President Bush to speak at CPAC today (and my secret CPAC George W. Bush story)
President George W. Bush will speak at 10:20 am this morning at the Conservative Political Action Conference in Washington, D.C., his first appearance at the annual conference as President.
During his presidency, Ronald Reagan attended every CPAC conference in person, with the exception of one, and he sent a recordedmessage to that one. He also was a frequent visitor before his election.
I can personally verify, however, that George W. Bush has been to more CPACs than just the one he is attending today, where he is certain to receive a rousing welcome and support for the troop surge in Iraq.
It was the 1988 CPAC conference. However, George W. Bush was not a speaker, rather, he was an on-sitebehind the scenesobserver of a sort of"monitoring" operation on Jack Kemp’s campaign activities at CPAC,as his father, Vice-President George H. W. Bush and Kemp were sparing for the 1988 Presidential nomination, and conservative support, in the process that would ultimately be won by George H.W. I know because I was there…..
My friendCraig Shirley was running the operation, with plausible… Read More