McCarthy (R-Bakersfield – pictured left) joins two other prominent conservative House members to launch the "Young Guns PAC" to raise money for candidates in Dem-leaning districts. Roll Call has the story, here. (subscription required)

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-San Francisco), during an extended interview on CNN‘s Sunday show"Late Edition" called the war in Iraq a "failure." Politico reports on the interview, here.

Rep. Henry Waxman (D-Los Angeles) waged a war of words yesterday with… Read More

Jim Battin

AD71 – Money Games

I was inspired to write this when I read Adam Probolsky’s post earlier that OC Supervisor John Moorlach had endorsed AD71 candidate Neil Blais.

I’ve only met Supervisor Moorlach once – in 1995 – when he was the lone voice decrying Orange County’s bankruptcy. He wasn’t a supervisor then, but hisshining the spotlighton the shenanigans that the OC Treasurer was involved inwith municipal funds led to his successful political career.

From afar, I’ve always thought Supervisor Moorlach has been a solid public servant – especially because he knows how people can manipulate numbers.

So – I was a little surprised he endorsed Neil Blais today – especially because candidate Blais was caught "cooking the books" on his campaign accounting.

I’m going to reprint Eric Linder’s post over at the Red County blog. Eric does a very thorough job of dissecting the games being… Read More

Brandon Powers

Tim Morgan Will Save Us From What?

Did anyone see the latest email from RNC apologist Tim Morgan?

Morgan’s campaign is now claiming that Tim Morgan will save us from terrorists…yes, really.

Not only is that a stretch, but its completely laughable. How does our national committeeman save us from terrorists?

Simple…he doesn’t. He’s on the national RNC committee, not the National Security Council.

The truth is, California GOP congressional seats are in peril because the national committee continues to abandon our state. So, more and more seats have been going Democratic as a result.

And, who has been signing checks at the National Committee, basically allowing this to happen? The RNC Treasurer, of course. And that’s Tim Morgan.

So, if we really want to do something about terrorists, lets elect more Republicans from California’s congressional seats.

But, that would mean first sending a stronger advocate to the national committee – an advocate who doesn’t ‘go along to get along.’ And, an advocate who will ensure that California is no longer dead-last on the RNC’s state support funding list.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: An Urgent Message from Tom McClintock RE: Senate and Assembly Fellowship Programs

An Urgent Message from California State Senator Tom McClintock To Young Conservatives

January, 2008

It is early 2008. You are a young conservative college student or recent graduate.

Many of your liberal friends have secured or are looking for positions in local, state or federal government. They see the public sector as a fulfilling potential career opportunity and a way to change the world.

**There is more – click theRead More