Jesse Unruh: A double standard in the Assembly
I just finished reading a wonderful book about California and one of the biggest forces to ever impact California politics. Big Daddy:Jesse Unruh and the Art of Power Politics is a well written biography by Bill Boyarsky.
Boyarsky is perfectly positioned to write this book because of his background as a reporter and his personal interaction with Unruh.
Unruh did have an enormous impact on California policy. Some of it good. Some of it bad. The Lanterman Act, Unruh Civil Rights Act, and a full-time Legislature were all accomplished or driven by Unruh.
Boyarsky clearly seems to admire the policy accomplishments of Unruh. However, his word choice when describing the personal life of Unruh when in Sacramento left me wondering what he thought about the man.
Chapter 8 in the book is titled "Animal House". It describes the atmosphere of Sacramento during the time Unruh served in the Assembly. What I can’t believe is that with stuff like this being written… Read More