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Jon Fleischman

Why is President Calderon, who speaks perfect English, addressing the Legislature in Spanish?

President Calderon of Mexico is about to address the California State Legislature. The Office of Speaker Fabian Nunez has just sent out notification that President Calderon will give his speech in Spanish (non-Spanish speaking legislators will be able to listen, U.N. style, with headsets and the use of a traslator).

I would totally understand and appreciate this if President Calderon did not speak English. But he speaks perfect English (see the video below).

So exactly what point is it that he is making today with this decision?

It would be great if somone could explain it to me. I have no doubt that if Arnold Schwarzenegger spoke Spanish fluently, and he were giving an address to Mexican government officials, in Mexico, he would give it in Spanish.

His predecessor, Vincente Fox, spoke in English when he addressed the California Legislature…

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Jon Fleischman

VIDEO: Andal Up On YouTube

Rock-star conservative Republican Congressional candidate Dean Andal has put together his first YouTube video of the campaign. Andal will be carrying the GOP banner against liberal Democrat Jerry McNerney in the Central Valley/East Bay Congressional District (11) that Richard Pombo represented for so many years. Check out the video: … Read More

Jon Fleischman

WSJ: Fund “Re-Quotes” Schnur on Huckabee

We thought we would bring you this piece from the WSJ Poltiical Diary E-mail because our own Dan Schnur, FR State Capitol Correspondent, is quoted (or is that re-quoted)?

Why is Mike Huckabee staying in the Republican race even though it is now mathematically impossible to win the nomination?

The answer is: Why not? His base among evangelicals is such that he can do surprisingly well in states like Virginia, where he only lost to John McCain by nine points last night. He builds up more media credibility as a possible running mate for Mr. McCain, who might not want to risk alienating Mr. Huckabee’s socially conservative followers. And the former Arkansas governor clearly enjoys campaigning.

Republicans would be wise not to pressure Mr. Huckabee to leave the race.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

U.S. Rep. John Campbell — Unplugged…

On behalf of the FlashReport, I participate in a weekly conference call with conservative bloggers from around the country. It would be more accurate to say that those conservative bloggers in D.C. get together once a week, and many of us in the 50 call into those meetings.

Yesterday the featured guest was our own FR blogger, Congressman John Campbell.

Rob Bluey of the Heritage Foundation took video, and has uploaded a bevy of videos of highlights of Campbells remarks. I will put one below, but see them all here.

Aren’t we lucky to have John Campbell in Congress? YES!!!


Jon Fleischman

My Policy On Legislative Caucus Politics

Since I have been writing about the goings-on in the State Capitol, I have had a policy of NOT writing about the internal politics of our legislative caucuses. It just tends to be a loser all around.

This is significant now because I have received a good number of e-mails from readers asking me to handicap the race to succeed Dick Ackerman as Senate Republican Leader. I got even more of them with Senator George Runner’s announcement that he was not going to pursue the post any longer.

That said, I wanted to share with you that my absence of coverage on this is actually on purpose.

Of course, there are many other bloggers on this site, any perhaps they might weigh in.

I will only say that it is clear that a change will take place well before the budget debate comes to a head.

We look forward to working with the next Senate Republican Leader, as we currently do with Dick Ackerman (and Assembly GOP Leader Mike Villines), towards the advancement of a limited government agenda.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Pledge or No – Niello is a solid vote against tax increases…

There is not even one vote in the Assembly Republican Caucus to raise taxes. Period.

I keep reading, on occasion, that every Republican in the State Assembly but one has pledged not to raise taxes. And while that is true, it doesn’t do justice to Republican Assemblyman Roger Niello. I have spoken with this man, and I think it is more likely that I will register as a Democrat than he will support a tax increase.

The confusion, if you want to call it that, stems from the fact that last year when all of Niello’s colleagues signed the Americans for Tax Reform "No New Taxes" pledge, in which each signer commits that they will oppose any attempts to raise taxes on their constituents. Everyone signed it but Niello.

But Niello’s decision not to sign was not because he ever envisions supporting a tax increase, but due to a philosophy about taking "pledges" — he just doesn’t think he should sign them.

But he is not alone. There are a lot of politicians who, for one reason or another don’t want to sign pledges. For the purposes of this blog post, I will simply use California GOP Congressman… Read More

Wednesday “Beltway” Roundup

‘Roid Rage: Congressman Henry Waxman (D-Los Angeles) today leads House Oversight and Government Reform Committee hearings into steroid use in baseball with star witness Roger Clemens. The Chairman, in an unrelated note, told The Hill he won’t request earmarks next year either. Duck, Ducks: President Bush had some fun at Vice President Cheney’s expense during White House celebration of the Anaheim Ducks’ Stanley Cup win, from the Washington Post. Soundbyte of the day: University of Virginia political scientist and prolific t.v. talker Larry Sabato had the quote of the day describing Sen. Hillary Clinton’s must-win strategy in Texas: saying it’s either "her firewall or her Alamo." (Heard on WTOP news radio today) … Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: GOP Polices Its Own – Incumbent Gilchrist Tossed In GOP Maryland Primary

Incumbent Members of Congress don’t lose, right? Certainly not their own party’s nomination, right? Well Rep. Wayne Gilchrist of Maryland, who was registered to vote as a Republican, liked to vote with House Democrats so much that he garnered a primary opponent in Andy Harris, a strong conservative. This primary challenge to Erlich was backed by, among others, former Maryland Governor Bob Erlich. The conservative Club for Growth weighed in heavily as well — check out the ad below. Well to make a long story short, last night Maryland Republicans in Gilchrist’s district spoke loud and clear — tossing the liberal Republican out on his ear, and handing the GOP nomination to Harris.

This is a very positive thing because it shows that at the local level, Republicans want to send Representatives back to Washington who will stop the liberal agenda of Nancy Pelosi and her cohorts, not ones who will seek to work with her towards her goals.

For the most part, we have lived in a "weak party" system here in America. After all, take a country like Great Britain. There,… Read More